Blood Type:
Fav. Food:
Hated Food:
Sexual Orientation:
Posting Colors:


      [★] Coffee:Jessica has a passion for coffee. She has a ritualistic love for the beverage that borders on obsession. She is always seeking out the perfect cup of coffee wherever she goes. Her friends and family know that a steaming mug of coffee is the key to unlocking Jessica's best self, as it always brings her joy and energy.

      [★] Crotchet: Jessica finds crocheting to be a soothing and meditative activity that allows her to unwind and express her creativity differently. She could spend hours working on intricate patterns and designs, her soft-hearted nature evident in the care and precision she put into each stitch. Crocheting became a new outlet for Jessica to channel her loyalty and determination, as she poured her heart into creating beautiful pieces for her loved ones.

      [★] Wrestling:Jessica remembers times when she was little and her and her father would watch wrestling every week. She enjoyed those times with her father before the car accident that left him a double amputee and depressed. Despite the years that had passed since her father's accident, Jessica still vividly remembered the joy of watching wrestling with him every week. The sound of their laughter echoing through the living room, the excitement of cheering on their favorite wrestlers together - those memories remained etched in her mind like a bittersweet ache.


      [★] ????: blah blah blah
      [★] ???: blah blah blah
      [★] ???: blah blah blah


      [★] ????: blah blah blah
      [★] ???: blah blah blah
      [★] ???: blah blah blah

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION___________________

      [★] Eyes:: blah blah blah
      [★] Hair:: blah blah blah
      [★] Face: blah blah blah
      [★] Skin Tone: blah blah blah
      [★] Body Type: blah blah blah
      [★] Clothes: blah blah blah