FORMERLY KNOWN AS Galen Ezreal McIntyre
NICKNAMES Change-thing
AGE 17
BIRTHDAY December 3rd, 2041 -- Sagittarius
LANGUAGES English, British Sign Language (basic)
MORE-THAN-AVERAGE Metamorphmagus

WAND English oak wood and amber core, 12¼ inches, solid and warm to the touch. Multi-ball handle with a spiraled shaft.[x]
PATRONUS terrier dog (can't do yet)

FACECLAIM Isaac Hempstead Wright
HEIGHT 5’10” (178 cm)
WEIGHT 156 lbs (71 kg)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
YEAR seventh
HOUSE Hufflepuff

■ Adventurer's Guild
■ Art Club
■ Cooking Club (captain year 4+)
■ Creature Appreciation Club (created year 5)
■ Quidditch -- chaser (yr2+), reserve (yr1)
■ LARP club -- background character (captain year 3+)

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ E
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
Herbology ~ E
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ E
Transfiguration ~ A

Art ~ O
Care of Magical Creatures ~ E
Healing ~ A
Muggle Studies ~ E
Mythology ~ O
Wizard Law ~ E

Astronomy ~
Charms ~
Herbology ~
Potions ~
Transfiguration ~

Art ~ #
Care of Magical Creatures ~
Muggle Studies ~
Mythology ~
Wizard Law ~

Other Electives

Advanced Flying: (year 2, 3) Advanced. Galen is a solid flier and played Quidditch every year despite knowing he probably wouldn't be a pro Quidditch player.
Apparition: (year 6) Proficient to long range with focus and under good conditions.

DREAM JOB Quidditch Player or Professional DnD GM?

KIND Galen would like to be the kind of kind that heals hurt. Less concerned about nice words or following rules, Galen wants to encourage people to play the game of life to their best -- he listens to people and tries to find what is hurting and help them solve that, or at least face that. This isn’t always what people want or think is right, but it does come from genuine care.

DIPLOMATIC Galen is happiest when everyone can work together. He listens to what people need and looks for opportunities to bring people together for mutual benefit. He believes the best plans are always those that have the best parts of many plans, so is always willing to compromise or help negotiate a compromise. Especially when it’s just him feeling a certain way, he’s quick to yield or concede if he thinks it’ll make people work together better. He always asks why people do mean things and is usually willing to make an excuse for them.

PLAYFUL Along with his optimism, Galen has a relentlessly playful spirit. He likes having fun, and he likes getting other people to have fun. Small pranks and jokes are always welcome, and even though he doesn't say rude joking things, he's willing to play along. Due to a heart defect, he can’t always run around and play for very much, but he does what he can-- whether it’s an impromptu dress up session or a meticulously detailed Dungeons and Dragons campaign, Galen just wants people to enjoy themselves and enjoy life.

PHILOSOPHICAL Galen enjoys thinking about abstract ideas or just thinking about things “like an alien”. He tries very hard to make a metaphor out of everything, and to see something deep and meaningful in every whim of the universe. He has tried reading about wizarding and muggle philosophers and enjoys what he knows, but doesn't always keep them straight.

HONEST Despite just wanting to be kind, Galen has basically been conditioned into honesty -- His meta ability meant his body literally telegraphed everything he felt, from guilt over a small lie to hurt at an offhand comment. Even without this though, he thinks it’s always best to be honest, and “white lies” are cover ups for deeper issues that could be better off discussed or accepted. The only time Galen will ever even try to be less than honest is for some in-game strategery.

■ Playing or DMing games
■ Reading/ Drawing comics
■ Horseback riding or flying

■ Roleplaying games. Complete with voices and costumes.
■ Any kind of pets, but particularly horses and dragons
■ Quidditch
■ Different weather
■ Ice cream (which he can't have)

■ Keeping track of medicines
■ Rules. Societal barriers. Agents of authority. The Lawman.
■ Spoil-sports-- he’s actually okay with cheaters, but it’s people who don’t want to play the game and spoil it for others that makes him upset.
■ Stubbornness. People being stubborn and uncompromising.
■ Cheese (which he can't have)

■ Optimistic-- he chooses to see the good in everyone
■ Resilient-- Strike him down and Galen will get up asking how you did it.

■ Rationalizer-- Galen always tries to understand why people do things, or, failing to do that, makes excuses for them.
■ Defiant— Kind doesn’t always mean polite, and good doesn’t always mean lawful, and Galen definitely has his own childish ideas about how things ought to go.

■ Adopt all the Metas in the world into a Meta House
■ Of all the happy days with a giant happy family.

■ Vanishing without being able to tell his family and friends what's going on.
■ Losing his new family.

☻☺EARLY CHILDHOOD Galen was three when he was taken to Wool’s. He doesn’t remember his birth parents at all, even if he has their pictures memorized. He doesn’t remember levitating pudding and baby food around, to the amazement and horror of the muggles around. He doesn’t remember shifting colors and faces with every giggle. From his sister's stories, he knows a little about Winchester, and a little less about Stirling. Instead, Wool’s was his first home, and the Wool's residents his first family. He asked his sister a lot of questions about their mother or father, but sometimes she didn't reply, saying it was better for him not to think about things that aren’t true anymore.

As he struggled to control his meta ability, Galen was happy to be homeschooled by Steffi and Luke. He couldn't read or do numbers very well, but he showed good interest in learning stories, playing games, and helping out around the place. While he couldn't run around too long without risking heart issues and spent more time sick than he'd like, Galen proved to be curious and persistent--if forgetful and irresponsible.

Galen's closest friend and fellow meta Cassidy was adopted in June of 2049 and while he was happy for his friend, he never forgot that goodbye. Two years later, Nova and Aileas Saylor started coming to Wool's. Galen adored Aileas immediately, and was ecstatic when the Saylors proposed adopting him, his sister, and his new friend Wally. The five lived at the Saylor Farmhouse in Killin, Scotland, where they were homeschooled in magic and art. Galen and Cassidy reconnected, and Galen put more effort into learning to control his meta changes.

When he turned 11, Galen both dreaded and looked forward to going to Hogwarts. He didn't want to leave his family, but he was curious to learn more magic.

FIRST YEAR Galen started out his first year in detention after he and Cassidy tried (poorly) impersonating each other and others on the first day of class. He received a howler from Aileas and Vera about his behavior, served his detention cheerfully, and was relatively undisruptive afterwards, focused on getting better at Flying, classes, and clubs.

SECOND YEAR was a blast because Wally was joining him! Even though Wally was sorted in a different house, they shared the dungeons, and Galen was happy to drag Wally around with the Metafectas--at least he could befriend Simon's cousin Kai! Otherwise, the year was spent in a happy blend of Quidditch, Clubs, and ..oh yeah, class! In Spring, he heard Simon's voice for the first time--although since it triggered a panic attack, Galen wasn't too happy about it and focused on comforting his friends.

THIRD YEAR Galen joined up with 6 electives on top of captaining The Order of the Stick, which he was quite confused by, but happy to help. He otherwise passed time having fun conversations with people and enjoying school and clubs.

FOURTH YEAR was spent mostly just hanging out with his Metafecta buddies and keeping busy with classes and clubs. He took over as captain of the Cooking Club but immediately started training Sammie Bardsdale and Pepijn Ter Avest, second years, to run it, given their love of food.

FIFTH YEAR Galen approached OWLs year with his usual optimism and sense of serenity-he studied diligently, but didn't treat it differently than any other exam or learning opportunity. He realized during this time he was crushing on his housemate Nora Dashwood, with whom he shared quite a few clubs with. For now, they were friends at least!

SIXTH YEAR Over the summer Angier Zheng had died while at Wool's--Galen was sad about the news, but going back to school and seeing his girlfriend, Yari, and best friend, Milan, grieving was worse. Given Angier had died in an animagus accident, he was all at once surprised Nora had been doing an Animagus, relieved she was safe, overjoyed she had succeeded, and embarrased when he first encounted her terrier form. During a pick-up Quidditch game in March, Galen suffered an attack during a Quidditch match, sending him reeling to the ground. During his extended Hospital Wing stay, he got to know Milan better, and he Nora started flirting. Once Galen was out, he and Nora went on a few dates, all of which he at least thought was a ton of fun!


Parents Aileas Saylor, artist (pureblood squib); Vernova Saylor, lawyer (halfblood)
Siblings Vera Saylor, designer and wedding planner Wallace Saylor, mini-foodie
Pet Dragon (pink puffle with green eyes)

Birth Parents Halinor Oakley, florist (muggle); Guillian McIntyre, herbologist and cursebreaker (halfblood, presumed dead)

CRUSHING ONNora Jayne Dashwood, cutest human and dog ever.
Best Friend: Cassidy Nakano-Roussel
Team Metafecta : Mona Al-Hadad, Simon Blake, Cassidy Nakano-Roussel, Giovanni Nardovino, Lucian Valentine with Kai Levy, Wally Saylor
Daphne Greensborough, Dominik Knapp, Benjamin Lewis, Taylor Olson, Ron Quinn-Smith, Echo and Milan Wellbelove
Older students: Freaking everyone in Hufflepuff okay?
Wool's People Luke Nalson, Steffi Nalson-Lillantine, caretakers; Harmony Aindrias; Calliope Whitethorne
Pediatrician: Lyall "Healer Rabbit" Thompson, Marni Kavanagh

■ Texas (Nova's parents)
■ Child Protective Services
■ Government people in general

☻☺NOTE: Galen's heart issue is based very loosely on Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, which is asymptomatic except at fast heart rates, which can trigger cardiac arrest.
Severe shellfish allergies, moderate fish allergies, mild lactose intolerance.

CREATED June 2019
UPDATED 16 December 2022
■ Y6 update
■ Flavor edits to better reflect his age: Philosophical trait flavor text; Hobbies edited (Playing make-believe games + dressing up > Playing or DM g games, Reading comic books/ Watching cartoons > Reading/ drawing comics. Horseback riding, flying; Dream Playing Quidditch > Meta House.
■ Fears update: People forgetting him > Vanishing on people. His relationships with friends and family are stable and knows how to control his meta changes well enough.

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