Prompt 1: Destiny City has its fair share of infestations--rats, youma, seasonal monsters...There's no shortage of unpleasantries. But, for the first time in a while, there's a pleasant sort of infestation: along with the winter chill and a steady stream of snow, it seems like a herd of small, fluffy white rabbits have overrun the city. They aren't menacing or evil, they're just everywhere. They seem strangely domesticated; they are sweet, curious, and friendly creatures that will eat anything you give them. They always seem cold to the touch, and when they shake, little snowflakes sprinkle off of them. They can show up just about anywhere, either alone or--often--in pairs. They tend to wander off on their own but they seem to appreciate anything warm and will cuddle up to steal body heat.

It was the last day of class before Christmas vacation. Just this one day, and then Ellian could spend the next two weeks with no schedule to bind him. If he wanted to sleep all day, he could. If he wanted to play games all day, he could. If he wanted to be Diesel and fly around the city all day, who was going to stop him? It was to be his first vacation with access to these powers, and he was all too ready to stretch his metaphoric wings. He was practically bouncing as he pulled into the school parking lot in his red Mustang.

Last day, last day, last day-

He popped from his car, shut the door firmly behind him, wrenched his backpack around to settle on his shoulder, and stepped forward to see... a rabbit sitting on the pavement? Ellian scrunched his eyes as he squinted down at the little fluffy creature.

There'd been a light snowfall overnight, so even though there had been many bundles of white between his home and school, Ellian had just assumed that was where snow had built up when the wind blew. But if he cast a more observant glance around, it was to see that any particularly lumpy white bundles were actually bunnies. And there were a good handful of them just within his line of vision. Some dotted the outskirts of the school courtyard. Some were huddled together along the tres behind the parking lot. And a couple were hoping across the pavement, eager to get off the icy tarmac.

The one that sat directly in Ellian's path looked up at him with wide, blue eyes as its nose twitched curiously.

"Uh. Hi," he greeted in confusion, almost wondering if this was a similar situation to finding a Mauvian. He hadn't known his kitty could talk, until one day he just started, and these bunnies seemed... less feral than the standard wild hare. It didn't speak, but it didn't run, either. He almost wondered if it was sitting there because it couldn't move. Maybe its little paws were stuck in the ice?

"So, do you need help or something?" He asked, crouching down closer to the bunny's level. "I've seen some videos of people saving kitties and puppies from the cold when it snows," he admitted. "They usually look a little less... responsive, though." The rabbit didn't look like it was in shock or near freezing. It just looked like it was watching. Its eyes blinked. Its nose twitched. Its leg thumped. But just to be sure, Ellian reached out a hand to try and shoo it from where it sat.

Sure enough, it gave a quick hop (not stuck, then), and bundled close to Ellian's palm.

It gave him a curious sniff, but otherwise seemed unperturbed by how close Ellian had gotten to it. "Oh, jeeze," he grumbled as he rubbed his thumb knuckle against the rabbit's cheek. "You feel like you're cold." It shook out its fur, sending a dusting of snowflakes scattering around it, and settled its head on Ellie's hand.

The excitable chatter of other students closer to the school drew Ellian's attention, and he looked up to see others were also pointing out the strange visitors. Some of the girls were even carrying one in their arms, and a snowy-looking bunny pile had gathered close to the school doors to feel the heat radiating through them. He turned back to his current companion. "Do you wanna come in? It'll be warmer inside. I wouldn't be surprised if some of your friends infiltrated the school already, so what's one more? At very least, I really don;t think you should be on the pavement."

He reached a hand around and under, trying to scoop the rabbit up into his arms, but it flounced from his arms the second he implied he was going to lift it. It sneezed at his hand and bounced away, little white tail bobbing as it headed for the grass.

Yeah, that made sense. It'd probably be happier outside. But as Ellie made his way toward the school, there were still other little eyes following him, and other little visitors hopping close to inspect him and any other students that wandered too close to one.

WC: 715