Prompt 9: Small custom shops and stalls always seem to open up this time of year, and Destiny City has no shortage this year. Several seasonal themed shops have already received raving reviews, and among them is a small cafe. Outside it looks like a cute vintage cafe, but inside, the shop has been decorated so convincingly that you feel like you've just stepped into a snowy northern forest. They have an array of delicious, cold drinks, and the trip would be worthwhile for that alone--except, shortly after the first sip, anyone who has ingested the drink will find that they sneeze a flurry of tiny snowflakes. The more drinks consumed, the longer you will find you are sneezing little snowflakes. It feels like there is a tickle up your nose for an hour or longer, depending on player choice; drinking more can also lead to longer effects. There are no negative impacts--just the need to sneeze often, and a little burst of cold snowflakes along with each one. Surprisingly, the shop still doesn't have any bad reviews.

Esfir had heard about the little café at school. The classmates who’d been had talked excitedly about how good the drinks were and how awesome the inside was. Just like a real forest, one girl had said. Esfir had her doubts on that one, but there was absolutely no doubt that as more and more students and teachers went, she kept hearing more and more raving reviews. It had finally reached the point where she’d managed to talk her mother into letting her go to the café since it wasn’t far from their apartment.

Well, okay. She’d whined at her mother. A lot. But the end result was the same. She could go by herself and she would bring her mother back a drink to try. Her mother had even tried to give her money to use, but Esfir had insisted on using some of the money she’d been gifted for Christmas.

It was a good thing the place was so close to home, she thought as she approached the door. Otherwise, Momma would never have agreed to this. And as she opened the door and went inside, she thought that, if anything, her classmates had undersold just how amazing the interior was. Staring wide eyed all ‘round, the little girl had to pinch herself, just a little, to prove that she was still in the real world. How on earth did they make it look like a really real forest? Even down to the slight chill in the air that you’d feel on a snowy day! Amazing.

Once she’d had her fill of looking around, she got in line and studied the menu boards carefully. All the drinks were cold, she knew that much. And her mother had given her permission to surprise her. So. What would her mother enjoy? She knew Momma enjoyed coffee on occasion. And a latte was soft of a coffee, right? Her eye lit on something called a Gingerbread House Iced Latte and decided she’d get that for her mother. For herself, hrmmm… Maybe the Candy Cane Frozen Hot Chocolate? It sounded interesting, at least.

FInally, it was her turn to order and she stepped up to the counter, carefully made her request and handed over her money. Since it would take a few minutes to make everything, she stepped to the side and simply enjoyed looking around. Finally, her name was called and she gathered her order excitedly. Once outside, she carried the disposable tray they’d provided and greedily sipped at her own drink. Oh, it was so good! She was about to take another drink when her nose tickled and she let out a startled gneep! as she sneezed and a tiny flurry or snow came out of her. Blinking a little in shock, she wondered again if she were dreaming. Or maybe it was just excitement getting mixed up with normal everyday things. People didn’t just sneeze snow after all!

She continued to drink as she walked home, pausing every few minutes as the need to sneeze struck. And each time, more snowflakes came out with each sneeze. Was it the drink, she wondered? No one at school had mentioned anything like this! She took stock of how she felt and decided that whatever was going on, it wasn’t bad. Just really weird.

By the time she got home, her little drink was gone, but she was still sneezing snow. She carefully placed her mother’s drink on the counter, called to let her know about it and then retreated to her room. She didn’t want to have to explain why snow was appearing every time she sneezed! But she did lurk by her barely open door, listening to see if her mother started to sneeze. She couldn’t hear anything, though her momma had thanked her for the lovely drink.

After waiting several minutes and trying to muffle her own sneezes, Esfir gave up and went outside to play. At least that way no one would be suspicious seeing snow around her.

For the next hour, Esfir sneezed snow flurries, though she was careful to kick the snow on the ground each time to hide the tiny flurries erupting out of her. Finally, finally her nose stopped twitching and even though she waited quietly, no more sneezing seemed to be happening. She waited a few more minutes and once she was satisfied, she gave up on pretending to play and went back inside. All she wanted right now was a snuggly blanket and a nap.

(Word Count: 760)