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Takis had been living life as in a thick fog for...what felt like decades but had at least been a great number of months. He awoke, he groomed himself, he ate (although food tasted of ash in his mouth), and he spent the day in his workshop. He made ceremonial bowls, he made tools, and on very interesting days he was asked to shape alcoves for newcomers to the Tree. But mostly he spent his days holed up in his workshop. He didn't talk much to anyone.

He'd still been processing his own feelings about Vanya's venture into the spirit realm or wherever she'd gone--he was grief-stricken that she'd almost died, he was angry that she'd done something so reckless, he was furious that he was powerless to help her, he felt jealous of some love she'd had in her past life, and he felt guilty for having all these feelings--when the Tree had come under attack. Those feelings had all been shoved aside during that crisis and he'd thrown himself--wholly, one hundred percent--into healing the literal hole in their home. After that was done, he felt empty. And that's when the fog had began. Nowadays he didn't feel much at all.

Except for today. Takis was at his workbench on an ordinary day, shaping some decorative carvings someone had requested, when suddenly the fog lifted. He put down the piece he was working on and looked up. "What am I doing?" he asked himself. He took off his cap and ran a hand through his hair, throwing the cap on his bench. The flower in Vanya's hair still bloomed, but who knew for how long? How long did he have before this rift between them grew unpassable and he lost her forever?

Abruptly he stood and fled his workshop. He practically sprinted to the Seer's chambers and burst in. "Vanya," he said urgently. He knew she'd know it was him, but he hadn't said her name in so long and it had come forth from his lips like a spring shoot. He crossed the room to her, wishing to gather her into his arms, but fear gripped him--what if she rejected him? He settled for taking both her hands in his.

"I almost lost you once, and it nearly ended me. I couldn't bear it if I lost you again by my own foolishness. I was so wrapped up in my own grief and pride that I wasn't there for you when you needed me most. I'm sorry. Vanya, I'm so, so sorry. And I promise I'll always, always be here for you from now on if you'll let me."

He leaned his forehead on hers. "I know things can't go back to the way they were. But....I miss us. I want us to be happy together again. And I'm willing to work for it. You're the most important thing to me in my whole life. I love you. And I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to come to my senses." He sent up a silent prayer of thanks to the Elements for giving him this moment of clarity.

Takis now paused, waiting for her response. He studied her face as he did, memorizing every aspect of it. Her eyes, which had always been so beautiful, his favorite feature. The curve of her cheek, the way her hair framed her face. Her cute nose and her soft lips, which even after so long he could still remember how they felt on his. Every part of her was achingly familiar, and invited him to whisk her away, but he wanted to take this slowly and deliberately.

Suddenly he felt like a teenager again, waiting for her to say something.

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