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Mine. B'den mine, the young green called to her rider as she sat up in her outside wallow. My hide itches and needs some oiling. Riojath warbled happily despite the persistent itch of her hide in several places.

Inside, B'den pushed away from her homework with a stretch. It was late morning and she needed a break already. Good timing on Riojath's part. Alright dear, I'm on my way. The older woman went to where she kept some supplies for cleaning and oiling of her beautiful green. B'den picked out a cloth and a bottle of oil when the voice interrupted her. Why don't you get enough for a couple of dragons? We can see if any of my siblings and Theirs need help with this task.

Hearing this and the almost innocent coyness in the voice, she laughed. "Alright then." In a few minutes she had everything a couple of riders going to oil and dragons needing to be oiled would need. Packed neatly into a bucket for safe transport, the woman met her dragon outside and the pair headed towards an empty area of the weyr where they wouldn't be in the way.

Riojath lifted her head and gave a bugle as she called to her siblings. If any of my siblings care to join me for a round of oiling, my rider and I would be happy to have you. B'den set her bucket down and started pulling items out.