Previously: Night of the Attack

The attack happened so quickly, Maske hadn't had any time to react. One minute she was pacing by herself, lost in her own thoughts; the next, her muzzle and face were latched within her attacker's maw and she was being thrashed about like a rag doll. They tossed her around before finally letting her body fly through the air to smash against a nearby tree. She collapsed against the trunk, unconscious and broken, as her assailant silently approached, teeth dripping with her blood and ready to finish the job.

At least they were, until an almighty yell forced them to freeze before being tackled from behind.

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Kizkitza growled low in her throat as she clung to the neck fur in her teeth, uncaring of the fact that she couldn't see who or what she was even fighting. Damned darkness... she hated night patrol! It didn't help that her opponent was black as night. Whatever, it didn't matter. All she knew was that she smelled blood, and the bigger one was attacking the smaller one, and while she knew that she maybe shouldn't be messing with someone's hunt, she also knew that predators this size were not a good thing to have in their lands.

Suddenly, she yelped as whatever it was finally got ahold of her back foot and she was ripped away from it. She landed hard against the ground but, adrenaline pumping through her, the Knight whipped around to snarl back at the shadowy figure. It was so dark tonight, and she could barely make out the shape of them but she could at least see the sharp teeth and wolfish build, but on a body so big.... Her blood went cold as she realized.

Training kicked in then. Raising her head, Kizkitza let out a howl; a desperate, loud, echoing one that signaled only one thing to her pack, and then she lowered her head to put herself into a defensive stance, ignoring the patches of fur still stuck between her teeth. She had no idea how far backup was, and would have to hold her own until then.

Luckily for her though, the howl was enough to cause her opponent to step back. Gleaming eyes glared at her, clearly angry at the alarm getting sounded, before they turned and dove into the darkness surrounding them.

"Hey!" Kizkitza moved to give chase but paused to look at whoever she had saved. s**t, she had to stay back. What knight would leave the person they saved to bleed to death? She sent a baleful look in the direction the attacker had fled, wishing she could have seen more of whoever it had been, and then rushed over to the other wolf. As she got closer, the familiar scent of pack made her eyes widen and her heart drop to her stomach. Oh no....

A closer look showed that yes, this was a fellow wolf dog. Her body was contorted and her face... but she was still breathing, raspy as it was.

The sound of rushing pawsteps made her ears flick up, and she turned to start yelling for a healer.
Word Count: 522

Continuation: In Our Paws
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