When she woke up that morning, Kyrie hadn't registered it for what it was. It was another day in December, colder than the day before. Snow fell from the sky, and she watched it from her nest of blankets and pillows in the back of her van. The puffs of white crystals looked like clumps of fluff flying through the air. It was beautiful, and she was grateful for the chance to see it again. Snow fell differently on Solaris than it did here on Earth--but in times like this, when it fell slowly, it reminded her of…. well, home. She shuffled further under her blankets, an act more out of comfort than necessity. The chill didn't bother her. She could turn on a small electric heater for short bursts if she needed, but for the most part? She just felt comfortable.

It wasn't till later when she even heard the date, when she was nibbling a light breakfast of an apple and nuts. The radio played holiday music interspaced with news. When someone said the date, she frowned. December twelfth. Something nagged in the back of her mind, but she pushed it away, unable to put her finger on it.

Something about the date bugged her, but… why?

That night, as she wandered around the park she usually preferred as Solaris, a satchel over her shoulder and art supplies tucked within, she admired the way the white snow turned pale blue under the moonlight. A small wisp of light trailed around her, a strange new companion she was getting used to.

It was a wonderful sight she'd not seen in a while, since the last of the snows melted away… what? In February? March? She wasn't entirely sure. She still was getting used to how Earth tracked time.

Her memories of the first few months were often a jumble. Still adjusting to being surrounded by life. Still adjusting to dealing with people again. Still adjusting to English, trying to learn how to read, trying to understand their currency, Relta helping her set up a new identity… there was so much.

Never mind taking classes to get her license once she had a strong enough grasp of reading and writing English. Getting the van--that Lilith paid for. She paid for everything, really. Kyrie still didn't have an official job. Just made money from her performances.

Or got money from Lilith. Yeah…..

She'd traveled around the Eastern coast for a while, interacting with different people, performing music on the streets. First vocals, then a guitar once she had enough for a used one. Sometimes joining other performers. Usually alone. Gave her enough for gas money, at least, and food. She didn't use the bank card for a while Lilith and Realta had gotten for her--aware, eventually, that Lilith was putting money in there for her.

She still made enough money with her performances, though she hadn't tried holiday music yet. Maybe she should? Carols sounded nice. She wasn't sure about the religious ones but….

As her mind wandered, she sat on a bench she cleared snow off of. Sketching the snow covered land in front of her with colored pencils. So much blue, and grey. It was beautiful.

Snow moving she figured was just the wind. It wasn't until a glob of white jumped up onto the bench with her that Solaris jerked up. Seated with her back against the arm rest so her wings could stretch out behind her, shoes on the bench so she could use her knees and thighs as a table to press her sketchbook against, the blob of white landed where her legs and sketchbook concealed her vision. Pulling the book up towards her chest, she blinked down.

A small bundle of fur was perched on the bench in front of her, pink nose twitching about as large blue eyes stared up at her. Solaris felt her chest tighten.

"Oh.... it's you guys."

Slowly, she put away her sketchbook and pencils, tucking the bag away under the bench. With her lap clear, she crossed her legs, holding a palm out over her skirt towards the rabbit. She remembered them. The cold little rabbit hopped into her hand, snuggling up against her. A second one shortly hopped up, joining its friend.

As she cuddled the rabbits, more began to show up. Solaris laughed, a bit of heat trickling down her cheeks. She remembered them. They were the first life she'd seen in centuries.

She held them, rubbing her cheek into cold, soft fur.

December twelfth.

"That's right…. that was the day I showed up, Metis said."

A year.

She'd been on Earth a year.

Solaris smiled, petting the rabbits gently, enjoying their cold presence.

Above, the stars seemed brighter than usual. She tipped her head back, staring up at them.

A year.

"...maybe it's time I change somethings this year."

[WC: 815]