These must be obeyed !
Anyone that doesn't obey these rule will receive a "Death Threat" rofl
This means that anything you post in the Guild's Forums will be removed.

Rule 1 - Offensive Language
You must not use any language which is offensive, racist or obscene.

Rule 2 - Item Scamming

You must not scam or deceive other players.

Rule 3 - Password Scamming
Asking for another players password for any reason will not be tolerated.

Rule 4 - Cheating/Bug Abuse
Any bugs found within the game must be reported to Jagex immediately

Rule 5 - Jagex Staff Impersonation
You should not attempt to impersonate Jagex staff in any way.

Rule 6 - Account Sharing/Trading
Each account should only be used by ONE person.

Rule 7 - Using Third Party Software
You must not use other software to gain an unfair advantage in the game.

Rule 8 - Multiple Logging-In
If you create more than one RuneScape account, they must not interact.

Rule 9 - Encouraging Others to Break Rules
You must not encourage others to break any of the RuneScape rules.

Rule 10 - False Representations
This service must be used appropriately and treated with respect at all times.

Rule 11 - Advertising/Website
You are not allowed to actively advertise in the RuneScape game or RuneScape forums.

Rule 12 - Real World Item Trading
RuneScape items must only be exchanged for other items/services within the game.

Rule 13 - Personal Details
To protect players' safety and privacy, you must not ask for or give out personal details.

Rule 14 - Misuse of Official Forums
Forums must be used respectfully at all times.

Rule 15 - Advert Blocking
Please do not block the Adverts in free-to-play RuneScape.
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