
She was nervous about the upcoming hatching. Even though that auspicious time was still quite awhile away, she couldn't help thinking about the inevitable hatching. What would her father say if she didn't impress for a third time? What would he say if she impressed a green? Or a white? Maybe she shouldn't stand anymore. But then what about her dragon if it was in the clutch?

Nalacko sighed softly over her cooling bowl of soup, playing with it and not eating much. Her two green firelizards had stuffed themselves on the rest of her lunch and were curled contentedly on the table, sleeping it off. Sometimes she wished she could be as carefree as them. Or her friends. All her rider friends now. It was hard when everyone you considered a friend impressed around you.

It could be lonely among the candidates. New faces all the time. Would they like her? Maybe they wouldn't. She would find out after lunch as she was meeting another candidate that she hadn't had much interaction with before.