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[R] Knight Decor [Solaris&Realta&Abzu] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 11:29 am

“Izz edor moozi—“

Please, for all the blessings of the stars above, stop speaking with your mouth full. Chew. Swallow. Then speak.”


The tall Savannah stood, tail flicking back and forth in rapid, twitchy succession, as she glared up at the senshi seated on the bench beside her. Well. More crouched beside her. Solaris’ heels pressed down against the fake wood, legs tucked up to her chest with a last few bites of a cheeseburger balancing precariously on her knees. Just over the back of the bench, pale-peach wings fluffed up in equal annoyance at having received the scolding. Realta’s tail flicked about all the harder, some distant feline-esque instinct wishing she could just… bop one of the feathery appendages once. Or perhaps that was a response to the scowls and pouts the young woman—not a child!—gave.

Solaris in turn finished chewing the large bite, swallowing thickly—almost cartoonishly, earning her an eyeroll from the Mauvian—-before clearing her throat and beginning anew. “As I was saying… I vote either the music, or calling it a night. I don’t sense any youma around, or anything else Chaos-y.” Both had been in a minor debate as to where they would go next. It’d been Realta that had heard the music first. Softly twinkling through the night air, luring in the feline and musician alike. Solaris had only paused to finish eating her Happy Meal, not wanting to carry the wrappers far beyond the reach of a trash can. Moment she’d found one, she’d plopped onto the bench in the most comfortable way she could, considering her wings. Having them smooshed up against hard surfaces wasn’t exactly pleasant, so lifting herself up beyond the back of the bench had been required.

Realta hummed at least, keeping her silence only as long as it took to swipe another French fry and delicately, quietly and politely, devour it. She ignored Solaris’ small frown as she licked her muzzle and paw clean of grease and salt. “Music, then. There’s an Order signature that way, we’d best go say hello. You haven’t met a Knight yet, have you?”

Whatever grudge the senshi was forming over the theft of her food—Realta had already swiped most of her fries—was swiftly set aside at the mention of a Knight. Right. Realta and Metis had mentioned them. It still took a bit for her brain to rattle around to find what she remembered of them. An Academy on Earth. Representatives sent from and to other worlds. A magic of their own right. She clicked her tongue, nodding absently as she stared off into the eons past. Faces she’d never see again, voices she’d never hear again—

“No, not here,” she confirmed, and Realta’s tail halted its rapid twitches. Pearlescent eyes flickered over to the senshi, the silence weighing down and causing the feline to nod her head slightly.

“Well, you’re done with your food, correct?” This time, Solaris nodded, lifting herself up from the bench as Realta hopped down. The senshi tossed away the wrappers, but left the remains of the food slightly more exposed for whatever might nab it.

The clicks of Solaris’ heels faded into silent steps over grass as the two trailed after the music and a not-senshi energy signature. Gentle notes mixed with upbeat melodies, a pace and beat that made her fingers tap in adjoining drumbeat against her thigh. A garden display within the park, one of countless, was their eventual destination. Romanesque columns arranged in a spiraling pattern, each one taller than the last going from the center display outward. Flower pots still held bright blooms towards the smaller center, on ones too tall for people to safely climb on. Towards the middle of the spiral, just after the reach of the flowers, was… a person.

Solaris grinned. “A musical flower. What will they think of next here?” Beside her, Realta gave a small snort of laughter, already beginning to pounce up onto some of the lower columns to begin making her way up along the spiral.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 11:58 am
After the... trouble he had gotten himself into lately, the feeling of relative quiet and peace was a welcomed one. Taking on a mission of purification was already coming with its drawbacks, and while he wasn't necessarily inclined to drop it, perhaps he needed to reconsider a few of his methods. Maybe staying out of arms reach, for one.

It was what drove him back to what he had been doing originally, up atop of statues and poles and other generally odd places that would at least take more looking. He was pretty sure that was part of what enabled his conversation with Akaganeite--that and the music. He could do both on this flat pillar bed, and it would at least buy him some time if an agent desired violence again.

Was he athletic? Not in the least, unless certain activities counted-- as he had told Pharos, he didn't do the jumping thing. But being a knight made at least this much surprisingly easy.

As he lost himself to the music, he didn't quite notice the auras that were approaching. And ultimately, it was because I didn't feel strange to him! There was nothing dark, nothing threatening, just the sensation of a basic? senshi? and as he opened his eyes, a cat. Was that a Mauvian? He hadn't come across a Mauvian yet --

Oh, and they were approaching. And speaking.

And the cat was really approaching--

He straightened out his back just a little more, tucked his saxophone to the side, and offered, warmly, "Drawn to the music? Figured this little scene here could use a nice tune, and as it turns out I know a bunch."

Did that senshi have wings? Was this someone like Daphne, maybe--

Maybe the Negaverse actually did have some point about the aliens? It sounded like that had been a false story the Negaverse fed them from his prior conversations, but now he was actually seeing aliens. Of course, they also seemed to be working with them...



Codebreaking Conversationalist


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 11:37 am

The sound of the wind instrument had brought a warmth to Solaris. Weight of the notes hadn’t possessed the same sort of dainty sound she was more accustomed to, albeit still possessing a delicate nature. She’d been hearing more instruments like this on Earth—the sound was common wafting from speakers in bars, stores, and elevators. It was beautiful to hear, though… she tilted her head now as she viewed the knight.

She’d need to make some inquiries while she was here to finally know what the heck it was even called.

Solaris remained down on the ground, leaning her elbows on one of the tops of the pillars to cup her chin in her palms. A bright smile lit towards the performer up high. “Happy to listen to more melodies. You play beautifully. How long have you been practicing with that instrument?” Any thoughts about asking who the knight was, introducing herself… you know, any of those polite, typical questions, went right out the window. Her brain was entirely focused on music.

A language of every emotion in the book, and able to include even more that had yet to be recorded. Hearing live music, feeling the stories and memories transmitted through the notes… it was a heady, quasi spiritual experience for Solaris. Something she’d wept for the chance to experience again when Kyire had stumbled upon a street performance for her first time on Earth. The youth’s energetic playing of a guitar, accompanied by another’s drums, had been a balm to her old soul starved of such displays. The good, the bad… be that the emotions relayed, or the technical quality of performances, they were all testament to lives lived, and growing knowledge of yet another way to display their stories to the rest of the world.

Oh yes, she remembered the famed music of Neptune. Pale eyes lit upon the emblems on this knight’s coat, and she only smiled all the brighter.

For Realta, the lilac Savannah had been all but purring herself when the Page had been performing. Now, she stopped on one of the pillars, still somewhat keeping a distance between herself and the young man, sitting and tail wrapping around her paws. “I assume you’re not against the company, but you really were performing wonderfully.” Unlike Solaris, though, Realta did remember to keep her manners about herself, and bowed her head in greeting. “Sorry for the interruption, regardless. I am Realta, and this is Sailor Solaris. Is that your weapon? I find it fascinating what sort of objects knights are given as Pages.”

PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 1:39 am
The small audience he gathered seemed very entranced by the music he was playing. It tempted him to go back to playing and just provide them with more music instead, but they were talking to him, and he loved a good conversation as much as he loved music. A good conversation about good music? Even better, and he wouldn't even hesitate the very cute senshi-with-wings as he leaned toward her in turn.

Carefully, of course. Wouldn't want to upset his perhaps precarious point of balance.

"Thank you! A long time, really. The grandparents wanted me to learn some music," Abzu pondered to himself, "decades ago, something about wanting me to seem cultured. Took to the saxophone when I was about eight or so, I believe."

And he was entering his later thirties now, so it had been a little bit...

"And no, not against some company." To Realta, he winked. "Music and good conversation is a good way to spend an evening." And they weren't strutting toward him, pretending to be shy, and then jumping for his starseed. He was pretty good at reading people, but he often wished he was perhaps impossibly better.

He supposed a lot of people probably did.

"Abzu. Of Neptune, though knights seem to make themselves obvious as a general rule." His laughter was as smooth and warm as always as he shifted to tuck his legs into a position folded over each other. "This is my weapon! Falls under pen is mightier than the sword category I think. It's a soprano saxophone."

He shot that winning smile toward Solaris. "Think the Code knew what would fit me best."



Codebreaking Conversationalist


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 11:38 am

Brunette locks slid against her arm before she tucked some of the extra long strands behind a pointed ear. Her eyes were wide and bright as Solaris grinned. His grandparents encouraged this to start? “Not sure what ‘looking cultured’ has to do with anything, but they clearly introduced you to the right hobby. Do you compose at all? You must have a favorite song or ten to play.” The concept of ‘looking cultured’ was an odd one on her tongue. It wasn’t that she didn’t know what the concept—likely—meant. It showed experience with the world beyond your tiny portion. Such was a concept she’d been introduced to after awakening as a senshi, and the importance of such appearances had been something her early instructors had tried to press. In the retrospect, though, Kyrie couldn’t recall a point where being ‘cultured’ actually played any sort of role in how she’d dealt with people from other worlds. Or that it somehow made her look better than her status as a senshi already propelled her.

And yet, Solaris had blinked a few times when Realta had spoken up, a bit of color tinging her cheeks at the obvious reminder that she’d left her manners somewhere back with the cheeseburger wrapper. A current example of something she herself didn’t find as important, but… well. Others sure might…

She gave a two-fingered wave. “Nice to meet you, Abzu.” The comment about knights being obvious made her brain rattle around a moment before—“Oh! You mean the symbols? I mean you can also tell with senshi— wait. No. Not the same,” she trailed off, looking down at her brooch. Senshi had spheres of power, and patron worlds. Knights had wonders that gave them their strength, and patron worlds but they weren’t… their own. Her brow wrinkled as her brain tumbled around the concepts. Once, eons ago, someone had tried to break it down to her. She could recall only meager scraps of it all now.

“Remind me what the Code is?” The puzzled expression lingered as she stared up anew at Abzu, lips pursed as she continued to try and rustle through centuries of memories for tidbits of information. “I don’t even know if I’ve heard of that before…” She hadn’t even gotten back to her surprise of the instrument—soprano saxophone, which he’d been wonderful enough to name for her to later look up—was his… weapon? Her brows continued to furrow. “Do knights have magic? They do, right?”

Realta, at least, was entirely derailed from trying to ask Abzu about himself and his experiences as a Page. Solaris’ ramble of questions made her frown in turn, looking down at the befuddled senshi. “I… presume each knight is different in how their weapons function, and their magical capabilities,” the Mauvian offered towards Abzu, unsure how much information the Page himself had, given Order’s general discombobulating of information dispersal. In turn, though, he was not required to fill in the other’s blanks if he was not so inclined.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 12:11 am
The pointed ears caught his attention, but they seemed to speak to the same thing as her dainty wings. The aliens fascinated him. Aliens that were nice and willing to chat (and not colluding with a malicious force to force corrupt them all)? Even better. He snorted under his breath when she said what she did--"Honestly, I don't either."--and she must have gotten close enough to the meaning. "And I can definitely introduce you to some favorites later if you'd like."

He thought the whole thing was silly. And he certainly had some favorites to play, and maybe some of them were considered culture, but there was a part of him that preferred when people were more creative with the saxophone which definitely didn't fall under the cultured definition his grandparents had been hoping for...

He let her wander through her ponderings, lifting his free hand to Realta to show that he didn't really mind filling in information gaps. Pendour had done that for him. Even Akaganeite had done that for him, albeit tainted by her forced corruption. No reason for him not to do it for everyone else. "We are. I've noticed Neptune has calming abilities, musical weapons for the most part." He paused. "Maybe artifact is a better word."

He shifted where he sat, careening dangerously for one moment before he was back to normal.

"The Code is what provides us our power. From what I've gathered, every single knight Wonder has a piece of the code on it. I don't really know how that part happened, and I've never actually approached my piece," not that he could see much of anything on his wonder, "but it's what gives us our abilities and our magic. I don't really have much yet, but."

Pendour did, and she used it pretty effectively considering he wasn't dead.

"I think I might get some actual useful magic once I level up, although I have heard there's another ability we get that's a little more passive. I haven't tried it yet."

idk how I missed this one sorry jfjfhf


Codebreaking Conversationalist


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:41 pm

Solaris was already in approval of this knight. He didn't mind her questions, actually gave her information, he played an instrument beautifully, and he offered to introduce her to more music. The perfect sort of company, in her book. She bobbed her head rapidly in obvious acceptance, cheeks puffed up with a wide smile.

Her eyes sharpened a bit as he rocked around up on his perch, feet shifting about under her weight in case she needed to bolt forward to at least keep his head from smacking the ground. But the potential trouble passed, and her gaze flicked back up to his face. Calming magic for Neptune, on average. She clicked her tongue, "Oh, I like the word artifact in that case. I mean, unless you are smacking people with the sax, in which case..." She trailed off with a laugh before he continued.

Code was the... source of a knight's power? Huh. So not the Wonder specifically, but what was inside it? Interesting. And another... ability? Even more interesting. Her wings flicked a bit and ruffled under the fabric of her sailor collar. "Thanks for sharing that. I don't really remember much about knights... if I ever did," she added with a huff of a scowl. After so long, some information just... faded out over the centuries. She hadn't thought to write a lot down in the beginning years of the plague and calamity.

Near Abzu, Realta's ears twitched. "There is a piece of the Code up on the Moon Theatre, I believe, if you ever wish to query it," she offered towards both of them. She saw Solaris' eyes dart to her and a dark brow quirk in question, but the Savannah returned her gaze to the Page first. "You will gain more substantial magic upon earning your rank as a Squire, and then again to Knight. Not dissimilar to a Sailor Scout unlocking more powerful magic at Super, then Eternal. Ideally, from my understanding, it can help ensure no one is inundated with too much raw power without first... well. Learning a bit more on how to control it." At least, that was the projections of this Mauvian, and her attempts to understand how the universe wielded its unknowable gifts.

But her tail began to twitch, curiosity making her whiskers and nose even flick about somewhat. Neptune was a waterworld, from what she knew... "Have you visited your Wonder, though? May I ask what it's like? I haven't had the chance to visit a knight's domain yet." Two sets of highly curious eyes were locked on Abzu at Realta's query.

lmaooo you're fine~
PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:42 pm
There was an element of this conversation that felt warm and playful, and Abzu was willing to lean right into that, letting out a warm laugh when she suggested hitting people with it. "Can't say I haven't thought about that. Some of these youma need a good smacking around," and he jokingly swung his artifact in a random direction. "But I'm not gonna provide it with my space-provided saxophone."

To be honest, he was teaching Solaris as much as Realta was teaching him. He knew of the Code Piece on the Moon. He had been teleported there after the Velencian betrayal by something as he watched the energy spread throughout the air. And knowing he would get more substantial magic was encouraging...

"I get the fact that a lot of us were never intended for warfare, but it'd be nice to at least have something better to defend ourselves with." Playing the saxophone was surprisingly effective, as it had lured several into conversation instead of energy draining, but it wasn't necessarily one hundred percent foolproof considering--

Oh, his wonder!

"I have," and he held up the finger with his signet ring for the two of them could take a closer look. "It's dark. Domed. Quiet. I can tell by the occasional sounds that it must be under the water. And by other Neptunian wonders, that would make sense. It's hard to see a make out much, but I am intrigued by it and I would like to find out more."

He offered them both a winning grin.

"It's not exactly much to see right now, but if you're ever interested, I can see if I can take you both up."

He had never tried transporting two people, but one was a cat. They had to count for something right?



Codebreaking Conversationalist


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:28 am

There was… a massive relief for Solaris in this simple chatter. Yes, she was gaining useful information, and meeting another of those born on Earth involved in this war. But it was more the latter she was so fascinated by. Earthlings. That so many senshi were born here now, same with knights. Beyond Metis, Athalia, and Realta, she hadn’t exactly spoken much with others aware of what lay beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, never mind that knew of the war. But now she was just having… a rather regular chat. It was near bliss in its simplicity and how it filled an old ache. Hiding herself as a human was… acceptable. It was not being able to really talk about the reality of her situation, and things in relation to it, that… ate at her.

"You could carry something that’s more suitable for smacking youma around, couldn’t you? I never really understood why knights don’t have… like, swords, or something. Unless you grab one yourself out of an armory, that is," she added with a snort, images of barracks and military halls flickering in her mind. “But, I suppose it’s probably a similar token to why not all senshi have offensive magic, despite how we’re all largely toted as ‘guardians’ of our worlds,” she added with a vague nod. "I’m the Senshi of Catalysts, by the way. I make stuff explode. So my perspective is extremely biased on that front."

Up near Abzu, she could hear Realta groan at the description.

But Abzu had them fully engrossed when he began to speak of his wonder. Both peered at the offered ring—Solaris had to climb up onto the pedestal she was leaning on to get a closer look, wings fluttering slightly as she balanced herself.

Realta and Solaris both immediately sent up chimes of Yes please! to the offer of visiting his domain at some point. "Is it just… the waters that make it difficult to see, or is the lack of electricity or illumination in general on your wonder? We can probably bring devices to help facilitate a temporary system if you’d like?" Ever the technician, Realta’s mind swirled. She also was aware of the state most wonders and worlds were in, lacking such resources. "It must be beautiful beneath the water, though."

Solaris opened her mouth to speak, for a moment her mind sparking with thoughts of old self-sustaining systems her people would use—but clicked it shut when she realized she… didn’t exactly have access to any of those.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 11:34 pm
Abzu wondered if his grandparents might have some relic weapon he could snatch. He probably shouldn't, but it wasn't like they'd really notice anything disappearing from their unfairly expansive collection of s**t they absolutely did not need--

"Catalysts," his eyes widened briefly at the concept of having a power that was literally explosive, but it was followed with an amused and warm laugh. "Fair! That definitely does more damage than a saxophone. All I can do is pull at people's heartstrings unless I want to damage such a sensitive instrument, and I honestly don't feel right doing that..." He'd rather pull at heartstrings anyway. It had been middling in levels of effectiveness, but it was better than not at all.

Abzu snickered at how eager they both were, letting them take their time observing the ring. It was nice. In a mood where he could guarantee the winged senshi would be receptive, he might have playfully dragged a finger along her skin--

He glanced to Solaris to let her finish before he spoke again, but when he realized she wasn't going to, he turned to Realta. "A combination, I think. I suspect my wonder is pretty far below the surface, especially with how other Neptunian wonders look." Pendour's, in particular, seemed bright and inviting despite a similar in-the-water situation. She must have been closer to the surface. He ... must not have been. "But there's also no light at all. I definitely welcome a taste of Mauvian ingenuity if you know anything about how to get it lit up, even temporarily."

He grinned.

"Heard about y'all, at least. Mauvians are supposed to be good at that stuff, right?"

Didn't he need to visit one for his ring--



Codebreaking Conversationalist


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 6:27 pm

Solaris smiled as brightly as a kid in a Christmas commercial. "Good music can be a great distraction or lure. While I’m not so sure it’ll sooth savage beasts, doesn’t hurt to try that route. Or just leave the physical damage to an ally." While she suspected his sax was similar to her uniform where it would just… come back to normal over time, relying on a weapon that could be broken so easily in a fight was extremely ill-advised. She’d not shed a tear if the instrument was damaged, but if Abzu himself got hurt? That would be a reason to fret.

A thought ran out, and she looked down at her hand. She couldn’t offer help with the energy issue in his domain, sure, but she could offer support if he ever needed it… It took a moment for that phone to appear in her hand, scowling at it. She was still getting used to this technology…

Realta kept her focus on the Page, her mind already whirling with possible, though many were only temporary, solutions. "Hmm… for Neptune, generators aren’t viable unless there’s a way to properly vent the air… surely, the place had a power source at some point, but until you can get that up and running—and I’m certainly happy to take a look, or really I’m sure any Mauvian worth their salt would be happy to do so…" Her tail began to flick about, her eyes bright with excitement at a new puzzle to figure out.

But, when Abzu directly inquired about Mauvians, she set the thoughts aside, chuckling up at him. "We are, yes! We’re quite an inventive and creative bunch, if you pardon my say-so. Mauvians, or ‘guardians,’ are quite convenient for dampening auras, aiding senshi in ranking up, fixing or upgrading tech, or even bringing about all new inventions to help others~" Realta couldn’t haven given a more PR-proud introduction, and so she added with a wink, "Plus the fact we’re usually in a feline form makes us especially good at sneaking around."

Her head tilted gently as she watched him. "We’re unable to assist knights in ranking up, unfortunately, but that doesn’t mean we’re incapable of offering other assistance to you. Which! Oh, thank you for bringing that out, dear, that reminds me," she trailed slightly, glancing down at the light from the senshi phone Solaris was fiddling with. It beeped in objection to whatever she’d just tried to do. "Abzu, I take it you haven’t received the update yet for your ring that enables it to send and receive communications from senshi phones, correct?"

Down below, Solaris paused, peering up at them in absolute confusion. Knights and senshi… couldn’t just automatically communicate on their devices..? Who the heck designed that in the cosmos?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:57 am
Abzu, admittedly, took the lure approach more often than he should. It certainly brought in people like Solaris and Realta, Pendour, and Akaganeite, but it also brought in people like that captain who almost took his life. "Physical damage is definitely better left to others," he remarked, with a quiet laugh. "Haven't really worked the fighting muscles ... ever, honestly."

He had certainly worked out in other ways.

"Worked" out.

The Mauvian immediately set upon thinking of ways to help his darkness problem, and his eyes lit up at the prospect of not only a solution but also the ability to get someone else who would do some of the harder work for him. If he could enlist someone who already had ideas where he clearly didn't, all the better-- And she was backing up her own bragging that Mauvians were inventive and creative, he'd give her that.

"So I assume you guys can also not be cats, then, with the usually qualifer," Abzu offered a jovial laugh. Could Realta become a catgirl or something, then? Now that piqued his curiosity, but-- "But if you already have some ideas for my wonder, you're already backing yourself up there. I'd love to see what you can do if you don't mind. I'm sure it'll be wondrous."

Oh! The ring!

That hooked up with why Solaris was fiddling with her phone, probably--

He pulled his ring off his finger and pulled a couple of blueprints out of his subspace pocket, holding them out toward Realta. "I haven't, no. I think these go with the ring upgrades too. I received them when I first found the ring and put it on..."



Codebreaking Conversationalist


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 6:30 pm

"Brilliant lad!" The endearment was spoken with a thicker baroque than Realta usually used, a lit to her voice that only further displayed her excitement of the moment. That he had the blueprints already right there was wonderful--saved her from having to contact Mauvian HQ or anyone else to check her facts.

Purring, the Mauvian had him set the items down on the flat top of the pillar, reading over the blueprints carefully. "Yes... yes... alright... but how did they-- ah, yes, brilliant craftsmanship, you can tell this came from a Mercury knight..." Her musing and mumblings were largely her own, keen on her incoming work.

Solaris, at least, was amused. She glanced up at Abzu with a smile she attempted to keep subdued, her lips pressing together hard. "To... answer your question, yeah. Realta told me Mauvians can access a humanoid form, one that doesn't look quite human, but there's also a glamor that makes them look human, like what I wear when I'm outta this," she clarified, motioning to her uniform. It didn't seem necessary to hide such bits of information. "They've got really strong energy signatures though, apparently, so they prefer to keep hidden as cats. Plus, they get around fine as felines."

"You'll never understand the wonder of thumbs, though, until you need to work machinery and fine wires with paws," quipped the mostly distracted Realta, still pouring over the blueprints a moment or two longer before she picked up Abzu's ring in her mouth. Tossing it up into the air, the Mauvian did a backwards flip, magic swarming the area she encircled. It focused, swirled, and condensed on his ring, glowing a deep, dark blue before it dissipated as she landed on her paws again. Catching it in her mouth, Realta once more purred, offering it back to its owner.

The update was complete!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 5:55 pm
"Gonna assume Mercurian knights are the smart ones?" To be honest, he hadn't met any Mercury knights yet. Knew they existed, and that was about as far as he got on that particular path. He had surprisingly had more luck finding knights of his own origins, which seemed like a harder thing to do--

Abzu's gaze shifted to Solaris as he let her get to her Mauvian work.


And he meant that in multiple ways -- the fact that Solaris could apparently hide her wings and her ears, and the fact that the Mauvians were apparently ******** shapeshifters. The realities of this magical world intrigued him more by the day, and it was why he found himself sucked into it no matter how much a lazy instinct threatened to keep him away. It was how he accessed this world -- and minus Sadie, he knew none of this world outside of their uniform.

"Huh. Could you do that for anyone, make them extra disguises?"

He probably didn't need those--

He took the ring from Realta, grinning at her. "The fact that you can do that with paws though? Incredible." And then, his gaze slid back to Solaris once more. "Guess this means I can take your number now, if you please."

Abzu's wink was probably unnecessarily sultry.

"I have a mansion. You're welcome over if you'd like.'


Codebreaking Conversationalist


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 6:23 pm

"It’s only in extreme cases that we make glamours like that. Hope you never need one, lad, otherwise it likely means your civilian identity has been exposed to agents of Chaos and your life is otherwise in danger." Realta’s warning was firm on this—Solaris flinched, running her hand gently over the pointed tip of one of her ears. The whole reason she’d been required to look human—to keep herself safe. Annoying as it was, it was a necessity.

Still, though, the Mauvian sat down, purring and looking decidedly proud of herself. "I did say we’re a crafty bunch. Which is why I feel confident we can get you some lighting on your wonder." She picked up the blueprints to hand back to him. Realta did catch the wink he sent at Solaris, and the Mauvian immediately rolled her eyes.

Ah, youth

Solaris quirked a brow to Abzu, a smirk teasing across her lips. "A mansion? Well, I’ve already been intrigued, all this talk of underwater, and your skills with music… you just keep getting more and more interesting, don’t you?" Solaris flicked a few buttons on her phone, finally finding how to send her contact information to another’s device—she was amused that Abzu popped up as a possible recipient, and sent the info over.

"I’m very curious to know what other songs you can conjure up with those hands of yours~"

"Ahem," came the immediate throat-clearing from Realta, and Solaris giggled profusely, having zero shame in this.

♥ In the Name of the Moon! ♥

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