xxxxN A R I N ExxxA N T H E L MxxxP R I T C H A R D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Nare, Ant (but only family)

              AGE 17

              BIRTHDAY 31 March 2045

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND 11 ½ in. Cypress wood with a dittany stalk core; Supple with a knobby texture

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Kinda varies day to day

              FACECLAIM Aliyah Russel 11-14 [x]
              Cheyenne Carty 15+ [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Welsh, basic German

        xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
            ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

            HOUSE Gryffindor

            YEAR/CLASS OF Seventh

            BEST LESSONS

            WORST LESSONS
                Ancient Runes

            HONORS Prefect, Quidditch Captain

            SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Fite Club, Adventure Club, Quidditch

            CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Grunt

            DREAM JOB Fire chief

        xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            ◊ DEPENDABLE Nare is the first person you would think of when you say you need a job done because she’ll be there on time with at least 2 contingency plans. If she says she’ll do something then she’ll find a way, even if that way is not the straight and narrow.
            ◊ IDEALISTIC She likes to see the bigger picture in things. Her ideas are always grand and larger than life and she sometimes becomes dismayed if they don’t turn out the way she envisioned, but this just encourages her to dream even bigger.
            ◊ FUSSY Nare is a mother hen, fullstop. Unless you tire her hands and tape her mouth shut, she will question you, feed you, swaddle you, and put in her dad’s netflix password all in no real order.
            ◊ INDEPENDENT She’s rather of the idea “if you want something done right, you do it yourself.” It’s not to say she can’t be a team player…just that she works faster alone. With her family’s various schedules, she’s used to being alone and figuring things out for herself.
            ◊ EARNEST No matter what, Nare will very rarely lie to anyone unless it’s a strict need. She wears her heart on her sleeve which has, and will probably continue, to get her into trouble. Then, ironically enough, it’s also usually enough to get her out of that same trouble. Sometimes though.
            ◊ RECKLESS Nare is definitely the “do first ask permission later” type of girl. She’d rather you be mad at her for breaking a few ribs but still alive to scold her for it. She has her fair share of cuts, bumps, bruises, and scars to proudly show to anyone who’ll listen.

                Family dinners
                Reading mysteries
                Helping people
                Chocolate toffee cookies

                When her family is hurt
                Forty-eight hour shifts
                Cauliflower (it literally tastes like nothing but a gross nothing)
                Freezer burned ice cream

                Hanging around the firehouse
                Competing in kart races
                Video games


                Can be too much in your personal space

                Being left alone

        xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            CHILDHOOD Narine was a firehouse baby, in that her parents (or her mother no one really saw who did it) dropped her off there when she was about a few months old. She was left in a laundry hamper with a few blankets, a bottle, and about half a can of formula but no hint of her identity. The acting fire chief would’ve, and should have, called the police right when they found her but it was a bit of a slow day for them and she was a rather cute baby. By the end of shift however, he made the call and she was taken into care. This lasted all of about two weeks before the chief, Cefin Pritchard came by asking what he would need to do in order to adopt her. It took a short while, with him having a very precarious job, but they granted him custody and thus Narine had a new name and a new life. All her important memories were around or at the firehouse and with its crew. Everyone had a hand in raising and teaching her-much to her father’s accepted consternation. She knew just about everyone from the station and their families and were friends with nearly everyone. It was in fact one of the paramedics who got her into weekend go-kart racing which had not looked so good to their boss but Nare had been in heaven. Plus it worked out for her that every adult she knew has basic first aide training. When she turned eleven, a woman named Nora Heulwen came by with a strange letter and book telling her she was a bonafide witch and that she’d been offered a place at a magic school. She actually didn’t believe it at first thinking it was a ridiculously elaborate prank but after some explanations and digging deeper into past memories, she could conclude that maybe it was magic that protected her from her various falls and crashes and not just insane good luck. It was luck that Ms. Heulwen had come by when it was just her and her dad, especially since they were urged to not tell anyone due to secrecy and whatnot, which is kinda hard but she’s trying. Since visiting the alley and getting her supplies, Nare can’t wait to start her new adventure.

            SCHOOL YEARS
                ◊ FIRST YEAR Magic was awesome but school was still school unfortunately. She was sorted into a really bright house with lions (which was rad) and everyone was pretty cool so far. She made some friends and she didn't totally fall behind in her classes so...a total win!
                ◊ SECOND YEAR So far so good, she joined a bunch of clubs this year, mostly DnD and Larp because it was hilariously awesome. She also joined the Quidditch team as a chaser which was maddening cool. She was on the team last year as well but This year she got to play a bit in a game! (ok so it sucked that kid got knocked the eff out but cmon!)
                ◊ THIRD YEAR Nare got to sign up for a bunch of new cooler classes which she now thinks was a ponzi scheme about homework because holy s**t did she have a veritable mountain. On the other hand though, Hogsmeade was totally rad! Butterbeer may not be her favorite but she enjoyed it nonetheless. She also joined fite club (because she obviously wasn't busy enough) and she's sure she's going finally beat her dad's not-partner (like really dad, you two go to farmers markets on weekends. ReAlLy???)
                ◊ FOURTH YEAR She seems to just be getting busier and busier and dear lord she did this to herself. At least she had her friends to thankfully drag her away from her studying (ok so it was usually the other way around but in her defense, she could only stare at the same page for so long!) On the dad front, no updates and both of their obtuseness on the matter was genuinely starting to both piss her off and stress her out.
                ◊ FIFTH YEAR Nare is pretty sure she died somewhere in this year. She was a starter, she was in charge of not one but TWO clubs, she was a GODDAMN prefect, A.N.D. she had to study for her OWL's. Bury her in her favorite converse and made sure The Rose plays at the funeral.
                ◊ SIXTH YEAR She was given yet another! responsibility! She was put in charge of the quidditch team which she thought she was ready for but after their season she's not so sure. She's not sure if it was due to her poor coaching or because a majority of her teammates were way young. Either way, she was gonna have to budge up next year. Luckily despite all her massive responsibilities, she managed to massively cut down her classload. Not so much the homework because God is a cruel mistress.
                ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

            POST GRADUATION Information

        xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                Parents - Cefin Pritchard
                Grandparents - Caoelin and Priscilla Pritchard (deceased)
                Aunts/Uncles - Too many to name

                Best Friend - Salem Forne
                Zach Knapp
                Logan Strife
                Benjamin Olson
                Linsey Grey-Cavendish
                Brianna Quinn-Smith

            ENEMIES A snowshoe cat name Bunny
            PETS She hasn’t decided on one yet

        xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        UPDATED 5/7/2024xxx
        UPDATES MADExxx
        Age, sex, year, bio, petxxxxxx
        (recent update)xxxxxx
        (recent update)

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