xxxxR U N ExxxT O R G I L SxxxB O R S O N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES None

              AGE 11

              BIRTHDAY June 22, 2035

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 13 1/4 inches, cypress and dragon heartstring, supple with a spiralled shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unknown

              FACECLAIM Jace Norman (younger) [x], David Garrett (adult) [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Norwegian

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              TO ATTEND Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              YEAR First

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              HONORS Honors Recieved

              SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Activities

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Current Employment

              DREAM JOB Musician

          xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              OWL SCORES
                  ♋︎ Astronomy ~ X
                  ♋︎ Charms ~ X
                  ♋︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  ♋︎ Herbology ~ X
                  ♋︎ History of Magic ~ X
                  ♋︎ Potions ~ X
                  ♋︎ Transfiguration ~ X
                  ♋︎ Elective ~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  ♋︎ Astronomy ~ X
                  ♋︎ Charms ~ X
                  ♋︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  ♋︎ Herbology ~ X
                  ♋︎ History of Magic ~ X
                  ♋︎ Potions ~ X
                  ♋︎ Transfiguration ~ X
                  ♋︎ Elective ~ X

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ BRAVE Rune doesn't back down when it comes to danger. It's not coming from a lack of sense, but Rune feels that he should stand up for what's right, even in the face of danger. He'd rather be the one that's walking into the line of fire than let anyone else do so.
              ◊ FRIENDLY Rune also tends to make friends easily. He doesn't lack social skills, and is ready with a helping hand, open ear, or even just a friendly greeting for people that need it. He also happens to be polite and kind and feels that everyone should be that way.
              ◊ CUNNING Rune has a cunning mind. He's not averse to figuring out solutions, and finding loopholes feels to him to be second nature. He also has an easy time with calculating risks versus gain, and acts accordingly.
              ◊ CREATIVE Rune tends toward the creative. His mind can come up with unique viewpoints and abstract ideas, and tends toward musical pursuits. He feels best when he's allowed to let his creative juices flow.
              ◊ DETERMINED Rune also happens to be determined. He's not one to back down, and tends not to change his mind once he's made it up. He's also one that has a tendency to be bullheaded, not wanting to make changes once he gets started on something.
              ◊ ACTIVE Rune is very active, and loves doing anything physical. Whether it's playing sports, swimming, running, or just simply being outside, he's not one to sit around the house long. He'd rather be doing something instead.

                  Being outside
                  Sunny days
                  His bestemor's cooking
                  Spending time with his twin

                  His mum's cooking
                  Being bored

                  Playing the violin
                  Anything involving the outdoors

                  Quick to pick up new ideas
                  Good ear for music

                  Tends to get impatient

                  Losing his twin

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Rune is the oldest twin of Eretria and Magni Borson. Born three years after his older sister Bethany, Rune never found himself lonely, especially as he had his twin, Asbjørn, to keep him company. Regardless, he always found himself following around his older relatives and trying to figure out what they were doing from a young age. He also enjoyed the attention that his older relatives gave him, and tried to find new ways to get their attention.

              When he was eight, he discovered his older cousin Chance practicing on the violin and begged him to teach him. Chance, amused by Rune's enthusiasm, proceeded to show him how to play it and eventually became Rune's primary teacher for the instrument. Asbjørn thought that the instrument was boring, but Rune continued to practice as much as he could. By the time he had gotten his letter, Rune was already good at the violin, although he believed he could get better and vowed to do so.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  ◊ FIRST YEAR Information
                  ◊ SECOND YEAR Information
                  ◊ THIRD YEAR Information
                  ◊ FOURTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ FIFTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                  Parents - Magnus Borson, Eretria Borson
                  Siblings - Bethany Borson, Asbjørn Borson
                  Grandparents - Gearvin Whitethorne, Anastasia Whitethorne (deceased), Nicole Whitethorne, Olan Borson (deceased), Frida Borson
                  Aunts/Uncles - Chalmes Whitethorne (deceased), Christopher Whitethorne, Tanya Lovette, Timothy Whitethorne, Issac Whitethorne, Elliryanna Whitethorne, Adalaide Whitethorne, Echo Lovette, Mira Whitethorne, Deveron Whitethorne, Luke Nalson-Lillantine, Jeremy Lovette, Cain Justox (deceased), Aubrey Gardiner, Steffi Nalson-Lillantine, Balder Borson, Noel Borson (deceased), Roald Bjelke(deceased), Delilah Borson(deceased), Frey Bjelke (deceased), Atle Borson
                  Cousins - Zephyros Whitethrone, Michelyn Whitethorne, Clementine Fenwick, Del Rey Borson (deceased) Eleazar Bradley, Glynn Llewellyn, Chance Whitethorne, Kory Whitethorne, Eve Whitethorne, Lillith Whitethorne, Zachary Whitethorne, Desiree Whitethorne, Tristan Lovette, Elaina Lovette, Joellen Nalson-Lillantine, Loke Nalson-Lillantine, Isolde Nalson-Lillantine, Mallory Lovette, Nicodemus Lovette, Jack Lovette

                  Best Friend - Asbjørn Borson

              SIGNIFICANT OTHER Name
              ENEMIES Name
              PETS None

          xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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