A girl is dancing in front of a large teepee a few feet in front of Tasunke's. She is very young, with her long black hair twirling around her slender form, she appears no more than sixteen, yet, somthing about her radiates an aura of importance. "Oh!" She cried, noticing you, "Sorry, I got a little carried away. Heheh, I'm Kai, are you wanting to create your own trading post? At your nod, she leads you inside her tent and hands you a small buckskin. "Please fill this out." Kai instructs you in her musical voice.

Shop Name:
Shops Motto (Optional):
First Post (Describes What You Sell):
Banner (If any):
What You're Selling:

exclaim Notice: Please don't be too general in what you're selling. For example, don't just tell us fanart, we would like to know what kind of fanart.

Then, drop the buckskin here, and leave a five hundred gold (500g) construction fee here.
(PM you form to Soquili~Shops, and send a 500g trade to Soquili~Shops.)