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Lantana’s eyes fluttered open as she let out a groan, taking a moment to see where she was. Well, she certainly wasn’t where she called her home that was sure. It was quite dark and there seemed to be tall, dark, and intimidating trees all around her. She could hear crickets chirping for the moment, which she considered a good thing. After all, if they were quiet, that meant something really bad was in the vicinity.

She quickly tested out all of her limbs to make sure that none of them were damaged or hurting and she rolled herself over and put herself back on all four hooves, fluttering her wings a bit as well not only to help her stand up but make sure they hadn’t been damaged.

All seemed to be well considering she was in a place where she knew no one and had no idea where she was.

She jumped as she heard a voice and attempted to look around to see where it may have come from. “Fool?! I didn’t come here by my own choice! I bet you horse napped me! Well? Show yourself! You have another thing coming if you-“ She was cut off by the voice continuing and explaining the “game” that it had decided to force upon her.

“Or what?! What are you going to do if I don’t come out in two hours! How about you show yourself! Calling me a fool You’re nothing but a coward hiding in the dark like that! Why don’t you actually show how smart you are by getting out her and doing this game with me huh? Too scared to do it! Chicken! Bawk bawk!” She said, moving her rump in a random direction in an attempt to tease whoever the voice was coming from out of hiding.

However, her attempts were futile and the voice was done speaking. She huffed for a bit, looked around and if she had shoulders she would have shrugged them, but she decided to go forward in a random direction. After all, if she kept going the same direction one way, she would have to get out of here sooner or later, right?

It felt like she had been walking for hours when suddenly she could see some light. It appeared to be colorful, though what it was from she had no idea. Curiosity got the better of her and she moved off of her path and towards whatever was emitting it. Hopefully it was something she could beat with her hooves.

She was only slightly disappointed that when she got closer she could see an opening with what appeared to be a field of flowers. All different colors. At first she was unable to tell if there was anything special about the field, but when she attempted to take a step in some blue flowers she felt as though she had been burned on that hoof and yelled as she took it back attempting to shake off the “fire”. It didn’t appear to be really burned, but her hoof now appeared to be red in color. “What the?!” She couldn’t help but wonder what the heck these flowers were! Magical? Perhaps she was just allergic? Either way, she didn’t want to attempt to figure it out. It seemed that she would have to find her way across without touching any of the red flowers at least. And possibly the blue ones if the fire felt hot, the blue might feel cold. That left… yellow, purple, and white. She looked closer and after a moment or two of intense thinking, she could see that there was a bit of a path when following the white flowers. It just meant that she would be winding herself around a bit until she got out of there. She eventually found where the white flowers led again and it turned out to be the only spot with an opening in the trees, unless she went backwards.

She started to go through and she made it most of the way unharmed, though she did fall head-first into another batch of red flowers which had caused her to run around in a panic for a bit and that made it worse and… well she just wanted to find a body of water now! As soon as she heard the flow of water she galloped towards it and leapt in, finally getting rid of all of the red pollen that was all over her body.

She swam back up and back over to the riverbank, shaking the water off of her when she thought she heard a snap! Quickly turning around she saw a crocodile had just attempted to take a bite out of her tail!

“What? No! Bad crocodile!” She said stomping towards it. Instead of being intimidated by something that was half it’s size, the crocodile snapped at her again! She “eep’ed” and jumped back towards the shore.

She was now starting to panic a little but then as she was looking around trying to find a way to get beyond the crocodile’s jaws, she could see that there were small rocks jutting out of the river that just made it over to the other side.

“Well, here goes nothing then.” She muttered to herself, wiggling her butt as she readied her leap, and took the chance! She managed to land on a couple of the rocks, but slipped on one because it was covered in wet moss. “Eww”. She really didn’t like goopy wet plant stuff. But it was no time to stand around and be disgusted! One look back and the crocodile was going right after her! She squeaked and started to run as fast as she could on the rocks, which wasn’t very quickly due to her continually slipping off of them and not watching her step. Her wings could only help so much and the croc almost managed to take a bite out of one of her legs but she finally made it to the other side with another giant leap!

She didn’t wait to see if the crocodile would follow her, instead she kept running as fast and as long as she could and eventually she saw the edge of the forest.

As soon as she was past the trees and into what appeared to be some sort of plain she yelled “FREEEEEEDOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!” And vowed never to go back into that forest if she could help it!