Midas swallowed hard as the captain signaled for everyone to move closer, they would expected to strategize how they would convince the females to come with them. Astrid and Casp closed in, standing a respectful distance away from the captain to allow everyone in the group to see what was being told, Midas slipped away and stood close to Astrid, a discomforted look in his eye.

“What’s wrong?” Astrid whispered to his father, unable to focus on the captain and his orders. After all, never in his life had he seen his father so worked up over something. Midas just shook his head, urging his curious son to stop prying and instead focus on listening to the Captain.

“Astrid.” The captain was now addressing the starry-pelted lion, his gaze dangerous as Astrid stared dumbfounded at the captain.

“…..Yes.” The reply was weak, but an attempt to at the very least try and not get screamed at. Astrid pushed a stone around with his paw as he felt his anxiety grow. He really would rather not be in the mix of whatever was at play at this time.

Ably’s eyes lit up as though some sort of lottery had been won. “Hah, so you are not a whiny b***h then. Glad you are okay with taking on a thrall.” Alby closed in on Astrid and patted him on the shoulder. “Well… I am taking blue over there… which one do you want?” The huge white lion’s maw twisted into a grin, this was all a joke to him, he knew Astrid hadn’t been paying attention and was probably currently freaking out internally.

“Well…. Um.” Astrid looked into the distance and noticed the lioness trio as they closed in, almost like they were coming for them. “I like the blue one too!” Astrid blurted the words out before he could stop himself and immediately regretted doing so. Alby who had been making a joke of the poor dark lion was now tense, muscles tight, fighting the urge to strike out at Astrid.

“Did I stutter? The b***h is mi-“Casp stepped in suddenly, “I think that whiter gal is a sight for sore eyes.” He gazed out at the killdeer patterned lioness and smiled dreamily. “I am taking her.” Alby, Astrid and Midas all stood and stared at Casp, confused as to why he would choose now of all times to interrupt the explosion that was currently at play.

“Well… whatever, the ******** dude you are weird.” Alby was now addressing Casp, however his entire demeanor had changed. Alby was less of a prickly pear and more of an annoyed oaf, Casp looked back at Astrid and Midas exchanging a wink. The clown had planned the whole thing out.

Out in the distance, Votla, Hesper and Kakali had been wandering, each carrying a satchel with goods from the swamps. They were traders and any chance they had to score better items or fill their bellies they took full advantage of. This was one of those occasions and Kakali had taken notice of the group in the distance in front of them. Nudging Votla’s shoulder, Kakali nodded her head in the direction of the lions. “Potential buyer’s ladies!”

Grey eyes traced the horizon and rested on the group of lions in the distance, a chill ran down her spine – Votla’s gut feeling told her to stay far away from the group that was gathered. Shifting her gaze back to Kakali, Votla shook her head. “I don’t think this would be wise.” Stopping Votla turned to Hesper behind her. “What’re your thoughts, Hesper?”

Clicking her tongue on the top of her mouth, Hesper analyzed the situation- Rarely did Votla turn down the opportunity for a sale so this was a bit strange. Counting the heads, Hesper’s mouth formed severe line- and then she realized who was in the party. “Midas…” Eyes watering, Hesper pushed past Votla and Kakali towards the lion who had agreed to raise her children for her.

Kakali and Votla both exchanged glances- One excited the other fearful. There were whispers of pillaging, raping, abduction and murder associated with a couple prides, one of which was the Stormborn. Those who enjoyed wearing their manes in braids and treated other creatures like objects to trade and order. Votla, unlike Kakali, knew where Hesper’s children had gone and just who was taking care of those children. Midas. This wasn’t an ordinary group of lions in the distances. They were Stormborn.

“Hesper, don’t!’ Votla chased after Hesper who was now several feet away from her closing in on the group. The darker, celestial lioness turned back to Votla and glared. “You know I need to go see him. Stay back if you are that fearful.” Votla stopped for a moment, recollecting herself before scowling. “You know what they do to others. Hesper, they are dangerous.”

Stepping in front of Votla, Kakali glanced between the two lionesses, “I am not even going to pretend to know what is going on… but both of you need to calm down.” Pointing towards the lions, the entire group stiffened. “They are coming.”


Midas had made a point to offer to lead the group towards the three lionesses- He was hoping to clue Astrid in on what was going on and maybe even offer and escape route for Hesper and her friends. It wasn’t likely, but he couldn’t let Ably capture Hesper. That was his goal and he would fight tooth and nail to make sure it was fulfilled.

“Son?” Midas whispered low, hoping to catch Astrid’s attention solely. The gods thankfully were on Midas’ side, as Astrid looked at Midas almost immediately. “Hmm?” Mismatched eyes wore confusion. Midas frowned as he thought of what to say to Astrid- He had some idea of the lion’s anxiety and he hated to think of how he might react to the new of his mother being in this group.

“Dad…?”Astrid could cut the tension with his claws. Midas frowned deeper, something Astrid didn’t think was possible. The dark lion’s brows furrowed as he continued to stare and keep pace with his father.

“Astrid… That lioness over there...” Midas nodded at the starry pelted trader, his mouth going dry as he slowed his movement. “Yeah, Ably’s favorite?” Midas nodded. “What about her?” Taking a deep breath in, Midas slowly let it out then took another breath in before dropping the bomb on his son, “Astrid. That lioness is your mother.”

Astrid’s stomach twisted and his heartrate sped up, his mouth was hanging open. He closed it after a few seconds, swallowed and attempted again to say anything. Nothing. Just an ever increasing heartrate as his anxiety skyrocketed.

Casp, who was just a few paces behind Astrid took noticed of the younger lion’s sudden jerky motions and looked at Midas, calling out to him. “Your kid get into the sauce or something?” Midas looked back at Casp, ready to ignore what the black lion said, but almost as soon as it was addressed Astrid dropped.

[Cast - Astrid, Midas, Casp, Alby, Votla, Kakali and Hesper. Word Count –1173]