
NICKNAMES Sparrow II, Sparrowlet, Parro, Winchparrow, Kiya, Kiy, Kiki, Meiyan, Yam, Yanyan, Birdy, Little Bird, literally anything someone calls her that sounds like any of her names. She loves nicknames. She collects them. Even her brother calling her Lead Idiot is a treasured nickname.
GENDER female
SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight, probably
AGE 15
BIRTHDAY November 29th, 2036 -- Sagittarius
LANGUAGES English, minimal Chinese, and random bits of other languages she’s learned for parts.

WAND Dogwood with fwooper feather, 12¾ inch with a smooth spiraled shaft, painted pink. She has tied a glittery ribbon to the end of the handle.

FACECLAIM Haruhi Suzumiya with dyed hair that changes every few weeks (Future faceclaim: Gemma Chan)
HEIGHT 5 ft 6 in (167 cm)
WEIGHT 134 lbs (61 kg)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (previously attended Theatre School)

YEAR Fifth
HOUSE Gryffindor
■ Quidditch -- reserve + announcing
■ Drama Club (captain yr 4+)
■ Music Club
■ Year 1: Daily Dragon (fall), Art (spring)
■ Year 2: Herbology and Language Clubs (fall), Cooking Club (spring)
■ Year 4: Dueling Club (fall), Fite Club (spring)
■ Year 5: Astronomy (fall), Namaste (spring)

■ Music
■ Mythology
■ History

■ Potions
■ Art
■ Wandlore

DREAM JOB Actress and Director

DRAMATIC Sparrow thinks that life is a musical and people should burst out into song more. As part of this, she will occasionally break into dramatic soliloquy, dress up in costumes and themes. She also tries very hard to make a fun story out of everything.

FRIENDLY Sparrow is always enthusiastic to meet people, talk, and generally make new friends: She is a sponge for new stories, feelings, and perspectives, and gathers experiences like treasures. This is also how she acts: by finding an exemplar and copying.

IMPATIENT Sparrow’s hobbies and interests change regularly. While she always gives her 1129% to her current project and can hold her attention and interest long enough to master a scene or part, once mastered, she wants to be doing the next scene or thing. Long projects or rehearsals are frustrating because she has to constantly be seeing progress or become disheartened and will quickly flit to the next shiny project. On that note, she always has a few projects or extracurricular classes going on to keep her mind fresh.

PROUD Sparrow is quite proud of her lineage, herself, and her accomplishments. She doesn’t take back what she says, but will apologize and make amends if she thinks necessary. She is secure in the stability of her family situation and quite confident in her ability to play whatever her role is in the coming act of her life. This assuredness has given her an ability to brush off any comments like her brother's negativity or any unhelpful criticism--after freaking out about it for a solid hour or so, of course. And assuming she correctly judges what is helpful and what is not.

IDEALISTIC Sparrow tends to idealize things one way or another, and for the most part she has a rose-tinted view on how things will "end up". She is enamored with ideas like generosity, poetic justice, and most of all, romance. Her idealism may be the only thing to contrast her impatience though, as it keeps her committed long enough to see her vision of a performance through.

■ Acting
■ Singing
■ Dancing

■ Musicals and muggle films
■ Parties. Especially the ones at her house because then she gets to see what other good things people are up to and show them around.
■ Shopping for clothes or gifts
■ Whatever her latest hobby is.
■ Getting into villain backstories

■ Repeated messing up. Not being her usual peppy self bothers her in a way that only makes things worse.
■ Any set-building they have to do.
■ Sopranos. All the adults keep saying her voice will get higher, but she’s been on the planet for over a decade and it still hasn’t. Forget that, she isn’t even sure she wants to be a soprano. But sopranos get all the good parts and it’s not fair.
■ The Wizarding Statute of Secrecy-- why can’t she tell her muggle friends about magic?
■ Not having enough hours in the day

■ Memorizing things. Sparrow is a great copycat and excels at memorizing things like lines or facts and mimicking or regurgitating them later, or copying movements.
■ Has a lot of energy.

■ Does not shut up-- It’s probably pretty annoying.
■ Impulsive.

■ Joining a magical acting troupe (or starting her own), writing her own plays, having her own theatre, being/ making a lasting impact in the arts.
Marrying Chadwick, and having a bunch of Knapplets of her own.

■ Forgetting, messing up, or causing her costars to mess up.
■ Hurting other people.

♥♡EARLY CHILDHOOD Sparrow was never sure why she was pulled out of kindergarten, but it did mean that she got to join the community’s youth acting troupe, where her curriculum emphasized subjects like Reading, Speech/ Singing, Performance, Dance/Gymnastics. These were supplemented by any assignments her mum had in other subjects. Her family’s educational philosophy was to study whatever was interesting but study well before moving on. This didn’t work well for Sparrow’s flighty mind: she chose acting as her apparent subject of focus and used it as a cover to pursue a variety of other interests. Sudden interest in horseback riding? Pitch a short skit that involved playing a cowboy, then convince her mother that she needed to learn to properly ride a horse. A season of classes would be enough to sate her interest, and as long as she didn’t fail that class, her mum would be convinced it wasn’t a complete waste.

Even though she was taught from an early age to control her magic, Sparrow didn’t really take it seriously until one day at the theatre, when she was helping to adjust a set piece. The person she was helping was working too slowly for her, so when he went to take a break, Sparrow intentionally tried to use magic to fix it--she’d seen her family do a repairing spell plenty of times before after all! Untrained, the results were nearly disastrous: the piece she was supposed to move broke, and then there was a chain reaction that ended up in a few of her friends getting hurt. Even though no one blamed her when she said she didn’t touch it, Sparrow knew it was her fault anyways and thereafter took learning about and controlling her magic much more seriously afterwards.

While her schedule didn't leave a lot of free time, Sparrow was always happy to join in on whatever her family was doing when she was home, or run off to visit with her friends. Her best friend was Aria Siddall, her neighbor and fellow witch. Sparrow kept nothing from Aria, even when their brothers suddenly stopped being friends. House parties were Sparrow's favorite event, especially since it meant socializing with other witches or wizards and gaining insight for her next performances. At one such party she met Chadwick and Cenek Knapp. It was love at first sight for her-- Chadwick was such a gentleman, but he had energy to match her, and Cenek's kindness rivaled Aria's. She was fast friends with both of them, and made no effort to conceal her affections.

Finally, finally, her own Hogwarts letter came. Sparrow was sad to leave her theatre program, but ecstatic to finally learn proper magic and go to a school where she didn't have to keep magic a secret.

FIRST YEAR Sparrow's first year started out with a first kiss on the cheek! She had a dramatic moment throwing herself down the stairs and breaking her arm before Quidditch tryouts, and made her Drama and Music club debuts. She joined August and his Princess Rhea for Quidditch Announcing practice a few times as well. On a whim, she decided to join August in the Daily Dragon, but her initial interest in photography and nosing around led her towards the Art Club come spring semester. After befriending Willow and Aspen Hill, Sparrow affectionately dubbed Professor Hill "Professor Marshmallow". She also met and befriended the Hill's Aunt Rosalia, who had rescued her owl.

While initially Sparrow had trouble figuring out how study in this more traditional class structure, August showed her how to write short monologues discussing a particular subject. The research needed to write and preform these monologues encouraged her to do her homework and reading at least, and turned studying into rehearsal. While not the best student, Sparrow did immediately pick up on any hair-changing spells and potions. Once able, she proceeded to change her hair every few weeks.

That summer, her great-uncle died, but as a result, the entire family--everyone from both sides of her family and even relatives she hadn't known very well!--was brought together! If only they could have stayed together longer--but back home she had an adorable baby sister to fawn over. She accidentally fell asleep while hanging out with Chadwick, which led to their breakup. While Wren tried to cheer her up, she got her hair colored multicolored and had a fascinating conversation with Finley.

SECOND YEAR Sparrow started the year in the Herbology and Language clubs, but flitted to the Culinary Club in spring, inspired by the flavors in herbology and the variety of cultures from Language. She of course was constantly at Drama and Music as well, and continued to practice for her future acting aspirations there. She made it her mission to make Chadwick and Finley friends, and started helping Finley overcome his stage fright while acting as his hairstyling practice model!

Not long after school started, a terrible accident had killed Deepak Knapp--or had he? Dominik, his twin, seemed to think he was still alive, and taken by an angel of some sort. Sparrow was upset-- caught between wishing she knew him better and remembering that Rhea, Dominik, Deepak and her had plans to one day see the acrobatic shows in Las Vegas-- but also confused what to think. She did her best to be there to mourn with Chadwick and Cenek, but also to find ways to add a little cheer into their lives back at school.

THIRD YEAR Sparrow's third year was spent changing herself-- how she dressed, how she talked, how she behaved-- in pursuit of being Chadwick's ideal girlfriend. Early in the year the change was minimal--and it was then she met a little first year called Kota-- but by the end of the year she was hardly talking to boys outside of class or club and certainly not without Chadwick there. She wasn't talking as much at all, and her voice was only energetic and loud during Quidditch Announcing. The entire act was quite draining, but if this was the price for love, that was a price she had to pay... right? At first she had been very cross with Wren for breaking up with Aria, but then Aria seemed happy with Yukon, and Wren was...less grumpy with Nim. By summer Sparrow was both restlessly contemplating if her first love was true, and too tired to imagine the rest of her life without Chadwick.

FOURTH YEAR After yet another fight with Chadwick over whether she should take the drama club captainship, Sparrow broke up with Chadwick, this time for good. She dyed her hair pastel, got a new wardrobe, and put everything to song or dance. Most of her studies plummeted, but fueled partly by rage and and yearning, she was back to giving everything her 1129%. She learned a new song every week for music, prepared improv exercises and short scripts for drama, and got back to befriending the whole world.

Towards the end of the year, she was elated if surprised to be asked out by Kenny Knolle, and spent much of the summer hanging out with him between drama camp, choir, dance practice, and service projects. On August 3rd, tragedy struck next door, resulting in her best friend Aria's death. Sparrow was inconsolable at the funeral, and has been miserable since, only loosely following her usual routine.



Parents Eliana Zeshu Winchester, nee Li, homeschool teacher, former librarian (squib); Cohen Winchester, Unspeakable in the Time Chamber of the Department of Mysteries (pureblood)
Grandparents Anthony Jacobson, librarian (pureblood); Sparrow Winchester, Unspeakable in the Thought Chamber of the Department of Mysteries (pureblood)
Siblings Wren Winchester, cranky craftsman; Robin Winchester, studious spectator; Phoebe Winchester, babbling baby
Cousins Sonora Li, her favorite accompanist; August Li, her favorite babysitter
House elves Hobby and Piper
Pet Hecate Eponine Saffron Terra Ivanka Ariel, aka Hestia (boreal owl)

DATING Kennebec Knolle?

Best Friends: Aria Siddall (deceased) and Cenek Knapp
■ Younger students: Dakota Addario
Quinn Abrams, Ashton Bardsley, Willow Hill, Elaina Lovette, Eliza Ann Whitmore
■ Older Students: Kimia Abbasi, Finley Archer, Aspen Hill, Brook Knapp, Nimbus Siddall, Josh and Juniper Sparks, Billie Xanders
Rosalia birdy Wood Nymph

■ People from her Youth Acting Troupe.
■ Anyone who comes to her family's charity parties.
■ You, soon!~

■ Chadwick Knapp

CREATED November 2018
UPDATED 07 January 2021
■ Y4 update
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

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