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[R] Tomorrow [Brooklyn x Oliver][Fin] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Orangeish Sherbert

Noble Unicorn

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:38 pm
Brooklyn was going to call. She wanted to call, but…honestly. She was feeling…almost too chicken to call. What she wasn’t feeling to chicken to do was to go to a cheap donut shop and pick up a dozen glazed donuts with the last of her leaf raking money and head over to Elliot’s house, knocking on his door and hoping that he was home.

Twelve would be enough donuts for herself, both boys, both sets of boys fathers…math wasn’t her strong suit but…twelve donuts between seven people sounded an adequate number. Unless everyone wanted two, in which case she would just…she would just not have any.

Maybe she shouldn’t have any anyway. Apology donuts weren’t meant for the one who was doing the apology after all.

The longer she stood there, and it had only been about fifteen seconds max...but the longer that Brooklyn stood there, the worse she was feeling, and sweat began to trickle down the back of her neck. It wasn’t warm out by any stretch of the imagination but…

Perhaps this was just…stress sweat? Interesting.

She knocked again and let out a long, slightly frustrated breath.

Kyuseisha no Hikari
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 5:25 pm
The seconds ticked on–not too much, but enough that it was clear that no one had been hovering near the door. There was movement from the other side of it, and then a surprised, “Oh.” It unlocked, and Oliver appeared with a smile on his face.

“Brooklyn, hello. Hi, come in. Are you looking for Elliot? He and his father should be back soon. They ran up to the store, but you can make yourself comfortable, they’ll be back soon.”

It didn’t seem to matter that Oliver hadn’t been expecting company, he was more than happy to invite her in. He stepped aside and gestured for her to come in. “I was just grading some papers but if you give me a moment, I can clear you off a space if you want to put something on the television or play a game. Is everything okay? You look a little worried.”

Orangeish Sherbert

Kyuseisha no Hikari


Dragonslaying Dragon

Orangeish Sherbert

Noble Unicorn

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 5:28 pm
Brooklyn swallowed and gave a small shrug. “I’m…fine, thank you…I was looking for Elliot and Atticus I…I didn’t know if they were here but…if they’re not I can just…just go home.”

She couldn’t meet Oliver’s eyes, kept her own head down towards her feet and shrugged again. “We um. There was. I just. I mean…” Brooklyn didn’t raise her head but gave a small nod. “I would like to come in if that’s all right..I…I’m sorry…if it’s too much trouble, I can just come back later, I don’t want you to put yourself out, honestly I don’t know if Elliot will even want to see me I can just wait out here…um…if that’s all right…ah. Sir.”

Elliot must not have told his father about the argument. About her being the reason that he got hurt…about her being stubborn and stupid…

“If it’s not okay…um. That’s okay too.”

Kyuseisha no Hikari
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:12 am
Oliver wore the same patient, friendly smile. He noticed her demeanor, and even if Elliot was prone to keeping more secrets than he did, he’d have deduced that something was wrong.

“Brooklyn, you’ve come all this way. I’m not going to send you away. Elliot will be here soon and he can call Atticus. Come inside, it’s chilly out there. Do you want something to warm up? I’m heating up some cider, I can get you a glass. Oh, well, we have soda and tea, too. There are plenty of options. I’m sure Elliot will be happy to see you. He’s been worried.”

He paused, like he was considering if he’d said too much, but he shook his head. “He’s doing okay. Well enough to be out and about, if you were worried about him. Taking it easy, but. I’m just glad you’re all okay.”

He moved away from the door and began to gather up his paperwork so she could have a bit of space on the couch.

Orangeish Sherbert

Kyuseisha no Hikari


Dragonslaying Dragon

Orangeish Sherbert

Noble Unicorn

PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:23 am
Hesitating for another moment, Brooklyn finally just sighed and nodded, following Oliver into the house and sitting on the very edge of the couch that was cleared of his papers. “...I’m glad he’s doing okay…It. I’m sorry that he got hurt. I didn’t want that to happen, and I didn’t mean for it to happen…I…I’m sorry that we got into a fight too…I…didn’t want that either.”

Still unable to raise her eyes, to look at Oliver, to see the disappointment and reproach in his eyes that simply had to be there, Brooklyn kept her gaze firmly on her hands, twisting them in her lap.

“I had just wanted to help, and I know I’m not a good friend for either of them, or for anyone…and I guess I would have just been better not coming and…I’m sorry to have bothered you, I don’t need anything to drink but um…maybe I should go. Really, this was a mistake…”

If she could just push it all away…nobody could take it from her.

Kyuseisha no Hikari
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:19 am
Oliver took a seat on the other edge of the couch so he could give her plenty of room without seeming like he was trying to avoid her or was otherwise uncomfortable with her presence. He drew one knee up and leaned forward to rest against it as he glanced across at her.

“I think it’ll mean a lot to him that you came by. You have to work very hard to get Elliot to think you’re a bad friend. And you’re all young, there are so many things going on in your life right now. Butting heads every now and then is normal. Even Asher and I had a few fights when we were your age. They work out, though. Sometimes you just need to be out of the moment so you can think about what’s important. But you’re not a bother, Brooklyn. I’m not going to hold you prisoner here on my couch, but if you’d rather be alone, I can give you some space!”

He shifted positions briefly. “Once you start smelling that cider, though, I don’t want you to regret not asking for a cup. It always helps me relax. And it sounds like you’ve already worked yourself up into being worried about all of this. It’ll be okay. Do you want me to text the boys and see if they can get here any faster?”

Orangeish Sherbert

Kyuseisha no Hikari


Dragonslaying Dragon

Orangeish Sherbert

Noble Unicorn

PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 10:04 am
After a long moment of silence, Brooklyn finally chanced a look up at Oliver, her brows coming together in a confused frown. “...I don’t understand. You’re Elliot’s father why aren’t you like…banning me from seeing him? I’m not a good person and because of that he got hurt...I…you know that I…I mean. I kind of blackmailed him into getting me food when we first met, he caught me stealing. I didn’t get much food, if any at my foster home, and like.”

She shrugged. “So seriously, Mr…um Elliot’s dad.” He had a last name, she knew he had a last name…she couldn’t remember what it was but…this would work well enough.

“If you want to banish me just…just do it okay? Don’t keep giving me hope of cider and…and a nice place to visit…no adults like me and I get it so just…rip off the bandaid okay…?”

Everything was bound to come out sooner or later anyway. And at least…she was in control of this.

Kyuseisha no Hikari
PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 8:44 am
The outburst surprised Oliver, who was either very easy to read, or very good at looking like he was easy to read. He watched her for a few seconds, like maybe there was something he might miss if he blinked. It wasn’t really an outburst, it’s not like there was anything violent or angry about her. It wasn’t enough to put him on edge.

“Elliot’s a smart boy,” he said finally. “I don’t need to police his friends. I think he sees the best in people. And I trust him to make his own decisions about who he wants in his life. Asher and I have always told him to trust his gut and make good decisions. He doesn’t lie to us.”

Well, he might, but he probably lied to them significantly less than most fourteen year old boys lied to their parents. Or, maybe Oliver was just optimistic.

“I’m not going to banish you. And Elliot’s already told us that he was hoping you’d message soon. I know he’s been checking his phone all day. He’s not the sort to blame someone or hold things against them. He’s not the sort to let himself get blackmailed, either. He can stand up for himself. If there was a problem, he would have told us. But, knowing Elliot, he probably just wanted to help. Which sounds like the right thing to do if you weren’t getting enough food. You’re back at the dorms now, right? Are you getting enough to eat or are you still having problems back home?”

Orangeish Sherbert

Kyuseisha no Hikari


Dragonslaying Dragon

Orangeish Sherbert

Noble Unicorn

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 9:20 am
“I don’t have a home. It’s a foster home and they’re utter assholes. I am at the dorms, and I’m hoping to be able to stay through the winter break but…it’s not looking great. Things are better there, yeah. I enjoy it a little bit, I guess. It’s nice to have enough to eat. And I have made some money doing like…raking leaves and things…so that’s been nice. I don’t have to worry about it getting stolen at St. Mags, at least not with my roommate.”

Brooklyn swallowed and shrugged, raising her head to look at Oliver with a bit more confidence. Just a bit.

“You…I really can still be friends with him…? Having him and Atticus…I’ve never had friends like that before…and now that I do I…”

Shrugging again, Brooklyn turned away and rubbed her knuckles into her eyes, ashamed at the fact that she was tearing up. “...I don’t want to lose it. But it’s better if you just tell me now than to let me really get used to it and then change your mind. That’s what always happens and I’m so sick of it. I just want something to go right for once…damnit.”

Kyuseisha no Hikari
PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:00 pm
Once more, Oliver listened closely. He nodded along, just slightly, and didn’t speak until he was certain she was done. He was careful not to interrupt her, and careful to actually listen.

“They’re good friends, aren’t they? I know I’m a little biased, but Elliot’s my pride and joy.” He stretched across the table and pulled the box of Kleenex closer so he could pass it over to her. “I love both of those boys so much. They’ve got good hearts. It’ll be okay, Brooklyn. I’m sure you’ll feel better after you get a chance to talk to them. I don’t know if it’s the same for you, but I tend to imagine the worst and make myself sick about it. But I trust Elliot to make his own decisions, and to come to me when he needs help. The only thing he said about you was that he hoped you were okay and that he was afraid you might try to push everyone away. So I’m very happy to have you here, I know it’ll mean a lot to him that you wanted to talk.”

He chewed on the inside of his cheek briefly and then leaned forward. “I’m sorry that things haven’t been easy for you so far. I know everyone’s circumstances are different, and I know that the last thing you want is some adult preaching to you about this or that. But…I don’t think you seem as bad as you keep insisting. Asher and I are teachers, we’ve seen all sorts of kids. And sometimes, things are just tough. Sometimes there’s just a good kid in a bad situation. And it seems like you’re trying your best. I think that counts for a lot, Brooklyn. And, I’m sure you and the boys can work through whatever’s going on. They care about you. And you care about them, so just be gentle–to them, and to yourself. Okay? It’ll work out. And if you need to talk, Asher and I are here. If there’s anything we can do to help, we’ll always do our best.”

Orangeish Sherbert

Kyuseisha no Hikari


Dragonslaying Dragon

Orangeish Sherbert

Noble Unicorn

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:52 pm
“I’m not…good at being gentle. Being gentle means you get stepped on. I don’t…know how to be any different than I am.” It looked as though it pained Brooklyn to even say it, and she rubbed her eyes again. “I’m not…good with people. But I just. I want this to work, I really do…I just. Don’t think I know how.”

Now that she was letting this all out, she couldn’t figure out where the off button was. How to shut herself up before she said something stupid. “Atticus and I both have had shitty lives, I get it. But we have really really different ways of dealing with things I guess. And I feel like everything I do is wrong to him. I. I got yelled at for giving him a nickname after Elliot decided to give me one, and that really hurt my feelings and so I just. Won’t do it again I guess. And then he yelled at me for getting Elliot hurt and I didn't want to. They wouldn’t tell me what’s going on. THey wouldn’t tell me anything and I can’t blindly follow orders! I can’t do it. I used to do it because it was easier but…but ******** that. That’s how you get stepped on, and I refuse to get stepped on. I won’t.”

The tears were falling in earnest now, and she stifled a small sob. “I just. I can’t do it. I take care of myself and it really. Just makes me feel like they’re mocking me when they tell me to be safe and to be careful and cautious. I know how to take care of myself. Nobody else wants to, so I have to do it myself! And I can! And they just. Don’t believe me.”

Kyuseisha no Hikari
PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:17 pm
Whatever restraint Oliver had before, it slipped away. He pulled the well-worn blanket from the back of the couch and shook it out before he moved closer and draped it over her shoulders.

“It’s not like that,” he said gently. “I worry about people who are much better at taking care of themselves than I’ve ever been. I tell Asher to be careful and to take care when he goes to the grocery store. It’s not that they don’t think you can take care of yourself, it’s that they want you to know they want you to be okay. And it might be my fault that Elliot says it because if I’m not saying it to him and his father, they’re saying it to me, because I do have to take care of myself. I have a bad habit of getting into trouble, even if I’m doing my best.”

He didn’t want to overwhelm or crowd her, so he rubbed her back gently and kept a careful eye out to make sure he wasn’t making things worse. “Both of those boys just care about you, Brooklyn. They both have big hearts. I can’t imagine either of them wanting to mock you. Everyone is different, so saying one thing might mean something else to someone, and I’d bet that’s where some of this is coming from. It’s just different walks of life and different experiences. And this whole magical danger that keeps popping up in the city, I don’t blame you for being upset for not knowing what’s going on. I was upset too. But, upset in a different way. I remember when I was your age, things were confusing enough. I can only imagine how much worse it’s gotten. But…it’s okay to be upset. And it’s okay to have feelings and emotions and it’s even okay to fight with your friends sometimes. As long as you’re not trying to hurt each other. And I know you’ve had to be tough before. You don’t have to change how you are. But it’s okay to be gentle here, if you wanted to try. It doesn’t sound like you’ve had a lot of very good influences before, but we can try our best. And Elli and Atticus will, too. I know it’s a lot of new things, and a lot of it is probably scary and frustrating, but I know everybody here just wants what’s best for you. Sometimes we don’t always know what that means, but I hope we can work together to find out.”

Orangeish Sherbert

Kyuseisha no Hikari


Dragonslaying Dragon

Orangeish Sherbert

Noble Unicorn

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 1:43 pm
“I’m…not used to anyone worrying. And those that would pretend to only wanted to use me for money or…or whatever. Foster parents who would act concerned when I would be picked up for shoplifting, pretending to blame themselves when they refused to feed me. I’m just a paycheck. Why…I mean. I’m not worth anything, I’ve heard that enough…I…”

The blanket was appreciated, and Brooklyn drew it tighter around her shoulders, trying to stop her tears, trying to silence her crying but.

“I don’t think that I know how to be gentle, or how to do anything but be the way I am…and it’s just not going to work…and I hate myself for it, I hate myself so much because I can’t just be normal. That my normal is seen to just think that I don’t care and I guess I don’t. I’m disposable. I know that…but. I’m not a quitter, and I can’t just run away when there’s an issue…especially when it’s…I mean. I can if it’s not a physical issue, I’m great at running away from emotional problems…but if the issue is something physical that I can hit? I’m going to use every ounce of force to take it down. Magical or not. The youma from the other night? If you punch something hard enough with a piece of metal in your hand, even if it’s not anything sharp…it’s still better than just running away. I wish…I wish that Elliot had told me that he wanted to lure it away. I wish they had trusted me…but. Then I got blamed for Elliot getting hurt…I…”

She scrubbed her eyes again and hesitated, half wanting to just throw herself at Oliver, to accept this gentle whatever. This comfort from an adult that she honestly couldn’t understand but…

Brooklyn knew that it felt genuine. It didn’t feel like he was lying…and he had nothing to gain from her. “It wasn’t fair to blame me for that…they’re the one that kept secrets…I’m…I’m angry for that…for being blamed…it wasn’t my fault. They expected me to just follow their orders and I can’t do that. I fight. I fight back. I can’t not.” The words were coming out faster and her voice grew more high pitched as the sobs began to increase. This. Wasn’t how this was supposed to go. She was supposed to be showing that she was strong not crying like an idiot baby.

Kyuseisha no Hikari
PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:43 pm
The tears didn’t faze Oliver, who kept stroking her back steadily as he listened. His lips pressed together, because of course it was in his nature to want to defend his son and Atticus. He wasn’t there, though. He didn’t know the exact circumstances, and what was said in the heat of the moment, or recalled through the lens of emotions and hurt.

“Elliot never accused you for being responsible when he told us what happened,” he tried to assure her. “...Asher and I aren’t in the same position as any of you kids, we don’t have magical powers or anything, so I can only imagine how much stress you must all be under, or how scary it must have been. I know when there was a youma in our house, I panicked. Asher was more collected than I was, but it feels like just a blur now. Elliot might seem like he has a plan all the time–and he is quick. He’s clever, he’s hard working, he feels very protective of his friends. But he’s still just a kid too, and I know that he’s been under more stress. I’m sorry that your feelings were hurt. I don’t think anyone meant to. We asked them to keep secrets, to be careful. I’ve had a Negaverse Agent that keeps popping up in my life, and after everything before, well…we just wanted to be careful. But I’m sorry that you got hurt. We just want everyone to be safe. You, included. Even if we all have different ideas of what that means, or how to accomplish that.”

He seemed apologetic, and he continued to rub her back gently.

“There’s no reason to hate yourself, Brooklyn. You’re still so young. Your life isn’t set in stone, you’ve got your whole future ahead of you. You’re not disposable. And now that you do know what’s going on, it means you can figure things out. It’ll be okay. Yesterday’s behind us, and we can make tomorrow better. You’re here, you’re off to a good start, Brooklyn. We’ll figure this all out.”

Orangeish Sherbert

Kyuseisha no Hikari


Dragonslaying Dragon

Orangeish Sherbert

Noble Unicorn

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 5:07 pm
“Elliot didn’t have to…Atticus did a good enough job with it, I promise you…” She sniffed again, burrowing herself into Oliver now, enjoying the strange feeling of safety. Idly, Brooklyn wondered what it would be like to have a father like this but. It wouldn’t happen. Not after she got Elliot hurt. Not after she said such things…

But maybe. She could just enjoy it for a moment…there wouldn’t be anything wrong with that...would there?

“I’ll…try to put it behind me…I…I’ll wait here for Elliot to come back…and…apologize to them both again or…or something…”

She didn’t want to lose her friends. Didn’t want to lose this but.

He was wrong about one thing…she was still disposable. Was untethered and still unwanted, so of course she was disposable….and she knew that since Elliot had such a family to come back to…she would do her best to make sure that he could and always did come back. Atticus too.

Kyuseisha no Hikari
♥ In the Name of the Moon! ♥

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