Name: Ronald David Quinn-Smith

Basic Information:

Nicknames: Ron, of course. My mother will call me David, but she’s the only one whom does.

Age: 16

Birthday: August 21, 2042

Blood Status: Half-Blood. (Mom is a Half-Blood, Dad is a Muggle)

Wand: Eleven inches long, smooth and sleek, Birch with Dragon heartstring core

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Face Claim: Early teens: Declan Barossa
Mid-teens and onward: Sam Claflin

School and Career:

Attending: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

House: Hufflepuff

Year: Sixth

Best Lessons:

■ Potions
■ Charms
■ Transfiguration

Worst Lessons:
■ Wandless Magic Practice
■ Astronomy (the late hours, ugh)
■ Defense Against the Dark Arts (doesn't like shooting off hexes at folks)

Notes: Herbology is a weird situation for Ron, as he excels at the practical side of the subject, and while he isn't a poor student at the written portion, it is his weaker aspect. Note that he is a mentor at Herbology Club.


■ Hufflepuff Quidditch Team (First String Chaser, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Years)
■ Herbology Club (Mentoring)
■ Art Club

OWL Scores:

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
Herbology ~ E
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ E

Alchemy ~ O
Art ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ E
Healing ~ O
Wandless Magic ~ A

NEWT Scores:

■ Astronomy ~ X
■ Charms ~ X
■ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
■ Herbology ~ X
■ History of Magic ~ X
■ Potions ~ X
■ Transfiguration ~ X
■ Elective ~ X

Current Employment: Student

Dream Job: Right now, I want to play Quidditch, but I don’t know; I might want to study medicine or pharmacology and be like Mom and Dad.


■ Loyal: I stick by my friends, no matter what. I learned early on a lot of my mom’s ‘family’ were really friends from school and work, and not blood at all. She told me that ‘friends are the family you choose’, and I totally believe that.
■ Friendly: What can I say? I like having lots of friends; makes it easier to get up a pick-up game of football or quidditch.
■ Hardworking: Mom’s a healer at St. Mungo’s, and Dad’s a researcher at a big-time Muggle pharmaceutical company, and they wouldn’t have done all that without putting in all the work, and they expect me to do the same if I hope to ever do whatever it is that I decide what I want to be. So, yeah, when I need to, I can and will bust butt and get it done.
■ Honest: I’m not really fond of liars and cheats and try not to be one either. I also don’t like people who play tricks on me.
■ Quiet: Okay, I’m not a loudmouth, and I don’t like drawing huge amounts of attention, and I’ve learned its best to think before saying things and doing things. When I do stuff on the fly, usually things don’t work out as badly as they could. Usually.
■ Sports-Oriented: I love to participate in sports, football (soccer), hockey, quidditch. Don’t care if I’m the ‘star’ or not, just so long as I get to play and make a contribution for the team.


■ Playing football with my dad, and hockey with Uncle Dave
■ The Star Wars, Marvel and Game of Thrones franchises
■ Getting lost in a good book or a movie
■ Pizza and spaghetti
■ The Tutshill Tornados, our home team


■ Drama, it’s all so much noise
■ Getting smothered by mom. I know she means well and wants to make sure I’m okay, but I don’t mind getting bumps and bruises
■ Cauliflower and Brussel Sprouts. Um, yuck!
■ Anybody that messes with my friends
■ Getting ignored.

■ Following Quidditch on the Wireless
■ Collecting Star Wars and Marvel stuff, like books, comics, figures
■ Drawing my own comics

■ I’m pretty good at sports
■ I’ve also learned how to put a good effort in when I want to get something done.


■ Kinda like my mom, I’m a terrible liar. Mom and Dad can call me on it without even half-trying.
■ I do kinda overanalyze my failings. When I screw up, or things just don’t work out right, I try hard to figure how and where I screwed up and try not to do it again. Don’t always succeed, but I do try.


■ I’m afraid I can’t live up to the examples set by my parents
■ Afraid of something happening to Aria

Happy Memory to Summon Patronus:

Special Abilities:
Animagus Form:
Apparition Status:
Flying Certification: Yes


■ English (Native)
■ Welsh (taught in school; can read it better than I speak it)
■ French (taught in school; can speak it better than I can read it)
■ Latin (bits and pieces from listening to Mom and Dad talking about their jobs)



Ronald is the first-born child of Danica and Andrew Smith, and was born at St. Mungo’s, where she worked as a healer. Ron was named for one of her mother’s dearest friends, Veronica, as well as her brother whom she’d made peace with around the time of his birth. Even though his dad is a Muggle, Ron became aware of the Wizarding World at a very young age (courtesy of the time spent visiting his great-grandparents, the Quinns), and has very much become a child of both worlds. Living in the Cotswold area, he has known a couple of his mother’s friends as being ‘family in all but blood’, and is a friend of the daughter of one of his mother’s oldest and dearest friends.

As Danica was a healer at St. Mungo’s and Andy was a pharmaceutical researcher for the AstraZeneca corporation, Ron grew up with two parents whom were quite busy, but always tried to make time for him. What he didn’t know at the time was they were trying hard not to be like their own parents, giving him all the love and attention they themselves never got. When Ron was three years old, he became an older brother when Brianna was born.

School Years:

Hoping to give him as normal of a life as possible, his parents enrolled Ron in a private elementary school, where he quickly made friends and learned how to play soccer. It was during this time he developed a real interest in hockey, courtesy of his uncle. As he got older, his parents started noticing that he was experiencing certain incidents which could only be explained as being part of a young wizard’s abilities manifesting. There was one time he was seen floating across the grass while pretending to be a quidditch player.

Once Danica and Andy realized Ronald was having little magical incidents (thankfully none of which were as explosive or damaging as the ones Danica had when her own magic started awakening), they reluctantly made the decision to home-school him. One day, while looking around in the attic, he found his mother’s old school trunk, and found her quidditch gear contained within, and it was then he made the connection that she’d played the game at the school, which got him asking her all sorts of questions about her time at school and the games she played there.

It was over the summer when he received his letter from Hogwarts, and knew he might soon have his chance…

The Sorting Hat: The Professor set the hat down carefully on the student's head. For a moment the hat was silent before speaking....
"Not to worry, lad, I don't need anything but to sit on your head
I do recall your mother, quite well in fact
You're quite like her in some ways
Still, I think you'll do better in

First Year:

Second Year: Biggest event that took place this year was the big school dance, where not only were students but so were alumni. My original plan was to just hang out with my friends or maybe the rest of the Quidditch team, right up until I saw Aria there. Wow, did she look so beautiful in that dress she wore for the occasion, and she was by herself. My plan instantly changed, and I offered to be her escourt for the night; I figured we could have fun laughing about what else was going there, and, I thought, that if other guys saw Aria had a 'date' with her they'd leave her alone.

The plan only sorta worked. I tried telling her how she was the prettiest girl at the dance (and to my eyes she was), and she really wasn't having it, but then she wants to be seen as being more than a pretty face, and that she isn't like her mom. Of course, I knew all this already, and I told her I was trying to be cooler than I really was, and I flopped hard. And then, Aunt Cathy made her appearance. She arrived like the crown princess and there were photographers taking pictures of us, as Aunt Cathy wasn't one to do that herself.

Aria asked me to out her on the fact that she never even tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, much less played in any of their games. She'd been lying to Aunt Cathy all this time about being on the team, in order to placate her. So, I did as she asked of me, and Aunt Cathy's response to learning of the deception was a restrained explosion, and it was restrained only because we were out where people might see us, and comment on whatever was taking place. It was kinda scary to see, and I wasn't the focus of her wrath.

Third Year:

Fourth Year: This was the first term I was tasked with escourting Brianna to Hogwarts, and I know Mom was having a very hard time of dealing with the idea of both of us being away from home. Worse, Dad got called away from taking to the train station by work, and so she would be going home by herself. I did what I could to make her feel better about the situation, and she made me promise to watch out for Brianna.

I really didn't do so good a job of it. When she was having issues with Herbology, I helped mentor her at Herbology Club, and that was fine and good, however, I wasn't able to help her later on. It was getting close to Christmas break, and Aria and I were studying in the library when one of my older Housemates approached us. He started suggesting lewd things to Aria, and then he grabbed her. I helped her pull her hand free of him, and I put myself between him and her. Next thing I knew he was firing off spells at me, hexes and curses, some of which I'd never even heard of.

I put up a Shield spell and I was able to protect Aria long enough for her to escape, but I wasn't so lucky to escape injury. I didn't know anything more until I woke up in the Hospital Wing. What I didn't know until later was that Brianna had showed up to study with us, and my Housemate hexed her. She looked like she'd been partially transformed into an octopus or something when they brought her up to the Hospital Wing.

Aria was there when I woke up, and I was glad to see she'd escaped with a few bruises. I also realized how much I ... well, love her. She asked me to be her boyfriend, and I couldn't have been happier, and we set up our first 'official date' to be in Hogsmeade.

When we got home for break, Mom and I had a long talk. While she appreciated my willingness to protect Aria, she pointed out that all three of us could have been killed if that Sixth Year had chosen to do that. She then told me about what happened to her at Hogsmeade all those years ago, and she explained why I needed to buckle down and study my defensive spells with as much effort as I would my other studies. She also asked I not breathe a word what she told me to Brianna.

Thankfully, the rest of the term went off with less trauma for 'Squid Girl' and I, er, I mean Brianna and I. Once school lets out, I plan on helping Brianna get a new broomstick, and get in a date or three with Aria. Of further interest: along with my usual supplies list, the Owl Post from the school also contained an envelope with a Prefect's badge within. Not sure what to make of this, other than holy cow!

Fifth Year: Well, Aria and I are both Prefects, which is pretty darned cool, even though it means I have a lot more responsibilities than I used to. Unfortunately, I wasn't named to be a VC on the Quidditch team, nor am I likely to in the future. I am a Mentor in Herbology Club, so there is that. Yes, I'm measuring myself against Aria, but then I always have; both of us have always tried living up to the expectations of those around us.

It's also the reason why I busted tail working toward my OWLs. I've taken the strategy of studying my classes in a holistic fashion, seeing how they tied into each other, and approaching them as a unified subject. The proof of whether it worked or not will be when the scores show up.

Sixth Year:

Seventh Year:



Family: Danica Quinn-Smith (Mother), Andrew Smith (Father), Brianna Cathaline Quinn-Smith (younger sister), Jack Stewart (maternal grandfather), Agrippina (Quinn) Stewart (maternal grandmother), Quentin Quinn (maternal great-grandfather), Katarina Quinn (maternal great-grandmother), Arabella Quinn (maternal great-aunt), Veronica (Kiss) Walsh (paternal aunt), Tobias Walsh (paternal uncle), Brian Kiss (paternal step-grandfather (deceased))

Friends: Rosabella Winthrop (‘step-aunt’), Andrea Hart (‘step-aunt’), Gaspard Dufour, Artemisia ‘Aria’ League

Best Friend: Artemisia ‘Aria’ League

Romantic Interest: Artemisia ‘Aria’ League

Enemies: None

Pets: Sassafras and Tether, Mom's two cats, and Barney, Dad's dog. None of which are going with me to Hogwarts.

Update Log: (Signature Access by Crew Only)

Created: March 31st, 2021
Pending: ❝Yukitty❞ 5/8/2021
Accepted: ~𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰 [06/22/2021]
Updated: October 27th, 2021
Updated: June 6th, 2022
Updated: September 28th, 2022
Updated: February 5th, 2023