"And they say naughty little foals and fillies would be stolen away by the monster of the deep. Never to be seen again. That is why you must never ever go down to the dark depths or you will be stolen by the monster as well."

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Nautilus was quiet as he floated just above the deep abyss. He let out a breath of small bubbles as the foal looked down into the dark void. Was the story his mother told him just a story or was there any truth to it? It couldn't be true right? There were no monster besides Shifters. Besides, he was a good swimmer. He could get away. There had to be treasure down there. It was like exploring a cave only he had never explored a cave before. They were pirates or something after all. He didn't really get when his mother explained the herd dynamic to him but it was cool. He needed to be cool too. He need to prove he was a big brave foal who would find all the cool treasure hidden away. After he gave the best looking ones to his mama of course. His mother was worth it and needed to feel as pretty as she really was.

With his mind made up the little foal started to sink deep into the darkness. Problem number one, he couldn't see anything. It was so dark. It was also silent. It was like a big...Nothing...He had never experienced anything like this before. Everything was just dark, silence and water all around him. He wasn't even too sure how long he had been going 'down' or if he was going down anymore. The foal started to panic. This was a big mistake.

If by fate or luck a flash a small light caught his eyes. The foal stopped as his eyes fixated onto the direction of the light. Something! Clearly treasure. He started to swim wildly towards his prize. This was totally worth the panic. He wasn't too sure what his little treasure was. It was pretty. Maybe it was expensive. Maybe he should just give it to his mother. A glowing jewel of the deep. He chomped his little mouth around the glowing orb. He found it was a lot more squish then he'd imagined. He tried to swim back up with his prize but the orb fought back, refusing to move. "Why won't you move?" Nautilus mumbled as desperately tried to pull it free from whatever it was stuck on.

The tugging motion caused two more glowing orbs to appear the the dark. They seemed to flash in and out of view for a moment. Nautilus was trying to processes what the extra orbs were when the orb he was attached to suddenly jerked the foal down and towards the new glowing orbs. Now that Nautilus was forced to have a closer look were those eyes? Nautilus' mouth dropped in shock. The now little freed orb started to shine brighter. Nautilus squinted as his eyes adjusted the sudden light in the dark but as soon as he had his ears dropped. Before him was a huge face. The little orb was attached to the huge being. More lights flicked on the creature before Nautilus but his skin was as black as the void they were in. Nautilus had seen enough though.


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"Monster?" The deep replied then let out a deep sigh. "Not again." The 'monster' sighed. "Child, it is too deep for you to be down this deep. There are no treasure around here. That is the truth."

"Huh?" Nautilus was confused at he looked to the 'monster'.

"My name is Nereus, I live down here. This isn't the first time children have wandered down here and it won't be the last, sadly." He just wanted to take a nap.

"Oh...Ummm...I guess I'll go home?" Nautilus meekly replied.

Nereus sighed. He knew the child would get lost if he tried. "Follow me little one and stay close. I will go slow." Nereus tilited his head up and started to swim upwards, following his own angler light.

Nautilus was grateful for the light. This had been scary. "Ummm...Thanks Mister." His voice was small as he headed upwards, disappointed that he couldn't find any treasure.

"Look child, sometimes it's not worth risking yourself for something fleeting like something shiny. Half of the time they just end up back in the depths anyways. When you find a real treasure, your heart will know it." Nereus could see the water starting to lighten.


"A treasure doesn't have to be an object." Nereus finally stopped as the water was light enough. The light hurt his eyes. "Are you alright now child?"

"Ya...Thanks again Mister...I'm...Going to go cuddle with my mama now." Nautilus started to swim up to the surface.

"You do that child." Nereus shook his head and he turned around to head back to the deeps. Children. They all had to learn one way or another.

Word Count: 865