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It'd been a long morning for Ekundayo thus far. First he'd fumbled a try at a young buck, his attempt being an odd one where he tried to trip it rather than use his mouth or claws to latch onto it. After that he'd somehow caught breakfast by unintentionally getting his paw stuck in a freshly dug hole causing a burrow to collapse on a hare. Unfortunate for the small creature but he wasn't above digging it out for something to stave off his growling stomach. Sometimes he felt guilt when making kills, but then he'd remind himself that it was kind of essential for him to live so he'd push those thoughts aside.

With a quick glance around he couldn't see any small prey, nor larger so he took to settling on a smooth looking boulder for a nice sunning session. It'd been a while, normally he slept around this hour in the shade of trees or a cliff overhang, but the warmth licking at his brown fur was too tantalizing.