xxxxN A S I MxxxF A R I H AxxxF I N D L A Y - A B R A M Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Nasim, though sometimes her mother just called her Sim

              AGE 16

              BIRTHDAY 3 August 2035

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 11 1⁄4 in. Hazel wood with Unicorn tail core, Bendy with a decorated shaf

              GENDER Female


              FACECLAIM Childhood/Preteen - Sara Kashif [x]
              Teenage/Adulthood - Saboor Ali [x]

              LANGUAGES English and Urdu

        xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
            ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

            HOUSE Hufflepuff]

            YEAR/CLASS OF Sixth

            BEST LESSONS
                History of Magic

            WORST LESSONS

            CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student
            DREAM JOB Sci-fy writer

            xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                OWL SCORES
                    Astronomy ~ EE
                    Charms ~ EE
                    Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                    Herbology ~ A
                    History of Magic ~ EE
                    Potions ~ A
                    Transfiguration ~ O
                    Alchemy ~ A
                    Art ~ O
                    Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
                    Healing ~ EE
                    Muggle Studies ~ O
                    Music ~ EE
                    Mythology ~ EE
                    Wandlore ~ A

                NEWT SCORES
                    Astronomy ~ X
                    Charms ~ X
                    Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                    Herbology ~ X
                    History of Magic ~ X
                    Potions ~ X
                    Transfiguration ~ X
                    Elective ~ X

        xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            ◊ OUTSPOKEN Nasim has no trouble speaking her mind, sometimes loudly, or saying what she believes should be on other people's minds. This has of course gotten her into trouble but it hasn't really bothered her.
            ◊ HELPFUL She loves helping others be it problems big or small and is always the first to volunteer for any endeavor.
            ◊ VIBRANT She's a very bright and energetic child who likes to try and share her brightness and energy with the world.
            ◊ FICKLE Nasim was used to picking up and abandoning a new would-be hobby or skill at random and then deciding that after a few weeks, maybe a month, possibly a year that she just didn't want to do it any longer and would quickly move on.
            ◊ RESPONSIBLE Despite her sometimes lackadaisical approach, Nasim takes care and responsibility for all she decides to do or work with and is the first to clean up or correct a mistake.
            ◊ SINCERE Nasim doesn't like lying and tries to avoid it if she can. She also doesn't see the point in being mean for no reason when being nice is so easy.

                Loud music she can dance to
                Science fiction shows

                Sour foods
                PepperUp potion
                Jumping the shark
                Plain milk


                Willingness to learn anything


                Forgetting her mummy
                Gravity failing and her floating up into the abyss

        xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            CHILDHOOD Faraz and Zuny Safi had moved to the UK many years prior to their daughter's birth mainly due to a job offer for Zuny to work in the trades department of the Ministry, but had quickly fell in love with the city they inhabited as well as their respective jobs. Faraz quickly garnered a job at St. Mungoes in it's disease ward. Nasim came at a time when they had both nearly given up on ever having a child having both gone through rigorous testing and homeopathic healing but nothing seemed to take. Just when they had reached their mid thirties did a miracle happen and a daughter was born in the bloom of summer. The small family lived happily for a short time until Faraz contracted an unknown disease from one of his patients who had recently traveled abroad. They didn't quarantine him in time and he shortly died from its complications. Zuny grieved her husband and the fact that he wouldn't see his child grow but focused all her energy and attention onto her daughter to ensure she grew up loved and happy. This went on for many years until another tragedy struck. Upon crosschecking some potions that had just recently been brought to the ministry to be traded, a faulty potion spilled on her and instantly seeped into her skin. She was rushed to the hospital and though it seemed as though nothing had happened they still kept her for observation. They found later that the potion was slowly killing her from the inside, reminiscent of a cancer, and since the potion that caused it had been faulty there was little they could do to potentially stop the disease. Though she had savings, she didn't have nearly enough to pay a potions master to essentially work from scratch to save her. Zuny knew her time was limited and lamented that she would also not see her child grow up but refused to have her sent back to Pakistan to her ailing parents or to an orphanage. She spoke with Thane Findlay-Abrams, a coworker and close friend of hers and talked him and his husband into adopting Nasim and raising her in her stead. Nasim, for the most part, did not agree with this placement at all and spent the weeks after her mother's funeral being argumentative and uncooperative to say the least. The only person she even slightly opened up to was Milo Abrams due to the fact that he could play the piano and knew how to work her record player. After actually running away once (when in reality she just flood to Milo's and didn't tell anyone) Kalin and Thane decided to get her into personal and family counseling to see if it could help. It took a while, a long while, but she opened up and finally started to see that while her new guardians and family loved her, they also weren't trying to make her forget about her mum and dad. It especially helped that Thane set up a small area in her room with both of their portraits and small trinkets from their time together and would regularly talk with her about her mother, his good friend. She's excited to finally go to Hogwarts with Brennie and their cousins and is ready for whatever happens.

            SCHOOL YEARS
                ◊ FIRST YEAR Was pretty exciting. She made allot more friends than she'd thought (and feared) and she'd even been sorted into her brother's house which was pretty cool. She wasn't entirely sure if befriending the Borson twins was a stroke of genius or a terrible mistake but she's enjoying the ride so to speak.
                ◊ SECOND YEAR Information
                ◊ THIRD YEAR Information
                ◊ FOURTH YEAR Information
                ◊ FIFTH YEAR Information
                ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
                ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

            POST GRADUATION Information

        xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                Parents - Faraz and Zuny Safi (birth parents); Thane and Kalin Findlay-Abrams (adoptive)
                Siblings - Brendan Findlay-Abrams
                Grandparents - Nan Wakefield
                Aunts/Uncles - Wyatt and Milo Abrams
                Cousins - Driskol and Laili Abrams, London and Mahalia Elis

                Best Friend - Milo Abrams
                Brendan Findaly-Abrams
                Maya Masters
                Mahalia Ellis
                Rune Borson
                Asbjørn Borson
                Hailey Scheer
                Nimbus Siddal

            ENEMIES Name
            PETS A Tawny owl named Lucy


        UPDATED 7/1/19

        ■ Updated for 2nd year

        PENDED BY ~𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰 [07/02/2019]
        ACCEPTED BY ~ Dia [10/01/19]
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