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[PD] Ligeia and Earako: Giving Chase? [FIN] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Rayne Winner

PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:51 pm
Ligeia was barely keeping up with the Frost Dragon pup as he ran along, down one of the hallways. They had been hanging out in his father's classroom, letting the dracling run about and stretch his wings and legs. Then he'd run passed the door, paused, and left the room. Ligeia had learned in the short time that he had Vorel in his care that there were only two things that made him run off like that and not listen when Ligeia ran after him.

Food and Girls.

So the dragon had caught scent of one of those two things and now the two of them were in a foot race. He had to catch up with him, had to stop him before he attempted to pounce and scare another person as he had done to Sahra, "Vorel! Vor-Eeeeeeel! Wait up!" He called after him frantically, please don't let him get there and pounce someone before I can catch up his ming cried out frantically.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:02 pm
It hadn't been a bad day, and Earako was in a good mood as a result. Still, it was awhile until her Da' picked her up, and she was tired of hanging out in the playroom. She figured she could sneak back in before her Da' got there, and do some exploring while she waited. Which had been a neat idea... at first. Until she'd gotten a little turned around, discovering that she could no longer remember exactly how she'd gotten to the hallway that she now stood in.

She was relieved to hear the sound of someone coming down the hall, her expression one of hope. A voice too, though Earako couldn't quite make sense of the distant calling. Nor could she exactly make sense of the icelike dragon that was rushing toward her at full speed. For all that she'd been raised around the concept of dragons, the young bat girl hadn't exactly ever run into one. Or... had one run into her, as this one seemed intent on doing. Her shriek was earpiercing, painfully high and very loud. When the little albino girl wanted to, she could make some pretty startling sounds.  


Rayne Winner

PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:11 pm
Vorel's gem like eyes went wide, then squeezed closed at the sound the girl had made and he came to a slidding halt in front of her, tossing his head back and forth in distaste. Was a prettypretty but it made bad sounds he decided. His pause was long enough that Ligeia was able to catch up, laying a hand on the Frost Dragon and stood there a moment, catching his breath, "S-Sorry... he r-ran ahead." He said between pants, then fluffed up his wings, "Vorel! You appoligize for trying to tackle her!"

This was the second time he had tried to do that, what was it with him and girls? It made very little sense to Ligeia at the moment why Vorel seemed to like them so much, maybe it was a dragon thing? He read about some of them liking to kidnap princesses, maybe Vorel thought that Sahra and now... Earako was it? were princesses?

Vorel looked up at Earako, flapped his wings, then gave a grummbling sound that could have been a reluctant appology. That or him complaining still over that sound she had made, hard to tell since he was speaking Dragon.

"I'm sorry. I hope he didn't scare you to much." Ligeia said, flushing a bit rather embaressed at the Frost Dragon's behavior.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:36 pm
Earako watched in surprise as the dragon pulled to a hault, still to stunned to, say, move, in case it changed its mind. But it seemed to be done with the attacking thing, and a boy had now joined. She lowered her head, uncomfortably aware of how stupidly she'd reacted to the charging dragon, quietly thinking of ways she could have solved the problem productively, instead of just screaming like... well... like a girl.

"I, umm, it's ok, really." Earako mumbled at the dragon's apparent appoligy and the boy's actual one. In contrast with her scream her speaking voice was soft and breathy, almost whispery. Indeed, her words were often lost in larger crowds, though in the empty hallway she could be heard clearly enough. "He just startled me is all."

She looked more carefully at the boy, realizing that he seemed somewhat familiar. Hadn't he been at the flying class? Yeah, he had. Mr. Orpheus had given her the boy's hair ribbon to tie her glasses on. Now she had a tie of her own, to keep them firmly in place. Had she been told his name? She couldn't remember. She sure hoped not, she'd look stupid if she'd forgotten it.

Despite her attempts to seem to carry on a conversation, and remember the possibility of a name, her eyes kept going back to the dragon. Would she really have one of her own one day? Would the dragon she raised be as cool as this one. "He's really pretty." She murmured, unsure of whether or not the dragon could understand her directly.  


Rayne Winner

PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:12 pm
Vorel lifted his head, blinked his eyes then started to circle around the bat girl, tail flicking back and forth as he inspected her. Ahhh. She was much better now that she wasn't making those sounds. Much, much better yes.

"He has a habit of doing that. He's alre-Eeeady tried to pounce one other girl that h-Eeee smelled and now you... I think he lik-Eeees girls best or something." Ligeia explained his dark eyes following after the dragon closely to make sure that he was behaving and just looking her over. This time there was no tail for him to try to bite at like Vorel had wanted to do to Sahra. That was good.

When Vorel heard what she'd said, about him being pretty he seemed to puff up a bit, crooning happily.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 12:48 pm
The dragon liked girls? They could do that? Earako had alway assumed that dragons would mostly pay attention to other dragons. Would her dragon liked girls? Or... boys? Would her dragon be a girl or a boy. Earako shook her head slightly to chase away the questions. After all, she hadn't even met her egg yet!

"How old is he? His name is Voral?" Well, maybe she still had a few questions left. Besides which, there was always the chance that the boy would mention his name while confirming the dragon's. Earako was still afraid to ask, just in case she was supposed to know it all ready.

Though she kept her hands firmly at her sides, her fingers seemed to twitch slightly. The urge to reach out and touch the dragon, to see if he felt as much like ice as he looked, was strong. But that would be pretty rude, and she didn't want to anger the boy. He was older than her, and from what she remembered, more experianced with his wings.  


Rayne Winner

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:52 pm
"Mmmm... not that old." He murmured then thought on it for a moment, "Hmmm. About Eeeeeleven days old. He's very active for a baby." He'd heard that babies were always either sleeping or eating, he supposed that was just human babies though since after a nap and a meal Vorel was all ready for running about, "And its Vorel, it means 'beautiful' in the words of dragons."

Vorel gave a nod of his head as if agreeing that 'yes' he was quite beautiful thank you. Then he pushed up to his hind legs to that he could get a better look at Earako, tail flicking back and forth, "Rawrawrawr!" He told her, as if she would understand him.

Ligeia reached out a gloved hand to pat him on the head, smiling some.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:12 pm
Just a baby? Baby dragons were pretty big then! Well, she'd know that, sorta, but still. Knowing and being faced with were two different things. And having a dragon 'standing' in front of her was just about as faced with as she could get. "Umm, hi Vorel." She managed, after the dragon had finished 'speaking', "I'm Earako. Can I touch you?"

Peeking around the dragon at the boy, she offered a small smile. She didn't want him to think she was ignoring him for his dragon. That would make her sad, if she was him. "I like your wings." She did to, especially because they weren't all bright and colourful. She didn't feel quite so uncomfortable with her fairly simple appearance around him. "I've been practicin' flyin'." It was common ground for them, right?  


Rayne Winner

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:23 pm
Vorel's tail started to swish back and forth before he started to scoot himself forward, a bit closer to Earako as if to say, 'feel free'. He wasn't shy it seemed and since he was so young he'd not learned the reason why someone should be shy. Or cautious. He just wanted a prettypretty to pet him.

Ligeia's wings gave a flutter almost of their own accord at her words and he gave a little flush, "Ahh. Thank you." He said, then nodded as he lifted a hand to pet one of his wings, "I've b-Eeeeen too. I think I am getting much closer to getting it down. How about you? You did really w-Eeeell in that class w-Eeee had together." He was drawing out his 'E's a lot, a way of his shyness trying to creep back into him but he was doing well at fighting it off.

He wanted to meet people, wanted to talk to people so that meant he would have to force down the butterflies in his belly and talk. Even if he drew out a few 'E's.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:48 pm
Earako's hand hovered in the air, slowly reaching toward Vorel, then pausing, then reaching out again. Not that there was really all that much space between them. Finally, her fingers came to rest very lightly against the dragon, petting as softly as she had done with with her friend Jer'ain's kittys. She was still ready to jerk her hand back at a second's notice, in case Vorel decided he didn't want to be touched.

After all, even friendly dragons had teeth.

"I'm doin' okay." Earako replied, a bit distracted, the majority of her attention focused on Vorel's body language. "The exercise makes me kinda sore, but I can stay in the air alright when I jump. Sometimes." Which was true, mostly. Though she still felt like she wasn't very good. That she'd never be very good. She just didn't want to admit that in front of someone else.

"I hope my dragon is pretty too." She murmured, more to herself than Ligeia or Vorel.  


Rayne Winner

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:21 pm
Vorel felt almost cool to the touch, sleek and smooth like ice though he had some fluffy bits like his mane. He gave a crooning sound, seeming to be enjoying the petting and his tail even started to wag happily. Then he tilted his head from side to side before licking her hand. An affectionate motion instead of a 'I'm tasting you' sort.

"Hehe. I think Vorel likes you." Ligeia said, smiling then nodded as she spoke more, "Ahh. Really? I bet you g-Eeeet it soon. I am geEeeetting to the point that I can almost take off with a running start. Soon I hope."

"Ohh. Do you know what sort of dragon you are g-Eeetting?" He asked, curious about it. Vorel needed to meet some dragons at some point, though Ligeia wondered if he would pay attention to them if the dragon's partner was a girl. Hmmm.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:18 am
Petting the dragon was... strange. Nothing like petting a cat at all. Earako wasn't entirely sure how she felt about it. It was almost like petting glass... or ice. Still, it made Vorel happy, and it made her feel good to please the dragon. So she continued, a little less cautiously, relaxing enough that she didn't jump when he licked her hand. Instead, she giggled, the sound sweet and bell like, and continued petting with her unlicked hand.

"He seems really friendly." She replied, knowing deep down that it wasn't so much that the dragon liked her as it was that he liked people. Nothing special about her after all. "I hope... I hope I can do that soon. I'm still not very good at landing, when I jump off stuff. Da' says I'm trying to turn him grey with all my crashing."

She shook her head at the question of her own dragon, though her expression went from slightly introspective to excited. "Not yet, no. But I think I'm s'posed to find out soon. Maybe... maybe our dragons will be friends?"

The last said cautiously, as she felt it was a bit daring.  


Rayne Winner

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:56 pm
Ligeia watched Vorel closely, "Unless your froz-Eeeen food you have nothing to worry about." Ligeia said jokingly, he'd seen Vorel got at something that he saw as tasty and it showed the real difference between 'Happy Vorel' and 'Hungry Vorel' the latter of which he never wanted to get on the bad side of.

Vorel lowered his front feet back to the floor and gave a contented crooing sound before looking over at Ligeia questioningly, had he said something about food?

"I think that landing is gonna be a lot harder then the taking off part." He said thoughtfully, "I mean you need only to move your wings right to keep up but you need a lot of balance and stuffs to come down right without landing on your head." Or so said his father in all his infinate wisdom.

"Hmm. I don't know. Maybe we can have them meet up after your egg hatches? Then they can get to know each other. What do you think Vorel?" Ligeia asked, flapping his wings a bit in excitement.

The Frost Dragon seemed to be thinking on it then gave a nod and a 'Rawr' of agreement to meet this other dragon. No promises though on his part, not that one could really tell exactly what he was thinking.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:02 pm
Earako turned her attention fully to Ligeia now that Vorel was done licking her. It was kinda hard to think about much when a dragon was right up close to your face. Well, hard to think of much but dragons.

"I'm not shaped enough like a bat." She said, almost absently, as she thought about the nature shows she'd seen on Da's tv. They'd been fine about landing, but they'd been made for landing. "So I land all wrong."

She did, too. Usually head over heels, with something breaking in the process. Luckily, it hadn't been HER that'd broken so far, just some of Da's stuff. And he could always buy new stuff. He was always telling her that, when she felt bad about breaking things.

"That'd be neat. I hope I get ta see it soon." She added, wistfully, "I guess they think I'm not ready or something. But I am, I really am!" Or maybe she wasn't. Could that be the real reason? Was she not ready for an egg? What if she was never ready for an egg? The thought hurt, her expression becoming less determained, more... lost.  


Rayne Winner

PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 6:20 pm
"I'm not exactly Owl shapped myself so I know whatca mean." He said, tilting his head to the side thoughtfully, "Kinda hard-Eeer with a more human form to fly and land." They were rather more like... like angels and less animal-y, "I'm sure that w-Eeee and the other wingers will pick up the skill though. We wouldn't have wings if we weren't meant to use them."

Or at least that was what he believed.

"Maybe we can practice flying together?" He asked, he could see if he could help her with landings. Or flying in general. Having a partner to cher you on could be a helpful thing.

Ligeia blinked a couple times as she seemed to go from quite excited over the dragon thing to... well not. He tilted his head to the side then reached over to take her hand, squeezing it, "I am sure that you will get to see your Eeeegg soon." He assured her, "And when you do you will forget all about the time you had to wait."  

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