xxxxE V E R E T TxxxS E B A S T I A NxxxB A R D S L E Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Rhett

              AGE 12

              BIRTHDAY January 14, 2041

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND Cypress and dragon heartstring, 13 1/3 inches, springy with a spiralled shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unsure

              FACECLAIM Gage Munroe (Child) [x] Dominic Monaghan (Adult) [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Latin

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              YEAR Second

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              HONORS Honors Recieved

              SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Activities

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Current Employment

              DREAM JOB Unsure

          xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              OWL SCORES
                  ♑︎ Astronomy ~ X
                  ♑︎ Charms ~ X
                  ♑︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  ♑︎ Herbology ~ X
                  ♑︎ History of Magic ~ X
                  ♑︎ Potions ~ X
                  ♑︎ Transfiguration ~ X
                  ♑︎ Elective ~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  ♑︎ Astronomy ~ X
                  ♑︎ Charms ~ X
                  ♑︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  ♑︎ Herbology ~ X
                  ♑︎ History of Magic ~ X
                  ♑︎ Potions ~ X
                  ♑︎ Transfiguration ~ X
                  ♑︎ Elective ~ X

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ ACTIVE Everett is active for his age, wanting to be out and about doing something rather than sitting at home. He enjoys activities of a physical nature, though he doesn't mind the occasional quiet time. However, he doesn't like being stuck in one place for too long.
              ◊ FRIENDLY Everett is rather friendly, with a ready smile and a welcoming word. He's a people person, and enjoys being around others rather than being alone. As a result, he's more likely to be surrounded by friends than not.
              ◊ BRAVE Everett is unafraid of danger, and is willing to take risks others might not consider. However, he doesn't like uncalculated risks, and thinks through his actions first. However, whatever action he chooses to take he will see through to the end.
              ◊ CONFIDENT Everett is quite confident, knowing his abilities quite well and utilizing them the best he can. As a result of this awareness, he knows when he's right and will speak up when that is, or he will act when he knows he's capable of doing so.
              ◊ CALCULATING Everett likes to consider his options carefully, and tends to have a plan as much as he can before any action. Whether it happens to be for fun or something more serious, he is always carefully weighing his options and deciding which route he'll take.
              ◊ FOCUSED Once Everett makes his mind up, it is hard to sway him from it. He's usually considered all the possible outcomes and rewards versus consequences, and as a result, he is likely to be unswayed from a particular course of action. Because of this, he tends to be a bit stubborn as well.

                  Being active

                  Late nights
                  Plans being ruined
                  Late nights


                  Careful planner

                  Can become overconfident

                  The dark

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Everett is the third son of Oscar Bardsley and the only child of Oscar's second wife, Eva. Everett was unaware of his father's family outside of himself and his mother, and as a result, has been raised mostly around his mother's family. For the most part, however, Everett was given everything he ever asked for, and his father has made sure that Everett has never had contact with the Bardsleys.

              As Everett got older, he interacted more and more with other people his age, making numerous friends both muggle and magical. However, when he was nine, he found an old picture of his father with another woman and two other boys. When questioned, Oscar admitted that they were his other family but never gave Everett anything to go off of as far as finding them. When Everett got old enough, he figured that since he got his letter to Hogwarts, he could ask questions and find out the rest of his family, even if his father doesn't approve.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  ◊ FIRST YEAR Information
                  ◊ SECOND YEAR Information
                  ◊ THIRD YEAR Information
                  ◊ FOURTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ FIFTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                  Parents - Oscar Bardsley, Eva Bardsley
                  Half-Brother - Forest Bardsley,
                  Half-Brother - Ashton Bardsley
                  Grandparents - Adrian Bardsley ❤ Elaine Bardsley
                  Uncle - Matthew Bardsley ❤ Fromolt, cousin Crigliafz Bardsley

                  Best Friend - Name

              SIGNIFICANT OTHER Name
              ENEMIES Name
              PETS Cat named Sandy

          xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          UPDATED (date of most recent update) xxx
          UPDATES MADExxx
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          (recent update)
          PENDED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 02/07/2021xxx
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