With the Hatching wrapped there was a bustle of activity. Weyrlings were still feeding and oiling their dragons, and being escorted to the Weyrling Barracks to find their new assigned cots; Candidates were being consoled and ushered back to their Barracks for a time of rest and emotional recuperation. Visitors would be taken back to the Holds and Halls so they might also rest, relax, and clean up. Guests and visitors would be picked up later that evening if they wished to attend the Feast...though all were waiting word on who was allowed to come back. Rumors spread faster than wildfire, and already there were whispers of what might or might not happen.

To start, Zheria, D'mon, Y'mar, and Olilah entered the Weyrleader's conference room immediately after it was clear the Hatching was over. R'mor and Hestina were made to wait, as the Candidatesmaster Gr'del was invited to enter first. The conversation... did not take terribly long. What was said only those within the room knew. It wasn't a long conversation, which perhaps didn't bode well for anyone. Was it simply the Leadership didn't want explanations or was it that they had made up their mind long before this? Either way, the man who left moved slower, and took a few moments in the corridors to compose himself. At the end of the day, no matter what he had been told, no matter what their decision happened to be... He still had a duty. If he stopped to wipe at his eyes a few times, well, there was no one there to witness such pain. And by the time he exited and came face-to-face with the crowd, he looked more or less in tact. Still stoic, still reserved, but his first duty was to console the Candidates that were left in his care. To ensure they made it through this day....

And to prepare them for what was next to come.

Siriath reached out to all High Reaches Candidates and Assistant Candidatemasters and gently asked them to gather into the Barracks so His might have a word...

- - - - - -
After he left, Hestina and R'mor were allowed to enter. The door closed, and remained closed for some time. What the Leadership spoke about, again, only those in room knew. There were many who might wish to be a trundlebug upon the wall. A candlemark, then two. No voices were raised, but whatever they discussed certainly wasn't rushed. Finally, by the time the door opened, only R'mor and Hestina exited.

Treth, give the word. It's time to weigh anchor and cast off! The Western Weyrwoman had been a pirate for far too long to be entirely anything else.

Western Weyr - all hands! We're homeward bound. Get your gear and get out.

What Western Weyr would find out later is that the only ones welcome to the Feast were those immediate family members who Impressed. Should any of those family members be known troublemakers, then R'mor and Hestina would preemptively keep them back. They weren't ready to to take any chances to further upset High Reaches.

- - - -

By the time all his Candidates had his assistants arrived, Gr'del stared at each and every one. Those too banged up at the infirmary would be notified later, but for now, he had the attention of the majority. For a long moment, he said nothing. It was a hard day for everyone in that room--the death of a Candidate still hung heavy on his shoulders, and it was clear the brownrider took the blame. The behavior of his Candidates had been a mix of excellent and terrible... but it didn't matter now.

"It's been a rough a day for all of us, hasn't it?" He mused aloud. "I'm going to add to it." He wasn't going to sugar coat the words, wasn't going to try to spare anyone's feelings. He suspected many knew what he was about to say, anyway. No sense beating around the bush. His coddling and more paternal nature had already caused enough damage.

"Sometime this sevenday, you will be under the supervision of a new Candidatemaster. The Weyrleadership hasn't yet given any names, but you'll know soon enough I'm sure." He stared hard at the Candidates, trying to fight the emotion that threatened to clog his throat. This was the job he had wanted; this was the job he had strived for, yearned for... and now? ... He was back to being nothing more than a Wingrider. Nothing more than... a brownrider. He'd never been ambitious, but he had assisted Candidates from a young age; and had finally been tapped to lead them. Perhaps he'd been too soft; perhaps he'd been too obliging. He'd failed them all, just like he'd failed Shinnikan; just like he'd failed his Weyr, his Leaders, and himself.

He swallowed hard and carried on. "There may be a change in assistants as well, depending on what our Leadership decides. This might be difficult news, but changes in Leadership happen all the time within the Weyr. It's something you'll need to get used to, and I suppose it's time for a change." Clearly, he was doing not a one of them any sort of favor. While the Candidates chose to behave certain ways, they were all ultimately his responsibility.

Punching eggs, sleeping on the Sands, burying themselves, fawning over eggs, fighting among themselves... The list of infractions went on and on. Perhaps he really was the problem. Perhaps... it was better this way, for them. "For now, carry on as normal. Rest, recuperate, and try to enjoy the Feast tonight. Lessons resume first thing tomorrow." He'd keep them apprised of what they needed to know, as they needed to know it.

For now... Well, that was all the information he had. "Dismissed."

If the Candidates thought to get a lecture about behavior, they were mistaken. What more could he say? Nothing he could tell them mattered now. He did his best and still came up short. He'd take the blame for everything that happened this day... His Candidates deserved better. The Weyr deserved better. Yes... Perhaps they were all better off like this.

- - - -

Ok, so to save myself HELLA LONG MOSTLY SOLO RP WRITING... Here's a low down of some Consequences.

The Hatching Feast
High Reaches Weyr will allow immediate family to come celebrate with those who Impressed. Western Candidates are allowed to join in the feast provided they are on their best behavior. Their family members are not allowed and must remain at Western Weyr or wherever they hail from--the exception being if they were a previously invited guest of High Reaches Weyr. i.e a Holder, a beloved Crafter, or a known High Reaches Ally. Western Candidates who Impressed are now considered High Reaches riders. Their immediate family is allowed to return to celebrate with them.

Kiri gets a sevenday of mourning with her brother K'din before she gets shipped back to Western.

Western Candidates who were gravely or seriously injured and need time to recover will be kept at High Reaches Weyr until it is safe to transfer them back to Western.

Immediate Family Definition: Parental Figures (Biological, Foster, or Adopted), Siblings (Biological, Foster, or Adopted). If said Candidate was raised by an Uncle, Grandparent, Cousin, etc. then an exception will be made as that's technically their only family. If said Western Weyrling has no other family than a lover, or a friend, then it's possible they could be allowed to come, but it will be a case-by-case scenario. Otherwise? Friends. Girlfriend. Boyfriend. Aunts. Uncles, etc. They all get the cliffnotes version when Western comes back.

Ranking Westerners are allowed--Wingseconds on up--but they MUST be on their BEST behavior.

Until further notice, no High Reaches Searchriders are allowed to Search from the Western Continent or bring back Candidates.

Western Weyr is also not allowed to Search in High Reaches Weyr territory, and this is something R'mor will also enforce.

Until further notice, High Reaches Weyr will NOT be Searching any new Candidates. OOCly this means if you want to make a Candidate, they sure as heck better be a weyrbrat OR someone Searched prior to this Hatching. This will eventually be lifted, no worries, but for now, they are going to be more discerning about who they allow Stand. ICly, all Search riders get a hard stop, no matter who they find interesting. Kind of like how in the books, Robinton had a (possibly) Search dragon interested in him, but was just a hair too young. Search was not held for the next few clutches and he missed his opportunity.

OOCly, Uta and Cheri will likely be more restrictive on Candidates and future Standidates. We may have let characters slide a bit too much. This is Pern's military, after all, and if your character doesn't seem to fit what is acceptable then we may have to deny the application. We get darker backgrounds and more sordid histories are fine, but the Weyr is not meant to be a place to heal and fix your characters, or sapped of its resources. Expect us to tighten up Candidate Approval.

OOCly we will also try to have more Candidate lessons so folks know what they're getting into! :3

High Reaches Weyr will not be as welcoming to Western Weyr guests. If your rider is from Western Weyr, you sure as heck better be there on business and on your best behavior. Sorry Susurinth--a blockhead bronze may have just made it harder to see your kids for now. While High Reaches Weyr is still welcome to visit Western Weyr, High Reaches will likely take a more aloof approach. They're a little salty. Expect a cold reception, and don't stay too long.

Candidate Swaps
For the moment, High Reaches Weyr has no interest in inviting Western Candidates. Whether or not Western Weyr invites High Reaches to swap come their next Hatching remains to be seen. For now, assume this just went tits up.

Sorry kiddos. Effective immediately High Reaches Weyr is closing up its doors. This means flights are NO LONGER OPEN. When a green or gold in High Reaches Weyr goes up, only Weyr dragons get to chase. Any outsiders will not be welcome.

We will allow each player a single green to have a Flight somewhere outside the Weyr, in which case they can have an open flight. But as the majority of times Flights happen in the Weyr, we are limiting you to one green per IRL year.

High Reaches Weyr Queens do not get such an option. Their Flights are NOT open to outsiders and will always take place in the Weyr. While folks can still make NPCs they must now make them High Reaches dragons.

While bronzes, browns, and blues could go hang around Western Weyr for flights, consider it a betrayal of the Weyr to do so. A few small exceptions might be made if a pair is clearly weyrmated, but your characters shouldn't be hanging out at Western Weyr for the lolz anyway, so those scenarios should not be common.

High Reaches will be getting a new Candidatemaster.... Good luck.

Assistant Candidatemasters
We will be opening up a contest for new Candidatemasters. And possibly a few other things. ICly, Assistant Candidatemasters will need to reapply for their jobs. OOCly,more to come on whether they keep it or not. We'll be opening up contests to see if anyone wants to help run lessons and reapply for their roles.

Firestone & Trade Between the Weyrs
High Reaches supplies Western with Firestone. Effective immediately, Rhianth & her Caravan will not be visiting Western Weyr to trade or deliver goods for the moment. Other traders High Reaches Weyr works with will still provide, but it is now on Western Weyr to supply the manpower. They also will be held to High Reaches schedule, and will need to work around it to get their stone.

Those who come to pick up Firestone will not be welcome to stay or linger. It is essentially the job of their Wings, and visits will be entirely business. No standing around talking, no taking meals.

Training & Threadfall Aid
High Reaches Weyr had sent many riders to Western to aid them and help teach htem how to fight Thread. They will be returning immediately OR will be officially transferred if their allegiance is more towards the Western Weyr lifestyle. Consider this a free and automatic transfer. OOCly, if you have a character who was stationed at Western Weyr in their history, they now have to decide whether they stay or go. Otherwise? All that help is coming back to High Reaches Weyr.

You may also now make characters who, in their history, can use this as a plot point if you wish. :3

Dissent Among the Ranks
High Reaches Weyr is a proud Weyr with a long history and tradition. They are NOT Western Weyr. Those who are known to dissent, or fight against how the Weyr works, may find harsher punishment.

Western Weyr Punishment
Expect a long, scathing, and disappointed "chat" from R'mor and Hestina. All riders of Western will be reminded of how when they leave this Weyr, they are a representative of ALL Western riders. They are riders, for Faranth sake, and are expected to be good, honorable, and dependable. Whether they believe in the politics of another Weyr, Hold, or Hall--as a guest they are meant to be civilized and polite.

Riders are not allowed to get political with Halls and Holds no matter their personal beliefs, or how wretched an area it happens to be. There truly is a separation of Weyr and Hold/Hall. This means riders have no choice but to bite their tongue at Nabol and Bitra and Crom. This means keeping their opinions of how a Weyr is run to themselves when visiting any other Traditional Weyr. Standing up for Western Weyr is one thing, especially if others are putting it down, but insulting others for differences is not the Western Weyr way.

Expect all of Western Weyr to be watched. Poor behavior will not be tolerated.

- - - -
The Grand Scheme
Ultimately, this is not a punishment on anyone. LOL This is purely to give folks characters things to respond to ICly and just things to enjoy. These decisions happened way above their heads. This isn't anybody's fault, and is supposed to be fun. Use it to developed your current characters, or come up with new ones!

It's possible we may forget some things out of old habits, but please try to abide by the new rules. We'll try to update staff guides and things as we see fit -- make strike out "original" rules and make the updated ones next to it in case we go back. ; D

Additionally, OOCly, this is actually not High Reaches Weyr doing. Hestina actually feels that it might be best to give the two Weyrs a bit of space and breathing room. Rumors will go around,both Weyrs, I'm sure, but just know that this was a mutual decision by both parties. Their alliance isn't actually broken, but think of it as Mom and Dad had a fight, and now are in separate room. Some of these bans might be lifted in time. For now though... Both Weyrs are taking a little time apart.

This also shouldn't affect things too much. Some small changes, such as how Flights are handled, and who is handling the Candidates, but otherwise feel free to continue. Just know things between High Reaches Weyr and Western are kind of on thin-ice. Unaffiliated riders might get a cold welcome depending on if they're loyal to the Weyr or not. Traders, caravans, and other visitors must have a good reason to be at the Weyr.