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((For the first half but not a part of the brewing process please follow Link))

One of a spellsayer's most important tasks is brewing potions and cures for the sisters of the warren. Depict your rabbit trying out a new recipe or cooking up a tried and true old one.

rolled a 5 on discord
(Roll 1d10)
1- The potion is a failure! It bubbles and pops and stinks like something toxic.
2- The potion explodes, oh no!
3- The potion is definitely not the right color, oh dear.
4- This seems almost right, but it's definitely not as potent as it should be.
5- Hmm. It seems like you've forgotten an ingredient.
6-9- Success!
10- Wow! What is this? The most magnificent potion you've ever seen!

It was night fall by the time Willow made it back to the warren. Muscles throughout her body screamed in protest at have taken such a long journey but Willow was glad to have done it. It gave her hope for her future. She was not old by anymanys and this only showed her what she was still cablae of doing. Maxing her way to her own borrow she thought on the herbs she had gathered and the many tasks she still had yet to do before wresting for the night.

With a sigh she entered the comfort of her den and laid that leaves wrapped herbs on a table set up with all her brewing supplies. Layer by later she unfolded the herbs and placed them in there special spots. It was important for each herb to be separated and cared for for so many reasons but really Willow just like the organization above all.

Carefully unwrapping the last herb, Willow paused to study it. She of course knew the herb to be Echinacea. Or at least that is what she had heard it called on e before. But what it could do as a potion was a total mystery to her. Dipping her muzzle to the center she smelled the sweet cent of it but that did not reveal to her its secrets. With a quizitive frown she knew her night had only just began.

Willow set to work getting heat going and water cooking. Familiar and comforting sounds filled her ears as she worked to brew this new flower into something useful for her sisters. Taking three small peddles form a flower, Willow dropped them into the bubbling water mixed with some fermenter apple fruit juice and honey. The juice would help pull the properties out of the peddles and the honey would hopefully take away the bitter taste once tested.

After 10 minutes Willow took her first sample. She would repeat the sampling Evey 10 minutes for the next 30 minutes. Some things just took longer. With her first sip she could tell something was missing. A puzzled look crossed her face as she trued to put her paw on what she might have forgotten. And just like that she realized her mistake. There was no bitter taste at all, like not even a little bit. Now honey was sweet but not even honey could hide all the bitter of fermented apple juice. "Ugh Really Willow? really?" She scolded herself for missing such and simple but important thing in her brew. This batch was totally ruined and she would have start all over or throw in the bottle.

Shaking her head Willow knew this mistake could only be the cause of her lack of rest mixed with the long journey she had just been on. Sighing at her own stubbornness she began cleaning up. This brewing would just have to wait until she was more rested and not hurting. Grabbing her dose of willow bark she brewed herself some tea and sipped it while heading off to bed.

Wc: 512