Little felt as good in life as helping someone else out did. Especially if that person had helped you out and you were simply repaying the favor, because helping someone who helped you was just the most satisfying thing one could do. Well, aside from finishing a painting. That was also pretty satisfying.

So when Yu had expressed a need for more bread, maybe some little cinnamon buns as a treat for later, Isiah hadn't hesitated to offer to go into town and get some. There was so little he could do to repay the other Kitsu for allowing him to stay in the spare bedroom for as long as he needed to, that he was more than happy to do any little thing that Yu needed. Even if Yu rarely ever asked for help with anything. Between trying to sell his art, Isiah had also been helping out where he could in gathering from the forest nearby and working the garden. He did his share of cooking, sometimes baking. Which was becoming an unknown hobby of his. He discovered arranging decorations and placing the icing just so on cupcakes and cakes was just as much fun and just as rewarding as putting his paintbrush to work. If only he knew more Kitsu with which to share his baked goods with. Yu was a great supporter, but that was all he was. Aside the little tip here or there, a lot of what Isiah baked, Yu enjoyed. Little seemed to get the other male down. He seemed to genuinely just enjoy everything in life. And that was certainly an attitude Isiah could get down with.

But not that way. As handsome as Yu was, it was surprising how long he'd been in town and was still living on his own. There were plenty of girls around him. Few boys, too. Maybe he was simply more like he himself was, never felt interested in anyone around him. Never wanted to settle down. The thought alone was enough to send shivers down Isiah's back, the thought of being shackled to any one Kitsu for life. She'd have to be a real special kind of creature to make him change his mind.

Not that any of this mattered. He needed bread and cinnamon buns. His bag was full of different things to trade with, just in case one thing wasn't as desired as something else. He had no silver at the moment. Or at least not a good enough amount that he wanted to start spending it. He didn't want to intrude on Yu for long and planned on buying his own place somewhere one day. Maybe his art would take off one day. He wasn't too bad, if he was allowed to compliment himself.

For now, the task was simple. Opening the door to the nearest bakery, he walked in and stopped for a moment to appreciate the delicious smell that always occupied baked goods.