
FACECLAIM PicCrew images; Brown hair, Brown eyes, hair usually worn up
AGE 11
BIRTHDAY July 27th, 2042
BLOOD STATUS Half-blood - but assume Muggleblood
WAND A very flexible 11 inch long, Beech wood wand with a Phoenix feather core that is particularly good at the Dark Arts

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
YEAR First
Hm, a bit indecisive, are we, then?
You do have to go somewhere, my dear
Perhaps you'll find your way in


DREAM JOB Accountant/marketing at Fashion Agency
      Astronomy ~ A
      Charms ~ E
      Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
      Herbology ~ T
      History of Magic ~ E
      Potions ~ A
      Transfiguration ~ E

      Arithmancy ~ A
      Healing ~ P
      Wandless Magic ~ A
      Wandlore ~ O
      Wizard Law ~ E

xxxPERSONALITY ____xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Patient Yari has always said she was the most patient of all her siblings, so much so that she waited until very last to be born, waiting until a whole new day before she made her presence known. She took this through the rest of her life, waiting for the other kids to go first, listening to their ideas, and just everything.
Determined Yari is going to do what needs to get done, no matter the cost. She will be successful in the family fashion industry, she would not fall behind, she would be the best of them all.
Obnoxious Yari is generally unpleasant to everyone who is not related to her. Why should she, the baby of the family, be nice to anyone? It was clearly her older siblings job to gain the favor of others.
Seemingly Trusting Yari will listen to others, she seems like the kind of person you want to tell your darkest secrets to; however, the second she sees a secret as a threat she will ruin the secret, tell everyone possible or threaten the secret teller until she’s content.
Indecisive Yaretzi doesn’t know. She could do this or that. Either way is good. Both have benefits and drawbacks. She could go this way or that way. Is that right or wrong? Who knows.
Irreligious Yari believes there may be a higher up controlling everything, but she just doesn’t care how that something wants her to act. She will create her own fate, she will succeed and she doesn’t need to ask for some higher up’s approval for that.

■ Blue
■ Math! Numbers!
■ Style Magazines
■ Judging people
■ Frogs
■ Clouds

■ Furry pets: hair gets everywhere and ruins everything!
■ Black: it clashes too much with the brown hair and makes them look super pale
■ People
■ Coffee: Ugh the awful staining
■ Tight Clothing

■ Teamwork: She works with others (just her family actually) to succeed
■ Honesty: She is brutally honest with others

■ Math she loves doing it, but is just super bad at it
■ Disappointment: she feels she often disappoints her family

■ someone wearing non-matching colors the horror
■ Becoming Colorblind


July 26th, 2042: Not born yet
→ Late at night, it was decided, these kids were coming out. Three legends were born, first - Harlynn, second - Echo, third - Milan. However, a fourth legend was destined. But she would wait, she would linger inside her mother’s womb, she would be the most special, the most legendary.

July 27th, 2042: 12:02 AM
→ Born was Yaretzi Rose Wellbelove, the youngest of the Wellbelove quadruplets. Except she would not share her birthday with her siblings, no she was more special than that. While she was the youngest born, she did have 2 siblings that looked identical to her, and one that looked... almost similar if not for the fact that he was a boy.

Fall 2047 through Summer 2053: Primary School
→ There was only one place that was elegant enough for the Wellbelove kids to go, only one place that their school uniform wouldn’t clash with their hair color and complexion. Of course, when they started this wasn’t their concern, but it was quickly made known that they approved of the school uniforms. Of course, after they had learned the basics of primary school and had aged into the well beings they were, the quadruplets quickly realized that school was a competition and they all wanted to be at the top of their class. Yari was fine with that, some friendly competition was always nice, and if they ever announced the top 5 kids of the school, it would have to be the majority of Wellbeloves.
→ Slowly each kid began showing signs of magic. Each time though, they also managed to blame it on the nanny and get them fired. Yari’s first sign of accidental magic was a strange one. The nanny came in with the assigned black clothes, but honestly they looked hideous. Yari threw a fit where she told the Nanny to change clothes, wear gray or white, the nanny wouldn’t have it. Yari glared harder, the nanny’s clothes turned bright blue, as did all the clothes in the closet. THat was also when Mama came in and saw the Nanny in a not-approved clothing... and all the clothes sabotaged... Yari grinned, goodbye Nanny 19.
→ Once they had started showing signs of magic though, their mother was quick to put them in private tutoring on the weekends, or rather, Mama started tutoring them herself. They learned all sorts of Magic Theory, they were going to be well prepared by time they went to Hogwarts, which would be excellent at remaining at the top of their class. It had been a great time when they found they were all magical, their Muggleborn mother was thrilled. Mama’s genes for wizardry were so strong that she had passed them into all four of her children.
→ Yari wanted to be the accountant for the family business. Right now it was very basic things, simple math with checking that the costs were coming out of the accounts properly, and that people were paying Mama’s business. She was bad at it, she often forgot a simple step when subtracting or adding, or forgot to multiply the quantities. Of course, Echo was always there to point out her flaws, perfect Echo. However, this just pushed Yari to be more successful, she would push past Echo and would become the accountant even if she had to fight for it.
→ There was a pet frog in their private school. Yaretzi was 10. She needed that frog. She knew the next school year she would be leaving the private school and be going to Hogwarts... So she stole the frog, whose name was now Paul. She would care for Paul better than any other kid would have. Paul was just the perfect frog with the unique purple lining on his back... he may have been poisonous but he was just so perfect.


A tragedy happened - Milan was separated from them and they had to share their room with another girl. The good news, they were constantly able to kick the girl out and sneak Milan in when they wanted.


Some weird thing happened, and Yari swore to never like Dominik Knapp - or any of the Knapp family, when Chadwick cut Echo’s hair, Yari would make them pay. Yari helped Echo get her hair to something…kind of fashionable, it could have been worse.


Yari ran into a girl in the tapestry hallway while trying to get inspiration - Annalise Watson, but she said to call her Annie. Annie and Yari became quick friends, and Yari used Annie as her living mannequin - often giving Annie the outfits she created for her.

Yari had detention - but not because SHE did anything, but because Echo was cheating. Yari would not forgive Echo - how could Echo betray her like that? Ruin Yari’s name?!


Yari was excited to have Annie join her during the art festival, it was a beautiful time. Sure there were some strangers to watch out for - but they had Nanny 99 watching over them the entire time.

Milan was doing his own thing, Echo isolated herself from the others and grew closer to *Daphne*, and Harlyn was off on her own. Yari wished she knew when did the siblings become…individuals instead of the same person? Yari looked at Annie, at least she had her best friend to hang out with.


Toward the end of the 2057 year, Angier, Milans friend, asked Yari to go out with him. Yari screed and agreed. Angier was preciously cute and got along well with the family - yes he’d be a perfect fit. She never intended to fall in love with him though, she just wanted someone to get the firsts out of the way with - first boyfriend, first kiss, etc. Instead, she fell hard for him. They celebrated each others successes and failures.

Yari studied hard this year, but also didn’t do nearly as well as Echo. Yari wanted to be the best, but she couldn’t balance all the studying and relationships.


That Summer, an accident happened. Angier was gone. He was never coming back. Yari separated herself from her siblings, her friends, her classes. She wouldn’t care for any of them. She did have captain over the art club, but she became semi-unhinged whenever she started doing art.

Before winter break, Yari tried to unalive herself, preparing letters and her own funeral shroud - but the attempt was thwarted by Daphne the Roomie, who just happened to be good at healing and got Yari to the hospital wing.

Yari was hospitalized from Mid-December 2058 until the start of February. At that point, she had private tutors trying to catch her up on work, but was it worth it? Angier was still gone, her siblings probably hated her guts, especially if they found her letters, Annie was probably hurt and burdened by taking care of Yari’s frogs, AND Yari didn’t have her frogs to croak at her.

Yari was set to go back to school after Spring Break or so she thought. Professor Vihaan made a home visit during Spring Break - and talked to Yari and Mama Wellbelove about what she wanted to do, return or stay home, or work from home. Yari talked it over with her mama and Vihaan, and they decided it would be best for Yari to wait until next year, but she could work on some materials. Hogwarts would still be there next year, and Yari would be in 6th year again when she went - separating her from her siblings.

The thought of the disappointment people would have by er not coming back, her disappointment for not going back. She wasn’t good enough for the remainder of the year of Hogwarts? She would have to wait months to go back and hear the post-summer whispers about her attempt? Annie had already been moths without Yari - how hurt would she be by more time apart? She thought to herself, what if she just. Relieved some of the mental and emotional pressures, by making it physical. She slit her wrists again, her mother finding her - and was sent to hospital again.

Yari got back home in May, but still had constant therapy sessions to attend to - she was a burden to her mother now.


UPDATED 5/21/23
■ Wrote what's happened in her school life
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

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