All the rules on the home page:

1. Follow the TOS
The TOS is located here.
Basically no harrasing other users, scamming, stealing, hacking, cheating, no posting porn, no describing sexual activities, no page stretching, no abuse of report system YATTA, YATTA, YATTA.

2. Respect each member and all mods
Self explanatory.

3. No off topic posts
Topic: Lost dog
Blah, blah, blah, lost my dog, blah, blah really sad, blah
Discuss: Losing dogs.
Your post: i tink cookys tast gwod

Try to post in the right forums
Forum name: Quests
Topic: Bump
Topic post: bump
If you don't, it's not the end of the world, but please ask a mod to move it. @Mods. This is not a bannable offence.

5. No swearing excessively or begging in the forums (asking for donations is allowed)
Begging is fu- sorry begging is really annoying.
Also please don't swear a lot, keep it to a minimum. (or cuss or post profanity or post bad words- or whatever you call it)
Example of begging:
Give me an angelic halo please?????
Give me it now!!!
I want an angelic halo!
Nice way to ask for donations-
[pretty graphic]
I am questing a(n) [item/amount of gold]
[image of item]
Donations are much appreciated.
Donators [or pretty graphic]
[username] - [donation]

6. Advertising allowed but don’t annoy other members
[graphic linking out]
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Not allowed:
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Also Not allowed:
Visit [link out]
Go now please, please, please.
Why aren't you there???

Do not flame other members of the guild. This is a bannable offense
Being mean to them...cussing them out...posting un-true bad things about me out on this one?
Oh my gosh you so stupid get the [swear word!] out of here, [swear word!]

8. Please try and refrain from stretching the page
Posting images or words that make the page longer or wider.
Second example on 6.

9. No cheating in any site contest or giveaway
If caught you will be banned from the guild forever.

10. Please, if a rule is broken by a member try to talk to the member to Get them to delete the post or contact an online moderator OF THE GUILD.
If needed we will report them to gaia.