Idyia was going to do it, she was going to tell Galatea that she was sick of her always trying to make her feel small. It wasn't a terribly good feeling, whenever she felt pressured by the two-toned hair mare. She just had this deep-rooted fear that if she defied her cousin that she'd react harshly towards her. Amphitrite, would of course, never tolerate such behavior, even from their cousin. It was against their Choir code. Amphitrite would kill Galatea in the event she ever laid a hoof on her, but that went for any of their sisters. It was against their code to harm each other.

Still, Idyia was never one to risk that chance from Gala. The mare was too unpredictable... even so...

Swimming through the ocean depths the cool water didn't feel cold to her. Anyone else would likely be freezing at this point, but she found it to be comfortable and honestly didn't have anything else to compare it to. A flash of yellow ahead made her freeze. There she was. You can do this Idyia!

Swimming closer towards her cousin she cleared her throat. "Galatea, I have something to say to you." She felt her voice start to waiver at the end but shook her head. NO, stand your ground.

The black and gold mer paused in her swimming to look towards Idyia, a small smirk on her face. "Well sister, out with it." She wondered what she had to say, this was a most curious moment for her.

"I'm not going to do what you tell me to do anymore.... I... I dislike how you make me feel and I refuse to allow you to make me feel that way anymore. Oh neptune, there it was. She had finally said it.

Galatea's smirk grew deeper and finally she broke out into a smile and tossed her head slightly, her hair dancing around her face in an elegant manner. "It's about time you grew a backbone. I was thinking this entire time you were always going to just do what I told you..." She was quite pleased and proud that her cousin finally stood up for herself. If Gala was being honest, she had only kept doing it because Idyia had never had the gal to stand up to her and tell her how she felt. She told herself that if she never said anything she'd keep doing it. Only took her forever. "Alright, that's fine with me." Giving a nonchalant shrug she spun in the water. "Hungry?" She asked, since she had been on her way to find something to eat. While Galatea could be an absolute monster, she had a sense of pride towards those that stood up for themselves. She had been waiting years for Idyia to finally grow some fins and confront her, now that she had, she was pleased, though a little disappointed at how long it took for this to actually transpire.

Idyia was actually sort of stunned at the moment... "....Yes, I could definitely eat."

Gala nodded her head and led the way and the two swam off into the deep.
