



FACECLAIM Demi Lovato at the age of...

AGE Eighteen

BIRTHDAY January 25, 2038



WAND Brittle 10 inch Hornbeam Phoenix Feather with a Decorated Shaft
Hornbeam wood: Good for defensive magic, but not great at potions.
Phoenix Feather core: Useful for defence against the dark arts, but they are extremely versatile, which means they are effective for almost any type of wand.
Brittle: Dark Magic. Insecurity, lack of self-confidence.
Decorated Shaft: Quick witted and open minded.

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Slytherin

O.W.L. Scores
Astronomy ~ O
Charms ~ EE
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ EE
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ P
Transfiguration ~ O
Alchemy ~ A
Arithmancy ~ A
Art ~ EE
Cursebreaking ~ EE
Divination ~ O
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ EE
Healing ~ O
Music ~ EE
Mythology ~ EE
Study of Ancient Runes ~ A
Wandless Magic ~ P

N.E.W.T. Scores
Astronomy ~ O
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ A
History of Magic ~ O
Transfiguration ~ O
Alchemy ~ A
Arithmancy ~ A
Art ~ EE
Cursebreaking ~ EE
Divination ~ O
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ EE
Healing ~ EE
Music ~ O
Mythology ~ O
Study of Ancient Runes ~ P

DREAM JOB Doll Maker or Chef

CURRENT OCCUPATION Cook at La Petite Fantaisie in Diagon Alley *requested


SAGE Jessica is pretty wise for her age even if she does not necessarily show it. The reason why she may seem to be wiser than a lot of kids her age is due to the fact that she tends to think before acting at all times.
HIGH-MINDED Jessica has strong moral principles, and although she is always learning, she knows what type of person she is and who she wants to be, and does not tend to stray.
INVISIBLE Growing up in an orphanage, she always felt like the other kids got more attention than her from potential adoptive parents. Maybe she wasn't as cute as the other girls, or as attention seeking as the boys, but whatever the reason, she always felt like nobody really even knew she was there. She felt that even after being adopted as a lot of babies had been born into the family, and they always got all of the attention.
DECEPTIVE She does not mean to do it, but she misleads others. She comes off as a lot more reserved and quiet (and dumber) than she truly is only because she has a difficult time competing with others. After all, what is the point of trying to prove she's better than others if she'd lose regardless?
COLD Since she had been at the orphanage from a young age, she grew up playing alone a lot of the time. New kids would come and others would go constantly, and after a while of losing her friends, she decided she'd stop letting people into her life so easily.
SUPERFICIAL Since Jess had stopped making deeper connections with people, she only began to care about how others looked and how she looked as opposed to what was on the inside. Consequently, since she felt like others looked better than her, had nicer personalities or just stood out a lot more, she started to feel a little emptier on the inside.

■ Being noticed
■ Dolls
■ Having her photo taken
■ Eating
■ Singing

■ Going unnoticed
■ Goodbyes
■ Emotional connections
■ Outdoors
■ Cracks in concrete

■ Enjoying her own company
■ Thinking things through

■ Making friends
■ Being noticed

■ Loneliness


EARLY CHILDHOOD Jessica was born to Tara & Michael Campbell. When she was a toddler, her father had walked out on her and her mother. This had broken Tara, and within the year, she had put Jessie up for adoption as she was no longer able to support herself and her daughter. At the beginning, Jess was making several friends at the orphanage; however, one by one, they would be adopted, leaving her behind. Growing tired of saying goodbye to everyone she met all the while waiting for a family to adopt her, she began to spend more and more time alone, closing herself off from others. A few years had passed before a couple named Eleanor Quimby and Tristan Winthrop came in and adopted her. At first, Jess was pretty surprised a family had noticed and wanted her. Nonetheless, she packed up her belongings and gladly joined them in their five bedroom house that she shared with a teenage boy named Philip and a young woman named Zoe. After being adopted, she was invited to be one of three flower girls at their daughter Cordelia's wedding.

(2046 - 2047) Cordelia had a baby named Noreen and Yvonne had a baby named Matthew. Philip's guinea pig died when he was at Hogwarts, so he was pretty upset over the holidays.

(2047 - 2048 ) Jessica had been pretty non-responsive to being around Nora and Matt. Her parents seemed to ignore her over them whenever Cora or Yves came to visit or vice versa. While they played with the babies, she sat alone and played with her dolls.

(2048 - 2049) Jessica was pretty nervous about her upcoming year at Hogwarts, and she wasn't too thrilled about having to go to the same school as Penelope again. On the upside, her parents had gotten her a twenty year old parrot named Pretty to bring to school, but Jess thought she'd prefer to carry around her doll Cynthia instead. On another note, Yvonne and Jonas' second son Tobias was born in March.

SCHOOL YEARS (2049 - 2050) Jessica was sorted into Slytherin, which was fine by her considering Penelope was in Gryffindor. The only other person she knew was Gaspard, who was sorted into Hufflepuff. While in Slytherin, she made pretty good friends with a girl named Vivian Frank. She had also joined the Culinary Club as well as the Drama Club, where she got to be a part of the Beetlejuice production.

(2050 - 2051) Cordelia had given birth to her son James in August, and Zoe had gotten a French boyfriend. While at school, Vivian had also joined the culinary club, which was exciting since she and Jess finally got to participate in a common club. Jessica had also continued her membership in the Drama Club.

(2051 - 2052) Jessica continued to be a part of the Culinary Club and the Drama Club. Rosabella's grandma had passed away this year.

(2052 - 2053) The year had been particularly uneventful as Jessica continued her membership in the Culinary Club and in the Drama Club. A few of the older students had lost a friend, so they seemed to be suffering and mourning the loss of a girl named Aria. Jess had also been hearing rumours about her Aunt Penelope (who she could never think of as an aunt considering they weren't even one year apart) and a boy in the same year, who were snogging and drinking together. Jess supposed she'd hang onto these in case she ever needed to use it as ammo against the girl. In the springtime, Zoe had moved out of the Quimby family home, and Philip had moved out of the Quimby family home.

(2053 - 2054) Sparrow had asked Jessica to be her Co-Director at the Drama Club, which she had accepted. The club had performed Wicked. Jessica had gotten to know her classmate Calliope Whitethorne better this year, and the two became quite good friends. Jessica had even invited Callie to enjoy cake with her and Vivyan for Jess' birthday. She had also become friends with Callie's boyfriend, Eden Harper. While studying for her OWL exams, another classmate, Lochi Bardsdale, had helped her prep for her Arithmancy exam, so she had helped him with Defence. Jessica was convinced the only reason she passed was because of him. Kylian had also proposed to Zoe in the fall.

(2054 - 2055) Jessica had gone shopping at a jewelry store after getting her septum pierced over the summer. While shopping, she ran into Lochi, whose parents own the shop. They had caught up and before she left, they had a date scheduled to see a film prior to grabbing food at the Leaky Cauldron. While seated, Lochi had gifted Jess a pair of earrings. Once school came around, the two had arrived as a couple and had gone to the Deep Sea Horrors Masquerade together. Her boyfriend had also gifted her a septum piercing and a necklace for the event, which confused Jess and made her overthink the situation so much that she had pulled Eden aside to not only help her grab food and snacks for them, Lochi and Callie, but also to ask him about why he thinks Lochi would have given her this jewelry and if there were any meanings behind the gift that she was missing. Rumours had then started up that Eden and Jess were cheating on their partners with each other. Luckily, the two most important people affected by the rumours believed that wasn't the case. On New Year's Day, Jessica had attended Zoe and Kylian's wedding with Lochi as her date. Although she had gotten attention for it at the event, she did not get as much as Penelope for bringing Cenek as her date even though the two were not dating at the time.

(2055 - 2056) Over the summer, Jessica had not only dyed her hair black, but she had gone over to the Bardsdale home for a board game night, where she had met Lochi's parents. While at the Sorting Feast, Jess had a panic attack due to growing up and graduating this year. Thankfully, she calmed down before she had a full blown breakdown. She had also made Flynn her Co-Director in the Drama Club and had passed the Culinary Club to Galen. In the springtime, Zoe and Kylian had welcomed their daughter Melodie into the world.


■ Biological Father: Michael Campbell
■ Biological Mother: Tara Campbell
■ Father: Tristan Winthrop
■ Mother: Eleanor Quimby
■ Grandparents: Ivan Winthrop (†) & Dianne Winthrop (†), Gabriel Quimby & Colleen Quimby
■ Sister: Alexandria Quimby-Scott ♥ Christian Barrett → Penelope Barrett, Syd Barrett
■ Sister: Rosabella Winthrop
■ Sister: Cordelia Quimby-Winthrop ♥ Dakota Vann → Noreen Vann, James Vann
■ Adopted Brother: Philip Quimby-Winthrop
■ Uncle: Felix Quimby ♥ Renee Quimby
■ Cousin: Yvonne Quimby ♥ Jonas Spencer → Matthew Spencer, Tobias Spencer
■ Cousin: Zoe Quimby ♥ Kylian Marteau → Melodie Marteau

■ Vivyan Frank
■ Calliope Whitethorne
■ Lochi Bardsdale
■ Eden Harper
■ Duanaire Aindrias-Evera



■ Samuel Bardsdale
■ Flynn Wingrove
■ Galen Saylor
■ Gaspard Dufour
■ Andrea Hart
■ Wren Winchester
■ Hitori Miyazak
■ Culinary Club Members (2049 - 2056)
■ Drama Club Members (2049 - 2056)
■ Slytherin Students (2049 - 2056)
■ Hogwarts Graduates (2056)

■ Parrot: Pretty


UPDATED 05/10/2022

■ Age & bio

PENDED BY ❝Yukitty❞ 4/26/20
ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [5/9/2020]
RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY ~𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰 [10/30/2020]