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Reply ♥ In the Name of the Moon! ♥
[Witzend Mission] 002: Beat in the street [Gans/Delphi]

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Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 6:32 pm
Available Missions


    Recon Night Mission 002

    Location: "Party" District of Uptown Witzend, England

    Debriefing: The clubs have been an excellent source of energy for the negaverse operations, but lately the wrist bands that have been used for stealth draining have become compromised. Given the fact that the Witzend Operation has been compromised, the assumption is that the White Moon force that's invaded is the cause. Your job is to attempt to suss them out or at least gather information.

    Requirements: 2-3 Agents, must be in civilian guises for stealth, clubbing attire encouraged but not required.

    There are no rank restrictions for this mission.

You arrive downtown and find the streets lit up in lights. Throngs of people fill the streets, most with a drink in hand. The end of the road is blocked off by barriers and cop cars, it's clear that this street is made for pedestrians. Even outside you can hear the blaring of music that almost shakes the infrastructure. The people are dressed for clubbing, casual or otherwise, but some people have dressed in...costumes? Cosplay? It's hard to say but it definitely makes things difficult when you consider that you're attempting to track a senshi down.

You may decide to stay together or split up, but it's advised that you split up to cover more ground.

All players roll 1d6.

  • 1 - You enter one of the first bars on the street. They ID you and fix a wristband (R1D4, Evens: You have received an energy draining wristband! From now on R2D6 and take the number that provides the negative option! If there are no 'negative' options, take the lower number! Odds: You've received a normal wristband. No effects.)

  • 2 - You came prepared! Thinking ahead, you've already procured a wristband and you flash it to the bouncer before you enter your first club. It's crowded and you have to shove your way through but you manage to find yourself at the bar. Nearby you hear somehow hear hushed whispers over the sound of the bass blaring in the background. (Quote Nuxaz for a snippet!)

  • 3 - A drunk civilian gets in your way right before you can step into whatever bar you've picked. They're unruly, clearly had too much and are causing a scene. You don't make it inside, which is a huge bummer if someone is waiting for you on the other wise but when they stumble back into you, you manage to swipe their wristband. (R1D4, Evens: You have received an energy draining wristband! From now on R2D6 and take the number that provides the negative option! If there are no 'negative' options, take the lower number! Odds: You've received a normal wristband. No effects.)

  • 4 - As you walk down the street a fight breaks out in front of you. Despite your best attempts to get sucked into it! (R1D4, If you roll 1 you have escaped the tussle, otherwise Quote Nuxaz for interaction!)

  • 5 - Some unruly patron of one of the bars gets tossed out by bouncer right as you're about to enter. You get sucker punched in the face. You get knocked onto your a** and see stars. Someone helps you sit up against the wall but it doesn't seem to matter. You're down and out for the count. (Skip all steps until the regrouping.)

  • 6 - Maybe it's luck or maybe you have a keen eye but whatever wrist band you end up with turns out to be completely ordinary! You also make it inside whatever place you decide to check out without any fuss. You also manage to swipe some cash poking out of the pocket in front of you. You're feeling lucky! (You've received a normal wristband. No effects. -/+ 1 to your next roll to take the "positive" outcome. )


Depending on where you've ended up, things are lively. People chatter at each other, competing against the music blaring through speakers and if you're lucky, you manage to make it through to the bar. For one reason or another, they slide you a drink on the house.

**If you roll two negative actions in a row, you find yourself incapacitated! Quote Nuxaz**

Each player rolls 1d6 to determine the type of drink.

  • 1 - Whatever the bartender gave you feels slimy going down but you drink it all anyway. Despite the music blaring around you, you find that you can hear people exceptionally well. Your vision seems a little sharper, like you can make out details better. Strange. (Perception increase! Quote Nuxaz for a snippet of conversation. -/+ up to 2 points to your dice roll for the duration of the mission. +2 for any combat rolls for the duration of the mission!)

  • 2 - Downing the shot leaves you lightheaded. It tastes like what you think flowers smell like and it sits heavy on your tongue. A few minutes tick by before the alcohol really settles. You feel light-headed and no matter how well you hold your liquor you find yourself feeling tispy. The drink was stronger than you thought.(Perception decrease! -/+ 1 to take the negative option for the duration of the mission! You must also -2 from any combat rolls for the duration of the mission!)

  • 3 - The shot goes down smoothly, it tastes earthly almost rubbery like a mushroom. While you feel fine at first only a few seconds pass before you find yourself sick to your stomach. In a panic, you shove your way to the bathroom. (You have been incapacitated! Unable to leave the bathroom floor as you throw up the contents of your stomach, you cannot proceed further in this mission. You have failed.)

  • 4 - You're slid something fruity and you beg the bartender for a second once you gulp the first down too quickly. You feel great at first, but your mood quickly sours like a bad orange. (You're increasingly agitated and prone to picking a fight for the duration of this mission.)

  • 5 - Water is slid your way and you try to hide your disappointment. Guess it's better to stay hydrated now that you've noticed how hot it was, but you were still hoping for a drink. (No effect.)

  • 6 - Something about a free drink feels wrong while you're on a mission and something in your gut tells you not to drink it so you politely decline. The bartender looks disgruntled, but your instincts prove to be correct. Something's not right. (+1 for any combat rolls during this mission. +/- 1 to your dice roll to take the 'positive' option going forward.)


As much fun as it is to indulge in free drinks at the bar (assuming you get something good...) you're on a mission and you're trying to find out where the wristbands are stored when not being handed out. Still...staying at the bar seems really tempting. What's the point of going somewhere new if you if you can't have a little fun too? But the mission and duty. Right...right..

One player rolls 1d4. (If someone rolled a 1 in the previous step, they must be the one to roll. If multiple people did, please quote Nuxaz first. Otherwise, anyone may be the individual who rolls.)

  • 1 - Things appear pretty normal at first and while you're looking for the stash of wristbands, you find that no matter how hard you look or where you are. You can't find them. They've gone missing! Reaching out to anyone who took this mission with you yields same results. Unable to complete the mission as given, you decide to either retire or say ******** it and party on. (You have FAILED! Either retire back to the hotel for the evening or make some questionable choices and stay out later if you're willing to risk a consequence or two...Someone has to fill out the report but you resolve to try again another night.)

  • 2 - Something about the bartender seems...well, shady. You decide to watch them while casually sipping (or if you previously rolled a 6 not sipping) a beverage. At one point they disappear into the back and come back out. You take advantage of this to slip in the back after, thinking the coast is clear. (Proceed to Step Four)

  • 3 - The bartenders seem to have one goal in mind, getting you and yours so trashed you can't think. For one reason or another you keep accepting drinks OR someone in your group gets too sloshed to be useful and as the sober person, you resolve to call it a night. There's no point in pushing forward if half (or all) of you are smashed. (You have FAILED! It's suggested you don't submit that the mission failed because you got wasted but a report needs to be filled out regardless. You'll have to try again another night.)

  • 4 - Being inside appears to be a dud when it comes to sussing out the culprits, undeterred one of you calls for the others to meet them outside. One of the bouncers is on the phone instead of watching the door. Curious you tail him. (Proceed to Step Four)



  • If you rolled 2:

      Slipping into the backroom, you make use of the metro shelves to hide. You've alerted everyone to your whereabouts and they should be getting into place. To your delight you get to witness a senshi collecting a plethora of wristbands and what looks to be energy orbs. Ah-ha! Powering up, you and the team confront them just outside. Luckily, you think you've ambushed them!

      One player R1D4:

      • 1: In a panic, the senshi summons magic that fills the area with a swarm of butterflies, they're swallowed by the display and when the butterflies disappear the senshi is gone even if the wrist bands and energy are still there. (The senshi gets away!)
      • 2: Despite being surrounded, the senshi decides to scale the building and try to escape. Give chase! (You have 3 chances to catch the senshi! R1D20, you must get a 20 to capture them!)
      • 3: It looks like you've cornered a combative one, get ready for a fight! (Quote Nuxaz)
      • 4: All of a sudden, now that you're powered you feel a number of order auras around you. Uh-oh....Maybe this was a trap...You have been ambushed! (Quote Nuxaz)

  • If you rolled 4:

      Once the team has reconvened you tail the bouncer and find him heading towards a truck full of...wristbands and energy orbs. None of you recognize anyone loading up the truck and decide to intervene! You're not going to let someone run off with the Negaverse's hard work! You get into a spat with the bouncer and his crew. You may be civilians but you (should) know how to fight.

      Each player R1D20; Rolling a 10 triggers a special action. (Quote Nuxaz) Each player may roll twice and the group's combined total must exceed 60 for this to mission to succeed.

      If you succeed, the men are neutralized and wristbands/energy reclaimed. It seems weird, that it was a group of civilians behind this, but you can't find any evidence of senshi activity. The mission is a success but...it sure doesn't feel like it. (If you repeat the mission +/- 2 to a social interaction to get a positive outcome ONCE)

      If you fail, someone slams the back of the truck shut and drives off. You and your team are forced to watch as they zip away. (If you repeat the mission +/- 1 to a social interaction to get a positive outcome ONCE)


    • At the conclusion of the mission, please have 1 character fill out a mission report. You may simply fill out the form in the mission hub or write a solo/reg for it.
    • Successfully completing this mission gives you a GLOW STICK BRACELET it looks pretty unassuming but hey, it could be useful later? Maybe? (You may collect this up to 5x)
    • If your HP hits 0 Quote Nuxaz!
PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:48 am
It'd been almost twenty four hours since Minium had been taken by a band of ambushing senshi on their last meeting. The urge had been there to jump straight into a rescue but rushing in recklessly would have been ridiculously unwise. Rest and regrouping were needed before they headed out again, and while there had been a point in that time where they'd managed to become very distracted, they were back on task now and using a new mission to hunt for any information or clues they could find regarding Mini or the senshi that'd taken her.

It just so happened this particular mission involved heading out to a high energy party environment with music and dance and bodies in close proximity.

Delphine had picked a short sleeved fitted dress with the lower back cut out and the skirt ending mid thigh. For modesty's sake she'd added dark tights, and had finished the look with sleek ankle boots and silver hair up in a neat, twisting bun.

She stood with her hand resting on Gansey's arm at the head of the street with her head tipped and dark eyes flicking between the various style choices all sharing space. From jeans and t-shirts, to skimpy skirts and crop tops, to cocktail dresses and heels, to bright colors and blacks, to what looked like costumes. It was a lot and it was almost overwhelming. "I'm not sure I dressed appropriately for this," she admitted softly up to him.



Wrathful Demigod


PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 12:12 pm
Losing Minium to the enemy should have been distressing, but for Gansey it was largely inconvenient. He didn’t know Red well enough to be invested in her but he knew that losing an ally was unacceptable and now that his injuries had been cared for and he had a pleasant distraction to keep him preoccupied.

Of course that didn’t mean he wasn’t inclined to look for their lost ally. In fact, it was an excuse to get to know Delphine a little better.

Killing two birds with one stone, in his opinion.

For the mission Gansey had opted for a red blazer, dark slacks, and loafers and a white shirt beneath it. At his side Delphine was a picture of beauty even though she looked a little more...classy compared to others around them.

“A little overdressed but still gorgeous,” he assured her, placing his hand over hers. “Where first?”

Beejoux rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 6:42 pm
The compliment was appreciated and Delphine flashed him a small, pleased smile as he gave her hand a reassuring pat. "Thank you. I just don't want to stand out too much, we don't want to draw attention." They'd been ambushed once already, and the dainty dancer was keen to avoid a repeat performance.

The question of where to start prompted a slow scan of the building fronts that lined either side of the street and after a thoughtful moment the girl dipped her head to nod towards one in particular. "Why don't we start there?" It was a higher end place, they'd blend in easily.

Navigating the street wasn't easy, now the interior of the club. Delphine had made it inside, waved through as the bouncer spotted the band in her wrist. She'd grabbed it from the hotel before they'd left figuring it'd come in handy. The down side was she'd lost her hold on Gansey's arm as she'd entered, and she had to shut back at him as the shifting crowded forever her further inside. "I'll wait for you at the bar!"

It was a struggle to get there, but as she clutched at the edge of the counter top she felt like she could breath again, like she want in danger of being crushed. As she caught her breath, eyes closed to block out the crowd, she couldn't help but over hear the couple sitting beside her...



Wrathful Demigod

Nuxaz rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-6)


PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 7:47 am
Delphine picked a location and Gansey escorted her over to it, careful to make sure that they made it through the crowd without incident. Of course, they still managed to get separated when she flashed a wristband he hadn't noticed to the bouncer and was ushered in first while he had to wait for the man to ID him and provide him with his own.

He had reached for his own, deciding that he knew which was best, and was ushered inside. The amount of people might have been suffocating if one wasn't used to this type of scene but Gansey was and he'd always been adaptable.

It took him a moment to slip through the crowd and find Delphine against the bar. He slipped behind her easily enough, pressing his hand gently against the small of her back when he came up behind her and whispered into her ear.

"Hello gorgeous, may I get you a drink?"

Beejoux rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-6)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 8:12 pm
She stiffened when she felt a hand at the small of her back, warm fingertips smoothing along exposed skin through the stylish little cut out at the back of her dress, but the familiar cadence of the young man's voice had her leaning back against him with a relieved sigh.

"I don't suppose they'd have any good wines available?" She didn't often find herself in this sort of a setting so she honestly didn't have a clue if a club would have a wine cellar or not. Back home it seemed fairly unlikely given what she'd heard about the clubs there, but here in Europe perhaps she'd get lucky. Most countries she'd traveled through the last time she'd been traveling abroad.

A glass was slid in front of her and Delphine glanced up in time to see the bartender give her a small wink and bright smile before walking away. It had silver brows arching curious back at him before dipping to the glass in front of her that appeared be nothing but ice water. "Peculiar behavior..." Had she looked thirsty?

Was a slight smile she nudged the glass back without so much as taking a sip, not trusting that it was only water. Sure, the bartender might have been being kind, but she hadn't wanted him fill the glass and she was too cautious to trust it was harmless.



Wrathful Demigod

Nuxaz rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-6)


PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 6:54 am
"Hard to say," he replied, glancing over at the row of bottles stored against the wall. "They'll have wine, but I don't know that it'll be good."

In his experience most clubs, even higher end ones, tended to have boxed wine. He didn't think that was the type of wine to sate her wants. "Won't hurt to ask," he added, shoulders shrugging when the bartender slid her...water and then him something else. His nose wrinkled slightly, wondering what was in the drink and why he was being given it.

Sure, he was attractive, but he was clearly with company.

"I think my lady friend and I are good for right now," Gansey replied to the bartender who looked immediately irritated by the dismissal of a free drink. That only made Gansey feel more confident that he had made the right decision.

"They're behaving strangely."

Beejoux rolled 1 6-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-6)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 6:21 pm
It was probably better to avoid the wine, but if not that Delphine wasn't entirely sure what else she might like. Mimosa's were good, and champagne, but this was neither the time nor the setting for either. She clicked her tongue, mildly annoyed with herself for not having a more broad drink palette.

However, as a drink was slid across the bar to Gansey next her brows creased as she glanced between him and the bartender. The man behind her definitely hadn't ordered anything. "Very peculiar behavior," she corrected herself, leaning a little more firmly back against Gansey's hand and the tall line of his body.

"I agree. It's very suspicious." She watched on as the bartender returned to the other guests milling about and clamoring for drinks, and she waited for him to get back to mixing drinks before she stepped up on the foot runner that surrounded the bar, placed her palms flat on the counter itself, and hoisted herself up to half lay across it so she could take a peek below the edge of the bar top at the secondary counter on the other side, and the floor and shelves beyond that.

She didn't see any boxes of wrist bands, or really anything else that might have explained why the bar staff were acting so strangely. "There's nothing here. If they're hiding wristbands they're hiding them somewhere else."



Wrathful Demigod


PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2019 10:11 am
Gansey played look out for Delphine as she peered over the bar-top. He also took the opportunity to observe other things, like the nice curve of her back and the way her dress really highlighted her assets. It allowed him to be distracted enough that he didn't really notice someone coming up behind him.

"What do you think you're doing missy?" A gruff voice called out, thick hand reaching for her shoulder to yank her back from what she was doing.

"Looks like you and I need to have a chat." The burly looking man's gaze cut over to Gansey. "You too." A meaty hand wrapped around Gansey's bicep and both were led off somewhere, the thickness of the crowd making it difficult to get away from the tight, vice grip of what they could assume was a bouncer.

They were led into a room that looked like an office after being pulled down a hall and through a door.

Everything else was a blur, before blue fog filled the room and they were knocked unconscious.

Talk about a mission gone wrong!
((Delphine and Gansey have been captured! No mission report is needed as, well, there's no one to fill it!))

prepare for incoming new rp
♥ In the Name of the Moon! ♥

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