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Shining Opal glanced back over his shoulder in futile. He knew he was too far away to see any of the familiar landmarks he’d come to know so well. The Crystals Cavern was far behind him. Yet still the male felt the urge to wander pushing him on. They came upon him on the rare occasion. Shining Opal turned his back towards his home once more and moved his legs into a ground eating lope.

This time the male had decided to explore further into The Forest than he’d ever gone before. He traveled for over a week, skirting the edges of a small mountain range. Shining Opal enjoyed the lush foliage and abundant wildlife. It was almost enough to be tempting to call his new home, but he knew where his heart truly belonged.


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By Chance had also decided to venture out of her home pack, though it was with purpose. She knew exactly where she was going and knew exactly who she was looking for, though she wasn't sure where nor when she'd bump into him. By Chance was thankful she was able to find potential partners with her gift of sight, as without it she'd be bumbling around in the woods more often than not. When the time came for a vision to bless her with the knowledge of where to go and who to seek out she never let the chance pass her by. So far all the wolves she'd met this way had turned her down, but the young female wasn't going to let that get her down.

She traveled for nearly a week, pushing a relentless pace, not wanting to miss the meeting. She spotted the landmark she'd seen in her vision - a mossy rock that was quite large - and sat down by the stream that curled around its base. Here she'd wait for the male to appear. He was quite distinctive in appearance, even without his purple eye, and she wasn't waiting long before the sound of paws in the underbrush caught her attention.

Sitting up, By Chance drew herself to her feet to meet the stranger as he rounded the rock. Just as her vision had told her, he was a pastel colored male with a blue skull atop his face. The empath's eyes were easy to spot even still and it gave By Chance a little thrill. Good, she thought to herself. He was here.

"Greetings," she said cheerfully, holding her ground while appearing relaxed and unthreatening. "I had a feeling I'd meet you here."

Shining Opal had heard the sounds of water and realized he was terribly thirsty. Instinctually he headed towards the water without thinking twice about it. While he hadn’t run into too many wolves during this trip, he should have known better. The Forest might be a large place in the grand scheme of things, but a lot of wolves also called this area home.

As he drew nearer to the water, he spotted a large mossy rock that looked quite inviting. He wasn’t the only who thought so. A lovely she-dire stood there. Shining Opal stopped in his tracks in surprise. His drink of water was going to have to wait. “You did?” He replied a bit dumbfounded at first. “Oh,” he noticed her purple eyes. She was a seer then. That explained how she knew he’d be here; the female must have had a vision. The question that popped into his mind was ‘why’?

Shining Opal stood there a moment awkwardly. This wasn’t what he’d expected. “Is there some reason you’re meeting me here?”


By Chance gave the male a moment to realize he wasn't alone and that she wasn't going to chase him off. Thankfully he seemed to catch on quickly that she wasn't a threat and, as he questioned her, she padded down towards the stream. It wasn't too wide to ford but for now she remained on her side and he on his.

"There is," she said simply before motioning to the water for him to take a drink. "But first relax. You've come a long way, haven't you?"

The whole encounter had certainly swept his feet out from under him. Each time he tried to get back up, she simply knocked his feet out again. Shining Opal didn’t feel that she was doing it intentionally either. He’d never really been around a full blooded seer before. So this is what it was like. It was certainly a…… novel experience to say the least.

She seemed to know quite a bit about him already, but he didn’t even know her name or that he was supposed to meet anyone. Was this just happenstance or was there more behind it? Opal nodded slowly. He tried to check the area for other wolf scents without appearing to do so. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust it, it was all really strange. The male approached the water and took a long drink to quench his thirst.

Finally he sat up and watched her for a moment. “Soooooooo,” Shining Opal sat and waited for her to state her business.


By Chance waited patiently, letting the other dire wolf drink his fill. She could tell he was a little on edge and honestly, he wasn't the first male she'd propositioned that had reacted like this. Once he was finished, By Chance shifted to sit as well, the two still on opposite sides of the creek but parallel to each other.

"My name is By Chance," she began. "And I belong to a pack called The Coven. It's south from here, about a week's journey. I saw you in a vision coming here, to this rock." She paused and nodded towards the mossy boulder. "I could see that you were an empath, and as Seers make up the backbone of my pack, it's vital that more Seers are brought into the family, whether by finding them among those in the wilderness or through birth."

She finally stood and walked carefully through the stream, the water not strong enough to sweep her off her paws, though she did have to tread carefully. Once she reached his side of the stream, By Chance tilted her head with a small smile on her face.

"So when I had my vision, I decided to come here to ask you if you'd be willing to assist me in bringing potential Seers into my pack."

He liked a good story as much as the next wolf. So when it looked like he’d be getting one, Shining Opal settled in a little more to listen. He glanced towards the mossy rock when it came into the story. It was rather hard to miss. So he had been right, she had had a vision of him as weird as that was. He was curious about the pack she’d come from.

“That is an interesting name.” Was her vision and their meeting by chance? He didn’t think so. He did frown slightly as she spoke of finding seers in the wilderness. As much as he loved the forest and the life it had, there was only one place that was home in his heart. Shining Opal didn’t think he could be completely happy in another place.

He watched her come over to his side of the stream. “I’m flattered that you’d ask me to join, but I’ve never had a vision in my life. Plus there is another place that I call home.”


By Chance had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing at the male's misunderstanding. Oh, he was sweet, wasn't he? While she would have happily had him join her back to the Coven - the pack could do with more Seer blooded males as well - it hadn't been her main objective.

"Oh, I wouldn't take you from your home if you already have one. But if you'd be willing, I'd appreciate your help in...ah..." See, this was where she always put her paw in her mouth. The first time she'd asked a male she'd been far too blunt about it. The second time she'd beaten around the bush too much. The third time she hadn't even gotten to this part and she'd chased him off.

"Well. Let's just say I'm a brand new bloodline within the pack and I'd like for my pups to stay that way. Breeding within the pride is allowed, but finding willing rogues or other males is a bit more desirable just so we have more options for those who can't or won't leave the pack." She cocked her head to the side, hoping the male would understand her request now.

He was glad when she said she wouldn’t try to take him from his own home. Things could have gotten messy. Shining Opal couldn’t help his blush; he glanced down at the stream as he processed her…. ah request. It was certainly novel to him. He had never been asked for this sort of favor before.

“My home…. isn’t exactly suitable for puppies. I’m guessing they would remain with you and your pack? Would your pack help you raise them? And would I be able to meet them?” He didn’t mind helping a lady out, but he wanted the best for his puppies too.


By Chance's tail began to wag a bit as the male dire began to ask questions. This was better than a flat-out no and she would happily respond as best she could.

"Oh yes, I would have lots of help. They'd be well taken care of there." Even though By Chance was hopeful that all of her pups would be born a Seer or at least with Seer blood, she knew the chances of that weren't the best, even with the male before her as their father. There was a place for those without Seer blood in the pack, but if he was interested in meeting them...

"I'd be happy to let them meet you," she went on. "And, perhaps, should any that were born without Seer blood or powers wish to find a home with you, perhaps they'd be better suited to do so once they were a bit older?" Meeting up once the pups were able to venture away from the pack - with her supervision of course - could certainly be do-able, and then if any non-Seers were born they could meet their father and know another pack that might welcome them should they find the Coven not to be to their tastes.

He was relieved to hear she’d have plenty of help instead of trying to raise a litter on her own. If his pups stayed with this pack, the Coven, they should have a good home. Shining Opal doubted any of them would want to come live with him in the Crystals Cavern, but he’d certainly let them pick.

“Yes, I’d rather you didn’t take them out when they are too young, even to meet me.” He laughed. “Why don’t you tell me more about your pack?”


Delighted that the male seemed on board, By Chance nodded and motioned that they should walk together along the path of the stream.

"Certainly! It's a wonderful place, really. They took me in when I was a pup and I've been there for as long as I can remember. My Seer sisters will be delighted to help raise a new litter with me." As she spoke her voice grew more delighted and her motions more animated, her tail wagging with delight behind her. It had taken a few tries to find a male willing to play the part of a surrogate father, but it seemed she'd found a winner in this pastel male.