[Dude-like dudettes]

I'm so not going to put my beautiful 20k [Even if it's fake] to waste due to someones stupidity of putting naked pictures or cybering or any other crap. So here are the rules.

[The Rules]

[]No cybering[]
[]Make a thread once you join just to get things going![]
[]No posting nude pics.[]
[]Follow the ToS [Duh][]
[]Respect the mods![]
[]If you are asked to leave a certain thread by the creator, than leave. But if you are asked to leave due to an unfair reason, PM me or the mods.[]
[]Legible english please. I don't want any "LOL ur relly cool, i lyk 2 sk8t!" Seriously, You went to school for a reason[]
[]No posting in your report thread[]
[]If you see a thread that is against the rules, PM me or a mod to we may delete it[]

You will first be let off with a warning, Disobey the rules again, you go byebye.