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Kicking hard in the water, Cosette was getting much more used to swimming. Her first attempt she had to stay in the shallower parts without falling under a bit every now and then, but now it was getting easier for the arctic mare. She had a lot of time to practice - the heat wasn't anything like summers in the mountains, or so she told herself. She blatantly couldn't remember what summers were like in the mountains, but from how she was adapting to her new surroundings... Cosette could only rightfully assume that they were much cooler.

The water was almost crystal clear, reflecting the sky nicely. However, that image would be dissembled with every little kick she made to get ehrself closer to the land, wanting to rest her legs for a bit. Along with swimming to avoid the heat, she also had more time to because she didn't seem to be meeting all that too many Soquili. She had met quite a few, but now it seemed that the longer she stayed, the less new faces she met.