Name: Emechia
Age: 14 Turns
Nameday: 3563.08.19 (m/d)
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: tbd
Craft: Dolphineer
Rank: Apprentice
Location: Black Sand Hold (Western Weyr)
Physical Description:
Emechia currently stands 4'8" tall, and she'll reach 5'5" when she reaches her full growth. Her face is angular with a large nose and thin lips. Her eyes are slanted and on the smaller size with hazel brown eyes. Emechia's skin is tanned a nice burnished copper from all the time in the sun. Her blonde hair is long, she keeps it bound close to her head and lets the rest hang free nearly reaching her butt. It's often lank from the amount of time she spends in the sea water.

Her shoulders are slanted and she has a well-defined waist. Emechia's arms and legs are very well toned from the amount of time she spends swimming in the ocean. She tends to wear a bikini swimsuit with a cloth tied around her hips, unless she's swimming.

Emechia is bubbling with enthusiasm for most things, but particularly if it involves the ocean. She will happily provide the moral support and cheerleading squad for whatever it is another may have planned. The teen will invite herself into the group to find out about the goings ons if she's not directly invited. Emechia can be unrestrained with her support and may frequently go overboard. She is not the person you want around if you are planning a surprise party.

When troubles arise or problems block the path, Emechia is the go-to resourceful girl. She will do what it takes to get job done, and done well. Emechia likes to have good connections with others that makes her ideal for others to come to when they need help. Deep down she worries that she hasn't done enough. Emechia is anxious that some plan will go awry. The closer an event approaches the more she worry about it and try to come up with contingencies.

On her own the teen likes to take her activities as leisure. Emechia enjoys her past times; particularly when she's swimming with the dolphins. It's the hardest to pull herself away from. While she is very vocal about encouraging others, Emechia is very private with her own ideas and thoughts. She feels most comfortable sharing them with her older sister Claridel. Whenever someone tries to ask her what she thinks or how she's feeling, Emechia will do her best to redirect their attention onto someone or something else.

Emechia is a down to Pern kind of girl. She's been exposed to a lot of the birds and the bees, particularly with the dolphins, that it doesn't bother her. It is what it is, and she'll be as direct and uninhibited as needed in the situation. She is not above playing a tiny bit of matchmaker, to help someone follow their heart. Emechia is uncritical and doesn't feel the need to judge others. So their plan maybe didn't work that time. It's ok. They'll just go back to the drawing board and come up with a better plan this time!

Positive Trait List
enthusiastic, resourceful, leisurely, earthy

Negative Trait List
unrestrained, private, uncritical, anxious

The youngest of three girls, Emechia had hand-me-downs aplenty. Her family runs several cots in Black Sand Hold that they rent out for vacationers. For an additional fee, there are also surfing and swimming lessons, and swimming with dolphins activities. She looks up to and admires her two older sisters. Emechia has decided she wants to become a dolphineer, so she can always be close to the ocean and the dolphins.

She was a little sad when Del was Searched and whisked off to the weyr. How could she leave their perfect home? Sure, they had to deal with the occasional pirate or feline, but who didn't in Southern? It was a slightly busier and quieter turn since her left, and it passed quickly for Emechia.

Other: Younger sister to Del (Claridel) tehFey
Has green firelizard.

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? Yes
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No
- - - > Please keep in mind that Stands Impressions are very rare. This means that not everybody will get an opportunity to have a surprise Impression, and you lower your chances of being picked by a dragonet. Given the character is not ICly an official Candidate, they will need a reason to be at the Weyr of their choice long-term, or at least for every Hatching.