Sarah Alyssa was fussing and all Dessie could do was cuddle her close and shush her as she rocked back and forth on the rocking chair. The infant was not hungry or had a dirty dipper. She was just fussy and her mother, Dessie, had no idea how to make her happy. At no quite two weeks old the newborn had no way of letting her mom know why she was unhappy, just that she was, and this frustrated the young mother. She thought she would know what to do, she had taken classes, read books, watched videos, and had even helped out with the littles in her ‘extended’ family like her new sister and nephew. And yet when faced with her own child she seemed to have no answers, no way to do anything right.

Nate wasn’t even there to help since she had chased him out after a morning of assistance. He had a job he had to be physically at, and honestly after dealing with him crashing on her couch the last several days. He was around pretty much all the time since they brought Sarah Alyssa home and was getting on Dessie’s nerves… even if he was useful for the middle of the night feedings and the extra hands were useful. He didn’t even mind changing the dippers. He would likely know how to sooth the infant. She mentally muttered and grumbled about her… the absent male even as she hummed an absent song to her daughter.

Rose knocked lightly on her niece's door, not wanting to wake the baby if she was awake, but also not wanting to wake her own son who was napping peacefully. Lyle and Damien were having a daddy son day which meant a lot of rough housing and loudness. They were having fun, so she decided to visit Dessie and Sarah.

“Hey Dessie, its Rose,” she said softly. She had her own key, she had one since Lily had lived here when she was younger. Originally Lily hadn’t wanted anything to do with the penthouse, too upset about Seraphina. It still surprised her that the woman had gotten so close to her sister, enough to leave her the penthouse and her business.

Dessie had been expecting Rose to come by but it took her a moment to realize that she had arrived because of how quiet her ‘aunt’ was being and Sarah Alyssa fussing. Lightly bouncing the infant she made her way to the door and quickly let Rose in. “Come on in,” She said in greeting before backing up and doing her best to keep Sarah Alyssa to just her current mutterings of unhappiness rather than the straight up bawling she had been doing a while ago. Dessie didn’t want Liam to wake up. “Shhhh baby, we don’t want to wake your cousin now do we?” Her daughter just huffed and let out a rather loud fart before falling silent. Looking at her child a little incredulously Dessie couldn’t help but ask, “Seriously? You’ve been pissed at me for hours because you needed to fart?” Then the smell hit her… “God, what did you eat?”

Rose headed in taking her son’s carrier and placing it on the coffee table where she could easily see the sleeping infant. She figured he’d sleep for a while since he fell asleep in the car. She covered her mouth trying to not to laugh at the interaction between her nieces. “Well at least its gas and not colic. Its pretty easy to tell when babies are gasey.”

She held out her arms for Dessie to hand over her new little niece, she had a little bit of baby girl fever, but her boys were a lot of work so she knew she needed to hold off, so he got her fill by cuddling and buying lots of things for her nieces.

“Their little bellies get all tight when they are gasses, you just have to press lightly to be able to tell, then just lie them down in your lap, lift their little legs and push their feet and knees forward to their tummies. It will help them fart.”

Dessie gladly handed the little girl over. “I’ve been burping her but I guess it wasn’t enough.” She was so glad that it wasn’t colic, there were many, MANY, stories over sleepless nights for months due to screaming infants. She was also super glad that Rose knew what was wrong and how to help, Dessie felt so out of her depth. “She has been fussing all morning too. When do you think they will make a baby translator?” She jokingly asked as she flopped down on a chair, so very happy for the general silence of the apartment. It had been quite a while since it had been this quiet.

“Its just a thing that happens, babies bodies have to get use to all these new functions. Being outside of their mom’s is a whole new world. Even with burping you might get a gassy baby.”

She sat down with her niece bouncing and cooing at the baby. She was so tiny unlike her own baby who was now 6 months old and now trying to crawl. “I dont think they will be inventing that any time soon, but you could always call your dad, he is a pediatrician. You know Xander will be able to give you all the tips you need.”

She reached over to the coffee table rocking her sons carrier hearing him shuffle slightly.

“I know, it's just,” She just waved a hand around tiredly, having no real words to put her general feelings into. “Xander would, I know he would. Heck I’m pretty sure he would be ecstatic if I just came back to the house but I don’t want to do that to him or Ai. That house is already pretty full and he doesn't need yet another screaming infant disturbing them in the middle of the night.” Dessie sighed and sank a bit deeper into her chair. “Besides I’ve normally got Nate underfoot and I swear they have some kind of psychic bond going on. Half the time he is taking care of her before I even hear her fuss.” It was sweet really… even if it was kind of annoying.

“I dont think you need to worry about that, you’ve got to remember Mirabelle is 7 months old and she sleeps through the night. They wouldn't mind at all because they love you and her. Hell, I wouldn't even mind if you just showed up.”

She chuckled watching her son settle once more and noticing Sarah start to settle too. She started rocking her tiny niece and singing the lullabye her mom used to sing to her when she was a baby. She paused momentarily, shaking her head at Dessie.

“It's only annoying because you're not used to it and it's only natural to want to rush to your baby, but enjoy it. He sounds like he’s going to be a really good daddy.”

She settled back against the couch and started singing again. She didn't have a voice like Lily, but it was nice enough.

Dessie made a rather noncommittal sound even as she leaned her head back. “I know, I really do but I don’t want to. At least not right now.” If things ever got too bad she knew she could lean on her family for help but for now she didn’t want to be a burden on any of them. They were dealing with enough without tossing a newborn into the mix. She covered a yawn with her hand and muttered, “Bah-humbug. He will get over it eventually.” Even though she knew he was as stubborn as a damn elephant. Stupid man. Silly, stupid, man. She yawned again, her eyes drifting closed even as she mumbled, “Cute, stupid, man.” Sleep tugged at her and it didn’t take more than a moment before she slipped into a nap, the sound of Rose’s singing helping her doze right off.

Rose shook her head watching her niece while she rocked her great niece. She looked down at Sarah, “are you going to inherit your mama’s stubbornness? She gets it from her papa. Don’t tell him I said that. She may be adopted, but she is just as stubborn as him.”

She chuckled when the babe smiled in her sleep. “I think you all will be just fine. Hopefully you mama gives your papa a chance. I think she likes his Sarah darling.”

She sat back singing and enjoying the quiet of the condo. She had no intentions on waking her three sleeping family members. She was fine with the peace and quiet.
