Saevath was growing BORED. These weyrling lessons were tedious at best, and with Hers seeming to be in a consistent state of 'try to be good', the little Green was getting more and more agitated by the day. Today, those glittering orange eyes were now somehow dark red, and while she adored her Rider and was terribly careful not to bite HARD, she was still rather nippy. It wasn't until she had a break that the angry creature decided that THEY were going to do something Either follow me, or figure it out. Came the snippish statement, as Saevath twined her way over to where the ONLY dragon she wanted to see was. Cadereth would find himself with a small attachment, as Sae rubbed her head under his, crooning plaintively, Cadereth. It's all so TRYING. How have you not put some of these agitating little wherries in their place yet? Do you want me to do it for you?

Rune followed close behind, sighing as she recognized the Bronze that had killed that kid, and his new rider. As far as she was concerned, Death happened on the sands, and if a Hatchling chose you to die, too bad. They had their reasons, and their right. "Sorry about her." She murmured to the other. K'rou, wasn't it? "Saevath seems...kind of weirdly attached to Yours, in a creepy sort of way." That got a non-comittal shrug from the rough young woman, her eyes studying the red-eyed little one, who was clearly hoping for SOME kind of attention.
