xxANGUSxxxCINÁEDxxxÓ CUINNxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




FACECLAIM Subaru Akehoshi

AGE 11

BIRTHDAY May 4th 2038

BLOOD STATUS Half Blood / Half Breed

SEXUAL ORIENTATION (Straight/Bisexual/Gay/Other)

WAND 9 ¾” Dogwood Leprechaun hair Springy with a spiraled shaft


PET A green pygmy puff named Clover

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR First

HOUSE Slytherin

DREAM JOB herbologist


HAPPY Angus is near always smiling or laughing. He's constantly in a perky mood. Not a lot can break this
MISCHIEVOUS Angus likes a good prank. Jokes are best shared with others willing or otherwise
SHAMELESS Angus is never embarrassed. Even if he's the victim of a prank he laughs it off and joins the fun.
BOISTEROUS Angus has one setting! Full power. He laughs loud, talks loud, and will nearly tackle hug strangers
SLY Angus knows how to minimize how much trouble he gets in. Be it careful words or straight up lying Angus has a way of keeping his wits about him
FRIENDLY to Angus everyone is a friend till they prove otherwise. He will buddy buddy with total strangers.

■ bunnies
■ vegies
■ pork
■ noodles
■ spicy food
■ rain

■ hot days
■ sauerkraut
■ wool
■ cauliflower
■ chicken

■ friendly
■ never embarrassed

■ being calm
■ things on higher shelves

■ Chickens

■ Cionaodh Ó Cuinn (father, Leprechaun)
■ Kennedy Ó Cuinn nee Finnegan (mother, witch)


Angus was a surprise, not an unpleasant one of course. His parents weren't exactly planning for a child but were delighted when little Angus was born. They were most definitely a non traditional family. Angus’s dad wasn't even human! He was a leprechaun! His mom worked as an herbologist and taught young Angus the basic plants. Angus loved learning the plants and even had a little cactus he cared for himself. His dad taught him the best way to prank and was definitely proud when Angus pulled a fast one on him. His magic showed at 6 years old with incriminating prank evidence disappearing and his first cactus growing much better than it really should have. He would get to interact with other kids who would sometimes pick on him for being unusually small but he didn't mind, he was just compact! Built low to the ground for speed and accuracy!He much preferred playing in the woods but still enjoyed when mom would take him to the city and Diagon Alley and get ice cream.

FIRST YEAR (what happened your character's first year of school; this section will be added in after their first year is completed)
SECOND YEAR (what happened your character's second year of school; this section will be added in after their second year is completed)
THIRD YEAR (what happened your character's third year of school; this section will be added in after their third year is completed)
FOURTH YEAR (what happened your character's fourth year of school; this section will be added in after their fourth year is completed)
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)


UPDATED 4/24/2020

■ made
■ updated for first year
■ (recent update)

PENDED BY ~ Cara ɱк [4/26/2020]
ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [5/9/2020]
RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY (do not touch this)