After the main event's conclusion and the show has wrapped up, the camera comes on to show the locker Room of the Syndicate. All three members are seated, the champion has the title belt next to him on the bench.

"Things are really coming together. But I think we're missing a little something." Drako looks at Marcus and Blaze. "I think we need to bring someone in."

Marcus and Blaze exchange a look. "Someone like who?"

The door opens and in walks a large and familiar figure. The original Dragon grabs a folding chair, unfolds it and places it in front of the three before sitting down in it.

"Dad?" Marcus questions.

"That wasn't what I had in mind." Drako eyes his brother suspiciously. "You're not here to give a lecture are you? Need I remind you..."

Jarel holds up a hand to silence him. "I didn't come here to discuss your actions or career direction. I did my part to negotiate Marcus' contract here. What you do with that is up to you. Whether I approve or disapprove is irrelevant here. We need a family consultation. There's business to discuss."

Drako leans forward. "Well, I think our career direction is business. But the Syndicate is all about business, so what do you have for us?"

Jarel looks back and forth between Marcus and Drako. "As you so willingly put out for the world to know, my career ended not due to my own decision, but due to yours. So per the arrangements Zarel and I made with you, we have to consult with you, the ones that retired us, if we decide to do certain things."

Blaze simply stares silently as his uncle. He's not really involved in this situation. Marcus looks to Drako.

"To be fair, there has been a bit of a challenge made to him."

Drako shrugs. "You said you were content being done. You got the perfect ending with Marcus sending you out on your shield, so to speak."

The Dragon narrows his eyes. "Let me be real clear on something. I may be retired, but I'm still bigger, stronger, and meaner than any of you. Now, we can conduct this like family business politely, or I can remind you of what the family business is the hard way."

Drako smirks. "No need for threats, big brother. I'm just asking for clarification."

Jarel grunts but elects to answer anyway. "I have very few things that I didn't accomplish in my career. I've been world champion many times over. I've main evented Wrestlemania. I've been inducted into the Hall of Fame. Most would say I've done it all."

"Except beat a certain person," Drako supplies.

Jarel narrows his eyes. "Except face a certain person. And of all the potential call outs I've gotten, this one is worth my time."

"Interesting choice of words," Marcus mutters.

"I swear to God..." Jarel seems to be moving towards his son.

"Ah, before this devolves into the antics we normally keep off camera, are you asking if we're ok with you stepping out of retirement one last time?" Drako interrupts.

Jarel turns back to the champion. "Asking? Since when do I ask for anything?"

"Since your own rules said we had to put you down for you to retire, and therefore in order to not dishonor that agreement we would have to agree to allow you back into the ring. That honor thing is an Achilles' heel for you." The champion sits back, an amused expression on his face.

"I've got no issue with it this one time," Marcus tells his father honestly. "Helps our business too as long as you win."

Jarel turns to Drako, waiting for his response. The champion sighs and leans forward.

"Big brother, I say that while you have nothing to prove to anyone else, if you want to step out one last time to settle this for yourself, then go for it. But on one condition. I won't interfere in your business as long as you don't interfere in mine."

Jarel stands up. "Your business is your own. Just because I didn't flaunt my name around to get opportunities doesn't mean you can't. Like you said, this is a power thing for you. I got no issue with you using the power in our name in a different way. Your choices, your consequences. I'm only going to be around to handle my personal business. I'll be on the show next week. Just keep me out of whatever you've started."

The Dragon walks off.

Blaze looks to his father, a silent question there.

"It's fine," Drako assures him. "One thing my brother is not is a liar. If he says he'll stay out of our business, then he will. Now, let's figure out the next step in our plans."