




AGE 11

BIRTHDAY 9/17/2042


SEXUAL ORIENTATION (Straight/Bisexual/Gay/Other)

WAND 13in Aspen with Hippogriff Talon, Inflexible with a smooth shaft.

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR First

HOUSE Slytherin

DREAM JOB dragon


NIHILISTIC Wally has a negative view of the world and assumes by default most don't care about him or his hardships unless they have something to gain. Everyone is just in it for themselves and will step on others if needed. He tends to assume people are going to be mean from the get go, even if he doesn't say it. Even though he wants to be proven wrong he doubts he is.

SKEPTICAL Wally rarely trusts anyone or anything till he can prove he is not going to get double crossed or find out the truth. He automatically assumes someone is either lying or sugar coating something when the truth is told. While skeptical He's not a total d**k he does appreciate it when someone wants to help him. He doesn't hate people, just the things they do. While hesitant to trust he does want to have people he can put trust in.

ASTUTE Wally is very perceptive of what's going on around him and notices and remembers details and conversations that he's had. He is pretty good at noticing when he is not being told everything or if someone is generally omitting information. He is good at recalling detailed memories of places he's been or things he's experienced. He has a good memory though there's plenty he would rather forget.

POSSESSIVE Wally was used to having very little as such he prefers not to share and is protective of what possessions he has. Who knows if the other person cares for the item as much as he does? He trusts very few with his stuff and doesn't care if he comes off as a jerk in order to protect his things. Even with people he trusts he is still uneasy letting them handle his stuff even when they've proven themselves trustworthy.

BRAVE Even if Wally is scared he will stand his ground. Weakness has never got him anywhere and sometimes in more danger than before. He would much rather fight for himself because he assumes no one else will. How can he expect others to try to protect him if he can't protect himself? He's also a potty mouth, he picked it up from how he was raised and doesn't care if people don't like it or punish him for it.

RESILIENT Wally has developed a thick skin over time. He is used to being insulted and told he's worthless and doesn't put much stock in what people say about him. He tends to blow off unconstructive criticism completely and even takes constructive criticism with a grain of salt. He sees himself as one of the few advocates for his wants and needs. He doesn't care if others dont like him. That is their problem not his.

■ candy
■ romantic movies
■ rain
■ cats
■ Mexican food
■ swearing

■ big dogs
■ peas
■ needles
■ heat
■ carrots
■ fancy things

■ brave
■ resilient

■ trusting
■ selfish

PET White Cat named Dr Fart

■ his birth parents


EARLY CHILDHOOD Wally was born to parents that honestly should never have been parents. His parents spent nearly any money they had for drugs barely having enough to feed themselves or the child they brought into the world. What little they did with their son was to use Wally to get their fix. What cop would search a kid for drugs? Being too young to understand what he was doing, he tried to do what he was told and be a good boy. He would hide things when his parents asked him too. Sometimes he was even asked to go get a bag from some house to bring him but was told not to look in the bag. As he got older he learned why his parents acted differently all the time. It had to be the drugs he would find by them when they were passed out. He even tried asking them to stop doing drugs as he didn’t like it when they were like that. However, he asked at the wrong time. Right when they had gone longer than normal without any kind of fix. Wally knew the bruises would heal his innocence and trust would not. He hardly even noticed that his parents were arguing over the mysterious disappearance of their drugs caused by his magic.

He had always thought He had been picking up food or something important. But one day he decided to look in the bag. What would his parents do? Hit him again? As he feared it was more drugs. He was part of their problem. He regretfully took the bag to them as he normally did. Soon after, he started to notice there would be times there wouldn't be anything to eat at home. He had been used to stealing lunches from lockers to have dinner when he got home during these times but there was hardly anything at all, all the time now.

Suddenly his parents told him there was a very special pick up this time. After getting hit for mouthing off by asking what was so special about this bag he was set off to a new location. He got suspicious when the bag he normally got wasn't there. Wally then got picked up by the local drug guy who said something about his parents finally paying off their bill. Did they seriously sell him to cover their damn drug bill?! Wally freed himself by biting hard in the guy's arm and running as fast as he could. Being small gave him an advantage and he evaded his pursuers.

Knowing his parents didn't care about him anymore, he ran to the police station who were very interested in what he had to say. Even while being a key witness he was still pretty standoffish. How was he going to be sure that he wasn't going to get double-crossed? But he was proven wrong when lots of arrests were made and he was legally separated from his parents. Expecting to be thrown into foster care he was surprised to go to an orphanage called Wools. Well, at least they had food. Hopefully, he would get to stay here till he was old enough. Unless they would try and sell him too. If his parents didn't want him, who would?

Wally had expected to spend his years at Wools little did he know he would find a family that actually wanted him. He gained parents that gave a s**t and 2 siblings! It took a while to get used to a home and family that cared. His moms were patient and understanding and made sure Wally felt safe enough to drop old survival habits. Wally's acceptance moment was when he got gifted a stuffed friend from his new parents. It was one he had been eyeing at the store but thought he wouldn't get it so he never asked. He may not trust many people but he does his family. While initially doubtful he was magic he was excited to get his Hogwarts letter! Now he could go with Galen this year!

FIRST YEAR (what happened your character's first year of school; this section will be added in after their first year is completed)
SECOND YEAR (what happened your character's second year of school; this section will be added in after their second year is completed)
THIRD YEAR (what happened your character's third year of school; this section will be added in after their third year is completed)
FOURTH YEAR (what happened your character's fourth year of school; this section will be added in after their fourth year is completed)
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)


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