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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:58 pm
This is where your profiles go. The following is what you are expected to put. Remember, you can have up to two RP charictors, but they must both be on the same post.

Race: (All but angel and pure-demon is accepted)

Apperance sad Pictures welcome)
Brief history:
Skills and Magical abilities:

Remember, stay in charictor.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:59 pm
Name of Character: Feame Rose
Age: 200
Gender: Male
Race: 60% dragon, 40% Giant
Class: If only I knew
Dimension: Forbidden Woods
Hometown: ...wouldn't you like to know

Appearance: 8 ft. 400 lb. Bold He stands, covered in his snow white scales, and a suit of silver-looking armor. It is realy Ebony armor with a mythril plate over it. It is both plain, and elegent, as is his taste.

Personality: He can be a bit of a flirt, when it suits him well. He likes a good fight, but only if it is conviniant. He is very strong, but dosent like to brag. He likes to tell the occational lie, though, if he finds it to his advantage. Only thing you don't do to him is insult the name his fellow dragon-born, or his father...that permits death in his book.

History: He was found, abandoned, by Zeke Rose, also known as The Rose Knight, as a half human, quarter giant, quarter high-elf and rased to know how to perform in public, should he ever need to know. He grew up learning liturature and sword-fighting. All that is known is that he is protective of Zeke, but as of late he has not been seen with him. Not too long ago, he performed 'The Right of Rebirth' that went wrong, and he lost his high-elf blood. This is what remains.

Skills and Magical abilities: Natural dragon skills, and a slight knowlege of different types of magic, though he prefers not to use it.

Weapons: He weilds 3 weapons. A katana from his father. A red blade called 'Crimson Ruination'. And his cursed sword, Gordon

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:03 pm
Name: Bantu Dunsur
Age: 57
Gender: male
Race: dwarf, can change into a white ferret in animal form
class: paladin
Demention: high peaks
Hometown: Trandaar, a remote village in the high peaks

Apperance:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
and in ferret form:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Brief history: born in mountains, trained by dwarf elders, put under a spell by a witch that caused him to kill his village, set out on quest to kill the witch that caused this, encountered amathyst in cave that had amazing abilities, amathyst was indestructable, became fused with skin
Skills and Magical abilities: magical amathyst that can change apperances
Weapon(s): a war hammer/chain/axe, amathyst that allows him to change into ferret form and change his weapon to suit his purpose, currently working on turning into animals other than ferrets  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:08 am
Name: Ries
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Hume
Demention: Unknown
Hometown: None (as a baby, he & his family moved around consistantly)
Apperance: User Image
Brief history: As he quickly grew up into a home of Warriors, He decided to follow in his families footsteps and continue his warrior heritage. He now scowers the lands in search of battles & wars to gain respect, skill, wealth, & Honor.
Skills and Magical abilities: Hastga, power to see hidden objects...traps...& people (or spirits), & the ability to summon animals
Weapon(s): Mute (The infamous Blood sword)



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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:33 pm
Name: Mikayla Rose Blessing (Mickey)
Age: 16.
Gender: Female
Race: Unknown.
Demention: Unknown.
Hometown: She suspects that she is from a small town called Winoka, it's the first place she ever remembered, but then again she could be wrong... Afterall her parents dumped her off at the side of the street.

Apperance:User Image

Brief history: Not much is known about Mickey. All she knows is that she was dumped off on the side of the road, where a nice lady came and found her, but when Mickey was only 8, they were both in a horrid car accident, and the lady died; Mickey of course survived (Or else she wouldn't be here). After that she just traveled on foot, everyone seemed so mean and cruel to her because they all thought that she was different, but she saw no physical characteristics that were different from a regular human... But maybe they saw something else?
Skills and Magical abilities: psychic, can turn things into ice.
Weapon(s): 1 Sword, and 1 staff (Magic wand, same difference).  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:36 pm
Name: Zetsuei
Age: unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Soul Reaper
Demention: Doesnt claim to be from any dimension
Hometown: Doesnt claim to have one.

Apperance: User Image
Personality: He doesnt like many people for a unknown reason. He may seem cold at moments due to what he says to people. He has been known to put his life on the line and at risk to save people. Deep down he has a good heart, but at times people dont like to see it.
Brief history:He grew up not knowing his mother and hardlyhis father. His father was Greed a powerful warrior with supperb spiritual power. His mother died during birth so he has never known his mother. When Zetseui was very young, the kingdom which his father had created was destroyed along with the rest of his kind besides his father. Greed had been away at the time keeping peace in the spirit realm. Zetsuei only survived due to the fact a bunch of spirits made a barrier around the child. He then wandered away from the ruined kingdom, seeing that there was nothing there for him. The spirits that protected him, stay by him this day and taught him the ways of his people and how to train his spirit powers. Once the spirits thought he was at the right age, they told him that they were the ancient spirits that his people worshipped. Through his traning he has aquired more spirits besides the ancient ones his people worshipped.
Skills and Magical abilities: Custom Sword Style, Use of spirits and Spiritual Energies.
Weapon(s): Orzhov
User Image  



Shameless Ladykiller

PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:00 pm
Name: Tyrian
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Hybrid 'demon'
Demention: Unknown
Hometown: Unknown

Apperance: He looks human, but instead of humanoid ears, he had midnight black cougar ears. His hair is shoulderlength, and yellowish blond, and his eyes are green and cat slit. His left eye is completly wrapped and covered in bandages, bandages that never stay clean for more than an hour, and always seem to be soaking up some sort of liquid, and blood. Down the length of his spin he has short, coars sienna coloured furr, and two identical thick cougar like tails; both tail tips are black.
For clothing, Tyr is usually wearing leather pants, colours vary from black, to white, to brown, and for a shirt, usually a ribbed sleavless turtleneck that fits like a second skin. his hands are usually wrapped in badages, and he's usually wearing thick black boots. He always has two belts strapped around his waist; a black one and a white one. Each belt holds a holster for one Tonfa.
Personality: Quiet, hissy, and sarcastic. Tyr can sometimes be childish and hyperr, but he withdraws completly when around strangers, or in large groups of people.
Brief history: Child experiment of his parents. The project, often called 'Project Calamity' was funded completly by teh Assterian Count-hood.
Skills and Magical abilities: Aside from being able to communicate with elements, he weilds no 'magic' of any sorts.
Tyr's body is able to heal itself at an unusually rapid rate, He can see well in the dark, his sence of smell is 10 times stronger than the average humans; and his earing exceeds that of a regular man; a weakness to this is that loud noises are often painful for him, and he can barely stand high pitched sounds. The higher the decibal, the more pain he endures.
Weapon(s): A pair of Tonfa; left gilded with ebony (Shadow), right gilded with ivory (Sun). Both tonfa's were carved out of Cherry-wood, reinforced with an 'indestructible' metal commonly called adamantine, and both have a 2 centemetre long blade sticking out of the front side, trailing down teh middle from top to bottom. Tyr's tonfa are deadly, and are often used as a 'vessels' for elements coaxed into embeding their power into them.
Other Information: Tyr is able to hear both K'Tathi and Ryler speak, not because he posses the same abilities as Sy, becuase he doesn't, but because Tyr has a mental link to the Count, cause by the genetic alterations done by his parents.
Another thing is that Tyrian cannot do anything against the count, even if he wanted to. He can't lay a finger on Sy unless Sy himself allows it. He also can't go against Sy's will; his body will unconsciously react, and Tyr is forced to do what he's suposed to. Sometimes, this can be a little mind-jarring, and dicomforting.  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 11:09 am
Name: Count Sylvain Edirict Assteria (Sy)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hometown: Vesicca City

Apperance: General idea, Pictures are always good.
Personality: Sy is sharp, distant, and very distrusting of people. Its hard to get him to like you, and even then, the mis-trust is still there.
Brief history: Sy grew up in the Assteria household, longtime home of the Assteria Count-hood. His family had been in-charge of Vesicca City for more than four generations. They governed over the city in an orderly manner; with a steady hand, but not a firm fist. Sy's parents raised him kindly, and he grew up leading a normal life; they didn't subject him to the chaos of politics until he was 12, and able to understand.
The only reason why Sy took his studies of politics seriously, was simply because he was the eldest son, his brother to young to hope to take his place. He was never good at it; not like his father, but he tried his best. Then, a little over a year after his studies began; a terrible, omniouse thing happened. A theif broke into the Assterian house, and after being discovered, he killed the count and countess during his escape. Sy was given the title of Count, and became head of his house, and govenor of the city.
He grew into his post, but never let himself become just another politition. He kept his equals on their toes with a certain sharpness he'd picked up from his mother when she'd been alive.
Skills and Magical abilities: Sy has no 'magic' but he is able to communicate with birds. The more inteligent the bird is, the more he is able to communicate with them. He can use his 'communicative' abilities to actually peer through the eyes of his feathered companions, but this more often then not, leaves him in a sort of trance that he will not awaken from on his own.
Weapon(s): a long katana he's often caught calling 'Dephalcon'
Other Information: Sy keeps two unusually smarts birds around, not as pets, but as 'associates'. Ryler and K'tathi
Ryler is a small kestrel hawk, not very bright, but smarter than most birds his size. Ryler's loyalty to Sy is un-wavering in the least, and he distrusts anyone who gets near the Count.
K"tathi is a beautifull white snowy owl, her inteligence is a match for a humans, sometimes even greater. She's quiet, yet protective and secretive, and its said that she's been guarding the Assterian Count-hood for generations. Who and what she is, along with why she's stuck with Sy's family is a mystery.  


Apocalyptic Rainbow

PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 12:28 pm
Name:Naztharune(Nazzy for short)
Race: elf
Demention:Khyber(below the demon wastes

Apperance:long solid white hair, 5'11", Large black feathered wings, nice suit
Brief history:His mother died in birth and his father abandoned him when his mother got pregnant. A lone archer found him in the wodds believing he was just a mere boy but soon finding out i was not normal. He taught me over the years to be a skilled archer and fighter.I soon outpassed the teacher and left to seek greatness. I am well known throughout the realms for my skilled hunting.((too be continued)
Skills and Magical abilities:can fire five arrows at a time and can manipulate fire
Weapon(s): dual swords and a long bow made in Bhutan equipped with demonic arrows,& throwing daggers  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 1:47 pm
Name:Femme Fatale
Race: elf
Demention:dark forests

Apperance:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
and my falcon
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Brief history:Born in a strong family but they all soon were hunted down i remain alive because they didnt know i existed. I trained in the forests by myself and became on of the best in the land.As i trained i became quite good friends with a falcon and we are now companions.
Skills and Magical abilities:archery and most magic(manipulating and changing things)
Weapon(s): staff, dual swordsUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.imagine two of those, and bows with angelic arrows  


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:48 pm
My second charictor...

Name: Shadow Deschain
Age: unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Half-vampire, half-werewolf
Demention: Land of the damned
Hometown: none

Apperance: 5 ft. Long, black hair thin build Black pants, T-shirt, and trentch coat. Dark shoes, black gloves, and an even darker attitude. His eyes are ESE Black for a reason. He can act just as charming and seductive as he looks, making him the most unpredictable enemy you will ever have.

Brief history: Little is known about Feame's brother. Only that He will stop at nothing to kill him!

Skills and Magical abilities: Dark arts...need I say more?

Weapon(s): 2 dirks, 2 daggers, and a pair of old pistles with sadlewood grips.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:49 am
Age: 203
Gender: male
Race: human
class: warlock
Demention: unknown
Hometown: unknown

Apperance:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Brief history: No family is still alive and was born with his powers. Specializes in auras (dark auras, light auras, cloaking auras, migrane auras, etc).
Skills and Magical abilities: a warlock (a warlock like one out of world of warcraft).
Weapon(s): a magical staff and dagger  



PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:01 pm
Class biggrin ruid

Apperance:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Brief history:Raised in a normal family but destined for greatness. Born practically knowing how to use a bow. Ever since he was 7 he left his family and trained with some of the best.Now he is a grown boy and is here.
Skills and Magical abilities:excellent archer,some spells,nunchuck master
Weapon(s):nunchucks, daggers, bow  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:05 am
Name: rini jackson
Age: 16
Gender: female
Race: (All but angel and pure-demon is accepted) neko andfairy ]
Demention: n/aHometown:
Apperance sad Pictures welcome) avi for now
Brief history: ummm lets see abonaded at a young age of 10 she has been taking care of herslef scince she has a hard time trusting people but acts nice to everyone anyway she loves to fight and she is cold when it comes to love at times scared of being hurt
Skills and Magical abilities: good fighter can use healing spells and a fire spell cat like fighting ability can fly
Weapon(s): cat claws sword kives lance

Lithia Kane

Divine Streaker

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:09 pm
Name: Kaharizan a.k.a. 'Tumble'
Age: 10
Gender: male
Race: a cat race that he is unsure of
Demention: The forbidden forest
Hometown: unknown

Apperance: He is a small cat-race cub. About 4 ft, at best, and in all brown fur. He has a trio of claw marks on his back, covered with his fur.
Brief history: He remembers little of his youngest years. Only flames in his hometown and getting clawed in the back by a werewolf. He wasen't turned, though, but he still bears the scare. He was saved by some human who raised him, and let him be the jester of there little town. He often worked with a couple of females of his age from his town named 'Maira' and 'kit'.
Skills and Magical abilities: None
Weapon(s): He doesent like to fight, so he doesent carry weapons.
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