Backdated to March 10th, 2023

As the flare of energy settled into place in the secluded park, Solaris breathed deep the different air of Earth. Being in a city, especially one relying as much as it was on fossil fuels, made her nose and throat prickle some, and the cacophony of life jarred her ears. The hum of cars going about their ways, slower on city streets, a dizzying pace on the highways, distant sirens... there in the park even, the low hum of electricity in the lamps. Bugs joined the hum, crickets chirping, moths and other winged insects distracted by lights yet repelled by the heat when they got too close to the bulbs.

She let out a heavy breath, expelling the last of the Solarian air in her system. Did nothing to ease up her temper, though. Grumbling, she let her large camping bag fall off her shoulder, aware of the second one waiting in subspace for her to retrieve and remove trash and clothing, so she could restock, get things washed... numerous sketches and babbling thoughts were in her first bag, all continuously snagging on the reality that she didn't have a means to cross the damn seas to reach other caches that would have more information on older catastrophic events and reports and maps and--and--and--

Solaris groaned, a hand going to card roughly through her hair, ignoring the tug of her tiara in the process. She was stuck, and it was eating at her.

Trying to cross to other regions hadn't meant much in... what? Three... four hundred years now? The longevity of the slow demise of her peoples stung the more she focused on it... there was a reason she'd locked the information away bit by bit in her mind. Tossed it into notebooks, and threw them into storage. Not forgotten just... easier to ignore.

Of course, now that she wanted that information back, it wasn't... well. She hadn't been as concerned with preservation techniques at times as she might have wished now. Hindsight and all.

Moving over to a patch of grass, she flopped down, the cool ground feeling refreshing against her skin. It was easy to summon up her phone, sending out a few texts to people on her return. Metis and Realta, Alastor, Encke--

The latter of whom, seemed to be nearby, according to her phone's system. She blinked, sending off a second message for him to head her way, welcoming the company if he had a moment.
