Aukai Oceansoul
I can change the title if you want. XD

Rinis was tired. It'd been a long day. Almost as long as when she was a candidate. No, she was pretty sure it had been longer. Somehow serving others, instead of studying, made the day longer. She glanced down at her arms full of sated, sleepy firelizards. They probably didn't help much either. Luckily Chaek was flitting easily above her head.

She hadn't meant to be this late. Rinis had finished up in the kitchen, scrubbing dishes after dinner, then fed her firelizards. One of the other workers had offered to help, and she'd let him. They'd started talking and before she knew it, it had gotten quite late. Rinis hoped Solouth wasn't asleep yet. She hated to wake him when she needed a ride up.

Finally the weyr she shared with her mate came into view. "Go ask for my ride Chaek." She murmured to the brown firelizard who shot up and darted into the cave. While she waited, she tickled the gold asleep across one arm. "Wake up my beauties. It's time to fly yourself up, cause I need these arms to hold on." Rinis laughed as she got sleepy cheeps back.