xxxxE L A I N AxxxC H A R L I ExxxL O V E T T E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Ella

              AGE 14

              BIRTHDAY 4 June 2037

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 11 in Sycamore wood with Griffin hair core, Springy with a Spiraled shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION The shrug emoji

              FACECLAIM Childhood - Random children, Adolescence - Jessica Sula [x], Adulthood - Ashley Moore [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Tantalog (she likes to think), BSL

        xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
            ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

            HOUSE Gryffindor

            YEAR Fourth

            BEST LESSONS

            WORST LESSONS

            CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Imaginary lounge singer
            DREAM JOB Sombra

            xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                OWL SCORES
                    Astronomy ~ X
                    Charms ~ X
                    Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                    Herbology ~ X
                    History of Magic ~ X
                    Potions ~ X
                    Transfiguration ~ X
                    Elective ~ X

                NEWT SCORES
                    Astronomy ~ X
                    Charms ~ X
                    Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                    Herbology ~ X
                    History of Magic ~ X
                    Potions ~ X
                    Transfiguration ~ X
                    Elective ~ X

      xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          ◊ SPONTANEOUS Ella's not one to sit idle for too long or just with one project. She likes to keep her hands, feet, and mind active at nearly all times. This can lead to strokes of genius or having to sit in a bath for an hour to get paint stains off her skin.
          ◊ IMAGINATIVE Living around video games, movies, and general pop culture all her life has given Ella a very vivid imagination. She loves creating new stories/scenes/pictures or just improving older ones.
          ◊ FIERY She has a bit of a temper when truly riled up which thankfully has only happened in rare instances. Unfortunately for both of those instances she had to take a letter home to her parents for unnecessary and cruel punishment.
          ◊ SYMPATHETIC Despite her temper, she's very much sympathetic to any and everyone she meets. She never prejudges a person and is always willing to believe the best of them until they prove her otherwise.
          ◊ TIDY Ella hates messes. She feels as though physical messes ultimately clutter her own mind and she just despises feeling cluttered and closed in. She will, and has, stopped in the middle of a project just to start tidying because it would bother her to do so otherwise.
          ◊ HANDY She's a very hands-on person when it comes to learning different things which sounds great on paper but would lead for her to take stuff apart because she wanted to see how it worked. She ultimately became very good at putting stuff together because of this.

              Playing her piano
              Playing video games with Tris
              Watching movies
              Minecraft building
              Sleeping on her mummy in lion form

              Her hair being combed
              Hanzo mains
              Piano finger drills
              Running out of tape

              Playing with her cousins
              Plotting with Cella
              Crafting stuff


              Hot tempered
              Large messes


      xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Elaina was born four years after her older sibling Tristan to their parents Echo and Tanya, the latter of which has sworn she be their last. She spent most of her younger years either following Tristan or their father around as they played video games or watched different movies or sometimes left to tinker with stuff she has no rightly business touching. By the start of primary school, she'd taken apart her old baby mobile (at least she thinks it's hers) and isn't quite sure what she's going to do with its remains. She's also enjoys playing with her toy piano when not tinkering to such a degree her parents are considering getting her formal lessons if only so her banging could seem somewhat musical. As she got older she moved from her tiny toy one to actually learning on a real piano though her toy (upgraded by herself, honestly) was still pretty good for practice. Ella has also taken to challenging herself by taking on medium difficulty YouTube DIY projects and to date has created her own giant beanbag chair of memory foam (after getting the pieces evvvveerryyyywheerreee), a small revolving bookshelf (that she made a second one for Tris), and a cloud shaped lamp. She excited about going to Hogwarts finally and can't wait for all the new things she'll experience. Except roommates. That might take time.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              ◊ FIRST YEAR Information
              ◊ SECOND YEAR Information
              ◊ THIRD YEAR Information
              ◊ FOURTH YEAR Information
              ◊ FIFTH YEAR Information
              ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
              ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

          POST GRADUATION Information

      xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              Parents - Echo and Tanya Lovette
              Siblings - Tristan Lovette
              Grandparents - Gearvin and Nicole Whitethorne
              Aunts/Uncles - Eretria and Magni Borson, Adalaide and Christopher Whitethorne, Chalmes and Elliryanna Whitethorne, Gypsy and Jeremy Lovette, Timothy and Mira Whitethorne. Issac Whitethorne
              Cousins - Chance, Kory, Lillith, Lilah, Desiree and Zachary Whitethorne, Bethany, Rune, and Asbjørn Borson, Mallory, Nico, and Jack Lovette
              Great-grandparents Timothy and Phyllis Lovette
              Great-Uncle Ezekiel Lovette, Aunt Ariana, first cousins once removed Avian and Nike Lovette

              Best Friend - Cella Shoichet
              Jack Lovette
              Lillith and Lilah Whitethorne
              Pietro Donati

          ENEMIES A brush
          PETS A red squirrel named Eliza

      Pended By: Weasley 1/4/20
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