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How had she been talked into this, again?

Xing’s morning had started calmly enough. Yu had left on his morning flight, and Xing had spent the morning sleeping, as per usual. She was expecting to wake up leisurely and then head out on a hunt later that afternoon.

What she hadn’t accounted for was Yu coming home with someone.

... That made it sound like he’d found a stray cub and decided to keep it. No, rather, he had brought someone from her pride back to her. After some explaining, and a sheepishness that Xing found kind of endearing, she found herself being convinced to escort him around.

She wasn’t sure why she had been chosen to do so. Wouldn’t one of the more senior members be better qualified? She still got lost sometimes too! But between Yu’s insistence that she should socialize more, and the newcomer’s imploring looks... well, here she was, walking down a well-worn path with a bird on her shoulder and a lion on her other side.

With a nervous sigh, Xing looked around again for any... unfortunate events that might come near her. It would just figure that her bad luck would hit now, but strangely, they were fine. She didn’t see any problems coming towards them.

So slowly her gaze moved over to the black lion walking next to her. He seemed totally content where he was, albeit with a curious look at the different landmarks as they were pointed out. She should probably feel like a terrible guide, since Yu was the one actually talking, but he didn’t seem to mind, so she continued with her observations.

He was a very handsome lion, she had to admit. He was going to fit in well with Shadow Clan, if only because his pelt matched so nicely with them. Unlike her’s, which made her stick out like a sore paw. She practically glowed. His green ears were especially charming, and they looked so soft.... she wondered if they were as plush-feeling as they looked... but she shook her head. There was no way she was going to ask him if she could play with his ears. He would think she was nuts!

Xing was startled out of her thoughts as a talon started prodding at her neck. Blinking, she looked over at Yu, who was staring at her like she’d grown a second head. Why was he.... oh crap, had they been talking to her?

Ears flattening against her head, she stuttered out, “S-Sorry, what did you say?”

Yu gave her a narrow-eyed look, unsure why she had zoned out like that. The last time he’d seen that look on her face... but the pride wouldn’t allow some one-off, and she knew that very well! Still, he made a mental note to pester her about it later.

Puffing himself up, the yellow avian repeated his question, “I said, this area is where the hunters gather before they head out on a hunt. When do they normally do that, Xing?”

“O-Oh, uh.... It really just depends on which hunting group you’re going to be with that day. They go in shifts throughout the day and night, so if you’re better at hunting at night, you hunt at night. The morning shift meets at sunrise. Then the afternoon shift closer towards sunset.”

Yu gave her another hard look, making the lioness have to look away.

The barking laugh beside them broke the tense moment. “Good to know, and goodness, little Yu, you look like you’re interrogating her!” Qiguai turned to Xing then, a bright smile on his face, “You seem to have a lot on your mind today. I hope I haven’t been taking you away from something important.”

His words sent her into a fluster, and Xing jolted hard enough that Yu almost got sent flying off her shoulder. “Oh, no! No, it’s totally fine! I don’t mind at all, a-and actually... this is... it’s nice, being out here with y... showing you around.” She cringed slightly at the close call of words, and though Qiguai seemed completely unperturbed, Yu was now giving her an even sterner look.

Oh great, she was going to get lectured later. He needn’t be worried though! She hardly knew Qiguai, and contrary to his beliefs, she wasn’t the type to sleep around with anyone! Seriously, she laid with one guy one time....

Qi grinned wider at her words, pleased that she was at least enjoying it. “Agreed! This is a much more pleasant experience when you have someone to show you the ropes.” And if his escort just happened to be a pretty female, well, that was another thing entirely.

To be honest, he had joined for another reason than finding a home. Loneliness was a terrible companion, and while he had wanted to comfort of a home, of family, he had also wanted that a little more literally as well. Oh sure, there had been rogues, many of them, but none had been the one. None had been right. He had his “sight” to thank for telling him that.

Coming to the Ela had been the first time things had felt right, as had his meeting with Xing, regardless of how nervous she was about it. Even should they remain friends, he hoped that she would one day come to relax around him.

Only time would tell about that.

Humming, the black lion gestured back along their path. “Well, shall we continue our tour?” Whatever happened, he did genuinely want to learn more about the pride.

Throwing one more look back at Yu, Xing nodded and started moving again, this time making sure to pay more attention to the conversation, perhaps even start participating in it. Perhaps she could throw off Yu’s suspicions by doing so too.

They were getting close to a nearby watering hole anyway, and could take a break there. So with that in mind, the lioness pushed onwards, nerves still shot but in considerably higher spirits than before.