When Sylwanin had taken charge he had allowed it because he was still too close to the damages that had ravaged their lands and taken his loved one's from him. He had been in no condition to lead a pride or take care of it's members the way he should have or would have liked. Now he was ready though, and he hoped Sylwanin understood.

Moving through their now reconstructed homelands you wouldn't think anything had happened to them except for the lack of members, it was almost as if they were a dying breed because of the loss of life they had endured but it seemed like new life was finding a way back into the pride.

It wasn't long before he came across the dark blue female and he dipped his head as his golden eyes found her dark red one's. "I see you sister."

"I see you brother." Her curtly reply to the male that stood before her. It wasn't hard to guess why he was here and she was pleased to know that the grandson of Eytucan was finally rising to the challenge and willing to take his place as the patriarch of their pride. She knew her temporary position as 'leader' would come to an end eventually and she wasn't going to have pushed the matter until she knew he had been ready and here he was seeking her out on his own. He stood tall and proud and it made her smile, it was good to see that he was almost a new lion, one that was destined for greatness perhaps.

"I would like to talk to you if you have a free moment?" Waving a paw for her to walk with him, he hoped that she wasn't otherwise engaged so that he could discuss something with her that had been troubling him but troubled him no more.

"Of course." She fell into step with the male as they walked through the dense jungle of their homeland, waiting for him to bring up what this was all about.

He was no longer nervous and spoke with a proud and firm tone, "I wish to take over as the Olo'eyktan of these lands. It was my grandfathers place and while I'm certain he was going to select someone worthy of the position his disappearance had left him without naming an heir so I claim it as my birthright. I have also spent countless hours with the members of this pride helping rebuild what had been lost in the storm." It was true, he had put his blood, sweat and tears into helping rebuild their home so that it was as great as it once was.

Listening as he spoke she couldn't be happier. "But of course, I had never meant to make this a permanent position for myself, as it seems you are ready to take over I am more than happy to allow you to take over full responsibility for the pride with me and my mate as your advisers of course." They would always be there to support the king and his future queen. Speaking of, she had hear rumors that an old face had returned, perhaps he would enlighten her.

As he Ila'tanhi lead them along he finally came to the spot in which Tuktirey was waiting for him. The blue lioness smiled as she saw him approaching and gave an even brighter smile as she saw Sylwanin, but would she remember her?

Sylwanin had hoped the rumors were true and here they were, her Niece was standing before her, her sister's daughter. "Oh Tirey, I have missed you so much. I had thought you long gone much like your parents." Moving forwards she moved to embrace the female she couldn't help the tears that fell down her face in joy of her family being returned to her.

Tuktirey fell into her Aunts loving embrace and thanked the great mother that she had been allowed this moment with her sole family member. "I've missed you so, I'm so sorry that it took me so long to find my way back." Butting her head against her aunt she pulled away and moved over towards Tanhi and leaned into the male lovingly as he gazed up at him.

"We have a favor of you, would you hold the ceremony for us? We wish to bond ourselves before Ewya and would love for you and the Tirea'eyktan to hold the ceremony for us. While we already know in our hearts that we are meant to be, we want it done officially." The blue female said as she lifted her green gaze up towards her dark counterpart.

Tanhi gave a bow of his head, "It's true. I had always loved her but when she disappeared I had given up hope and then another came and went just like that and I had given up hope on ever finding my one and only and now Tuktirey is back and I can finally call myself Olo'eyktan with Tuktirey as Tsahìk at my side." Standing proudly against his mate he smiled at Sylwanin, while they were bonded together as one he wanted the pride to see them officially.

The dark female wasn't sure what to say at first for not only had her daughter returned, tanhi had taken over as leader, but now her niece was going to be the matriarch of their home AND she was going to be the one officiating it. There was nothing that would make her happier and she bowed before the two with a sweep of her paw. "I would be honored and am honored to do such a thing. I will find Z'aria and we shall start working on getting the ceremony together for you." Truly they were blessed on this night.

"Come Aunt, we have much to catch up on and I'm sure Tanhi want's to tell his brother the good news." She smiled and led her still shocked aunt away as Tanhi left to go find P'xan and inform him of the news.