*backdated to 07/09

Vaylin took a look up at the color streaks of light that decorate the Earth's sky this night. She wondered what the people of her home world would think of such a sight. As she watched the meteor shower paint the starry void above she thought of her family back on Velencya, she wondered how her parents were doing. Was her father being over worked by the energy crisis? Was her mother still fussing over every patient that came to her like they were own children? Did either of them have any inkling of an idea about the danger Velencya was in? She knew that the mission details was top secret and only the Vanguard and maybe the Council knowing the truth of the situation. But were the normal citizens like her parents feeling the effect's of the degradation of the Core. She hoped not. She hoped her parents remained blissfully unaware, they had lost one world already she didn't want them to worry that they might lose Velencya too. She hoped the Vanguard could find a solution quickly and resolve the problem before any normal Velencian became aware of it.

The fear of her parents suffering or, though she loath to even consider the possibility, possibly dying due to Velencya's failing was enough to make the young Corporal consider the Commodore's plan as a necessary evil. But she quickly shook off those thoughts, she couldn't accept that saving her home meant sacrificing one of their own. Their king nonetheless, Caedus along with Lyndin was one of the last ties they had to the old world, to Velenia, surely that should be protected. Beyond just being the last of his noble bloodline, Caedus was kind and humble, she couldn't accept that their survival came at the cost of such a good soul. 'Besides' she told herself 'There's no proof the Commodore's plan would even work in time. It took a millenia for the other Senshi souls to be reborn here on Earth, who's to say Sailor Velenia wouldn't be the same way.' No she had to believe there was another way, it just required herself or another member of the Vanguard to find it. Lyndin for all his greatness was still just one man, its possible that with so many fresh minds working to solve this crisis someone in the Vanguard would find a method he overlooked.

She thought about Lyndin's message it was curious to know that even he had little contact with the home world on this distant foreign planet. She had thought, had hoped, he had some special means to reach the home world, but it seemed even he was limited at least in this capability. It was a little depressing to think about just how cut off they were from the rest of their people. She knew that she signed up for this but at the same time it was hard to not be able to see her parents or the friends she left behind. She had never been so far away from her home in the century and a half of her existence. She supposed that exact feeling was why Lyndin had set up the opportunity for these calls home.

She also wondered how sincerer he was about wanting to restore the Earth to its full potential. She did not doubt the character of the Commodore of course, his judgement on some issues maybe but not his character, yet she could not help but think about how his current alliance would do the exact opposite. He was at least aware of how terrible the Negaverse is, in his own words they were a "sickness" but yet he saw them as a necessary evil, a tool to further his goals of taking Caedus' starseed to the Galaxy Cauldron. She just hoped the damage his 'tool' did could be reversed by the time this mission ended, one way or another. She personally believed the forces of Order were far more useful and morally sound allies. They had much more experience restoring planets after all.

Taking a deep breath she shook her head clear of these intrusive thoughts. It was time to actually call home before she missed the window of opportunity. She reminded herself again to be careful not to let any of the sensitive information about his majesty or the failings of the core. She activated her ComTech and waited for her parents to answer the call.

"Vaylin? Darlin is that you?" Her mother, Senya, appeared she motioned for her father to come over. "Tenebrae, come here it's Vaylin! Oh my little Stardust its so good to see you again." Her father hurried into view as well, he looked more haggard and weathered compared to when she had last seen him. "Hi Stardust, its good to hear from you again." He said with a bright smile lighting up his otherwise tired face. It had not been that long at least in term's a Velencian life that she had been on the Earth but still seeing her parent's again was enough to get her choked up. "Mama, Papa, I'm so glad to see you two." She put on a reassuring smile as she fought to compose herself. "How have you been love? Have you been eating well, do they have healthy food for you on that alien world? What about your sleep? You aren't wearing yourself too thin I hope!" She felt a warmth in her chest at her mother's barrage of questions, a sign of her love. "I'm doing good mama, I'm taking care of myself." She reassured her mother. "We couldn't be more proud of you Stardust. You're all grown up and a member of the Vanguard. Tell about your mission now."

So she began to recount her adventures on Earth being careful not to reveal any secret information of the current situation. She spoke of the battle on the hill leaving out the details of what the battle actually turned out to be about or what side the majority of the Vanguard had taken. She spoke of the other skirmishes she fought alongside the forces of Order. She told them about seeing not just one princess be awoken but two. She spoke about the strange inter-dimension she had fallen into along with much of the city. She told about the Wonder she had helped to save. She told them about the strange alien merchant she had met on multiple occasions now, she showed them the locket and the visor she had battered for. Her parents who had listened to her tales with rapt attention seemed especially interested in the artifacts she now possessed from their lost birth world.

"Wow love, I can't believe all you've been through in such a short time, that world sounds like chaotic mess, please be careful Vaylin! I wouldn't be able to keep going if something happened to you!" Her mother implored her. Her father put a comforting arm around her mother's shoulder. "Dear don't worry so much, you'll make yourself sick. Our little Stardust is strong, strong enough to be made a Corporal and strong enough to come through all those trials hale and healthy." Her mother still seemed uncertain about her daughter's safety so Vaylin made a show of flexing her muscles with playful grin. "Papa's right Mama, I'm stronger now and I know my limit if a situation is too dangerous I'll make sure I get out of there." She promised. Her mother seemed to be satisfied with those words of assurance. "Vaylin we know you can't talk long, you must be very busy, but I just want to say again how proud we are that you're our daughter. You and everyone else in the Vanguard are a credit to Velencya. I know you're going to go far Stardust, you're strong and smart and more beautiful than we could have ever dreamed of. So go out there with you're head held high knowing you're one of the best of our people and you are the best daughter." She blushed and wiped away a stray tear from her cheek. "And when you finish this mission we'll be ready with a celebratory feast, all your favorite fruits and veggies." He promised happily. "Thanks Papa, really, that means so much. I love you both so much, I hope I can speak to you both again soon, I'll try my best to make sure we finish the mission here soon." Saying her goodbye she switched off her ComTech as the tears she had been holding back broke free.

As she looked to night sky watching the last of the colorful streaks sailing through the sky she swore to herself. "I don't care what it takes or how long it takes me I'll find a way to save everyone. Mama, Papa, the people of Velencya, and Caedus." I won't rest until we can all go home happy and safe again. With that solemn vow in her heart she headed to her apartment, wanted to get some sleep so she could wake up early and get to work.

word count: 1519