It had been a few moons since they had left the lands called the Suzat and Veturildi had joined up with them about halfway through their trip. Had the time truly gone by so quickly? Apollo had changed so much in the time he had spent with the lions in his small troupe and he was rather sad to have to see any of them part ways. Especially Tuktirey, he had grown to care for her like an older brother to his younger sister, and he wondered if maybe he could call her home his home? "Tirey, I have a question to ask you." The pale male said with a twist of his lips as he was unsure if he'd even be able to ask her. He had been a d**k for most of the trip and had finally settled down after being around others for a time.

Tuktirey looked over towards him, her green gaze dancing. "What is it?" She was quite pleased with how much he had changed in their time together and she was proud to say she might have had something to do with that, she had made a better lion out of him and she would always be proud of that.

"Maybe... Well. Could I call your home my home perhaps? If anything at least stay a time like Veturilidi? Since we both know he won't join." Looking over towards their darker blue male companion he gave a chuckle.

"We will see once we get there, if anything I'm sure you visiting won't be an issue, will allow you to make up your mind once we get there." Once he saw it and felt the ambiance of the place she was certain he'd fall in love with it.

It was true, Veturildi wouldn't join them, he had obligations elsewhere and had only come along to learn new things and maybe visit with her pride to see what they were like for himself. Of course he wouldn't be staying but it would be nice to have it in his database of knowledge. "Well, if he joins you'll color me surprised." He had never thought the male would ever settle down anywhere so the fact that he was considering joining their female friends pride made him chuckle.

Horus really didn't care either way what happened because no matter what he'd always have food and somewhere to stay so really the avian just wanted Apollo to be happy with his decision.

Apollo frowned, at first glance you wouldn't have thought he would have made a good addition to any pride but he had changed quite a bit since they had started their journey together! Standing up tall and proud he shook the negative thoughts from his mind and looked over towards Veturildi with a twinkle in his eyes. "Just watch me, I'll make you all proud." If not by joining her pride by joining another pride, somewhere else perhaps.

The pastel colored bird laughed at Apollo's words and clung to the males back with his talons, careful to not dig in too tightly, he didn't want to actually claw him. "Will you though?" He was only messing with the lion but he really was relieved that he hadn't kept being a complete idiot. His lion companion had come a very long way from the day they had found one another and he was quite a happy bird.

Tuktirey smiled as they all walked along, the air seeming to grow thicker as they walked through the lands that were turning less and less plains covered and more and more tree covered, eventually they would be in nothing but thick jungle and she began to smell a familiar smell, this was home, well not exactly HOME but she was getting closer! "This is so exciting, I wonder if anyone I know is still there..." She was growing nervous now, what if NO ONE recognized her and she was going to have to just start over from scratch and pretend she had never been there before, after all if there was no one there that knew her who would believe she used to be there? Shaking her head she chased those thoughts away, it would all work out.

Vetrildi walked closer to the female and leaned into her, in a reassuring manner. "You need to not fret so much, I'm sure everything is going to go alright, besides you have Apollo, Horus and myself. We won't let anything happen to you if things don't go the way you thought they might." Hoping his words reassured her the male did have a soft spot for her. She had gone through so much and was now almost home, he remembered having such a feeling himself once upon a time, when he was younger and had returned home after a great deal of time away.

"Right! We won't let you down Tux!" The bird puffed up his chest and tried to make himself appear larger than he really was, but it didn't really work out that well and he just looked like a fluffy ball instead.

Tux couldn't help but give a hearty laugh at his attempt and all the worry washed from her with the laughter that echoed from her chest. "I needed that, thank you guys. Really, I'm not sure I could have made it back without your help. You've truly done so much for me." Even if they had bickered a great deal in the beginning with one another. The friendship that had been forged between the four of them would last a lifetime, even after they had all parted ways. "Know that no matter what happens you'll be welcomed here. You'll always have a 'home' with me and my pride." If she ever was able to join back up with them.

They all continued on, chatting about what would happen once they finally got her to her home that it wasn't long until the smell of other's hit their noses and caused them all to pause. "I guess this is it." She said looking at them.

"I guess it is." Veturildi added.

"Well, let's go then." Apollo nudged her forward. "We've brought you home Tux." Horus said proudly and they moved onward, ready to return her to her home.