xxxxM A C K E N N AxxxJ A N ExxxB U T L E R xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Kenna

              AGE 14

              BIRTHDAY 03 January 2038

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 11 1/2 inches, Birch, Hippogriff Feather, Pliable, Smooth

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unsure

              FACECLAIM Jade Weber [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              YEAR Fourth Year

                  The Art of the Sword
                  Art Club
                  Dueling Club (in 2nd Year)
                  Fite Club

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Healer maybe?

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ TRUSTING Mackenna has the ability to trust without question. She might come off as a little naive because of this, but she finds it's best to always look for the good in people. She has been protected from being hurt for most of her life, so has never seen a bad outcome from trusting easily yet.
              ■ SOCIAL Mackenna loves to be around people and gets easily bored and lonely when left to her own devices. She's a huge chatterbox and loves to meet new people, and make new friends. When she was little her mother had trouble keeping her from wandering off with anyone who was a bit nice to her.
              ■ SELFLESS Beyond anything, Mackenna will sacrifice a lot for the people she loves and cares about. Her happiness comes from the happiness of those around her, and she is willing to give up just about anything to make sure they are happy and safe. She would drop everything and go running if her friend called for help, and is always willing to give up her time and energy to help make something important happen for friends and family.
              ■RASH Mackenna doesn't live by any sort of plan. She lives life on her whims and is perfectly okay with this too. In her mind planning things out to a tee only makes them boring. It is much more fun to fly by the seat of her pants and see what happens.
              ■ CURIOUS Mackenna is very curious by nature. She loves puzzles and riddles, and any kind of strategy game. She has an aptitude for learning, and actually quite enjoys it too. She just prefers hands on learning, to reading a book or listening to a lecture.
              ■ TACTLESS Mackenna is prone to speaking before thinking, and puts her foot in her mouth often. She just doesn't think about what could be seen as rude or unkind when it is something that is truthful. She's always thought the truth is better than any lie, even if the truth isn't always very nice. Unfortunately she also isn't very good at wording the truth in a good way.

                  Martial Arts
                  Loud Music

                  Anything Pumpkin Flavoured

                  Candle Making


                  Takes Things Too Personally


      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Although she is unaware of it, Mackenna is actually the daughter of Jack Butler and an unknown woman, but at four months old she was left on the door step of Kaelyn Butler, and later adopted by her. As far as Mackenna is aware, Kaelyn is her actual mother, as she was raised to believe.
          Kenna had a generally uneventful childhood. Her mother worked from home and so she had as much attention as she wanted growing up. Her elder sister Alethea moved out when she young, but Kenna still spent a lot of time with her as well.
          Her mother is just as social as her, so Mackenna grew up going to lots of get togethers and hanging around shopping districts and Diagon Alley a lot, leading her to be even more social. She was very excited to receive her letter to Hogwarts, and can't wait to start school.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Before her first year Kenna met her very first and bestest friend Vivyan Frank, and later at the train station Halice Radcliffe. She was sorted in Gryffindor where she found herself with many like minded people, and she ended up trying out for the Quidditch team (and making reserve) as well as joining many clubs. In general it was a rather fun year for her.
              SECOND YEAR Her second year was fun. She and her friends did whatever they wanted. She got to be a reserve on the quidditch team again, and enjoyed her clubs even more so than last year. She felt like she was really beginning to find her stride at school.
              THIRD YEAR Information
              FOURTH YEAR Information
              FIFTH YEAR Information
              SIXTH YEAR Information
              SEVENTH YEAR Information

          POST GRADUATION Information

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Ex-Father: Jack Butler
          Mother: Kaelyn Butler
          Sister: Alethea Butler

          FRIENDS Vivyan Frank, Halice Radcliffe, Hitori Miyazaki
          BEST FRIEND Vivyan Frank
          CRUSH Name
          ENEMIES Name
          PETS Name


UPDATED 06/29/2020

■ Updated Age, and added First Year History.

PENDED BY ❝Yukitty❞ 4/26/20
ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [5/9/2020]
RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY (do not touch this)